Home > Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(193)

Series Starter : Firsts in Series Collection(193)
Author: Kaylee Ryan

The four of us continue to sit, laughing and talking. Aiden and Liam keep us supplied with drinks. Liam’s still sitting next to me with his arm draped over the back of the booth. He’s lazily making circles on my shoulder. He’s driving me insane. The attraction I feel for him is like nothing I’ve ever felt. It scares the shit out of me. Liam isn’t exactly what you would call a player, but Hailey has told me multiple times he doesn’t date and is never serious about anyone. Football is his life. As much as I want the college experience, I also want the love and connection. One-night stands and hookups aren’t my thing, and never will be. I want more. Dancing with Liam tonight confirmed that for me. I can never be a hookup for him, and he can never be committed to anyone. I know nothing will go beyond innocent flirting, no matter how sexy he is. I’ve just confirmed to myself, I’m an all or nothing girl, and I vow to stay true to that.

“I need the ladies’ room,” Hailey announces. “Allison, come with me?”

I nod my head as Liam and Aiden let us out of the booth. Aiden looks at both of us. “Be careful, if you aren’t back in ten minutes, I’m coming to look for you.” I try to focus on what he’s saying, I really do, but Liam has his hand on the small of my back again as we were waiting for Aiden to finish lecturing us on safety.

Hailey winks at them and pulls me away to the ladies’ room. Once inside she smiles at me. “My brother’s into you.”

I feel my face flush. “He’s just being friendly,” I manage to reply.

Hailey giggles, we’re definitely feeling the drinks. “He’s different with you.”

I shrug. “Let’s do our business and get out of here. I don’t want Aiden coming to hunt us down.”

As we exit the ladies’ room, “Country Girl” by Luke Bryan comes blaring through the sound system, so that’s exactly what we do all the way back to the guys. Once we reach our booth, we continue doing what Luke asks us to, and continue our onset of shaking and grooving. I watch as Aiden and Liam stand up from the table. I’m excited thinking they’re going to join us on the dance floor. Before I realize what is happening, Aiden has me by the waist and is leading me to the exit. I look back to see Liam following with an angry expression, pulling Hailey with him.

“Hey! We aren’t ready to leave,” Hailey slurs.

“Too damn bad,” Liam growls and pulls her tight against him. “We need to get you two home, so that you can sober up.”

Aiden helps me into the passenger seat of my car before turning to Liam. “I’ll meet you back at the house. I’m just going to bring Ash with me; I don’t want her being alone in case she gets sick.”

“Hey, what I am shopped liver?” Hailey slurs.

Aiden laughs. “That’s chopped liver, Hales, and no offense, but you’re in no shape to take care of anyone.”

Aiden helps me into his apartment and leads me to the kitchen table. I plop down in the chair and put my head down. I’m starting to really feel the effects of the alcohol. The excitement of the bar kept me going, but now that things are quiet and calm, I can feel my head pounding.

Aiden touches my shoulder. “Here, Ash, drink this and take these.” He hands me a bottle of water and two Advil.

Hailey dumps herself into the chair beside me and groans.

“Here, Hales, take these and drink up.” He hands her the same regimen. Apparently, Aiden is trying to prevent us from feeling like a dog’s ass the next day, or so I think I hear him say.

“Ash, you need to drink all the water,” Aiden scolds me.

“Too tired,” I mumble.

Aiden chuckles. “Just drink it all, and then you can sleep, Ash.”

I pull my head up from the table to scowl at him, but it hurts too badly to frown. I’m sure whatever expression I’m wearing is rather amusing, considering their smiles. Aiden and Liam are both leaning against the kitchen counter with their legs crossed, smirking at us. Assholes.

I’m tired and just want to sleep, so I do as I’m told and finish off the water. I go to stand up and lose my balance. Aiden and Liam both reach for me, but I grab onto Aiden. “Now can I sleep, Ace?” I whisper.

“Yes, you can sleep. Let’s get you to bed.”

“Shhhh,” I whisper, “there’s no need to yell.”

Aiden just laughs as he leads me down the hall and into his room. I plop down on the bed, and he hands me one of his old football jerseys to sleep in. “Get changed, I’ll be right back,” he tells me.



Chapter 8





Drunk Allison is adorable. I stand in the kitchen beside Aiden, waiting for her and Hales to take the Advil and drink the bottle of water Aiden has given them. I glance at my sister. I’ve seen her in this state before. She usually stays over and either sleeps on the couch or with me, depending on what’s going on. Tonight, however, Blitzen is passed out on our couch. Apparently, his roommate is using their place. He texted earlier and asked if it was cool. I mentioned it to Aiden and he was okay with it. Blitzen knew where the spare key was, so he let himself in and crashed on the couch. However, when we agreed, we didn’t know that we would have the girls to deal with. Aiden insisted we bring them here, since they’re both three sheets to the wind and in no shape to care for themselves or each other. I agreed, but now that we’re here, it hits me, Is she going to sleep with him?

I get my answer once Allison finishes her water; Aiden helps her out of her chair and starts guiding her down the hall to his room. What the fuck! I assist Hailey to my room and step out into the hall while she changes. She insisted on keeping clothes here just for this occasion when she moved on campus. There was no point in arguing with her. I figured she’d need them at some point. Aiden steps out into the hall at the same time. I scowl at him.

“What’s up, man?” Aiden asks, confused.

“Are you sleeping in the bed with her?” I growl at him.

Aiden laughs out loud. “Dude, she’s like my sister, I’ve told you this.”

I just stare at him. Deep down I know I’m being irrational, but the thought of her in another man’s bed pisses me the fuck off, even if it is her ‘brother’. “Maybe we should let the girls take my room and you and I can bunk together. I’ll take the floor.” I want Allison in my bed, even if it is Hailey she shares it with. I don’t want her curled up with Aiden, but I don’t want to think about that particular issue right now.

“No, man, it’s cool. Ash and I have shared a bed before, just like you and Hales. She’s changing now, and then we’re just going to hit the sack.”

Before I can reply, I hear Allison. “Ace, I’m done.”

With that, Aiden walks back into his room and shuts the door. I stand here for several minutes before Hales steps out into the hall. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” I stomp back into my room and slam the door.

Hailey joins me a few minutes later and climbs into bed. “Liam, are you okay?” she whispers.

I roll over and ignore her.

“Liam.” She places her hand on my arm.

She’s sitting up in bed when I look over my shoulder. I sigh and roll over. “What is it, Hales? I’m tired.”

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