Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(216)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(216)
Author: Melanie Moreland

But when the evening was over, we separated. I knew Jordan wasn’t comfortable in Max’s house, and I didn’t want to share a bed in the same room he’d shared with Anna. I had no problem cuddling on the sofa, sharing long, passionate kisses in my kitchen, but there was a line there neither of us wanted to cross.

Which was why, Jordan informed me yesterday, he had booked us a hotel room for the night.

“There is no way I can hold you close, dance with you, then drop you off at home,” he informed me when I asked why. “I’ve been patient, my darling. You can only ask a man to take so much.”

I had held in my amusement, because frankly, I was feeling the same way.

This afternoon when he picked me up, he had stood back, sweeping his gaze over me head to toe in a long, lazy glance. Then he shook his head.

“Thank god.”

“I’m sorry?” I asked.

“Thank god I booked that hotel room. You look like a million bucks.” He ran a hand over his face. “I hope there is dancing. I want to see you move in that sexy number.”

I tried not to blush but failed. Jordan had that effect on me. I had bought another new dress—this one in a deep emerald-green color, with layers of beads that reminded me of a flapper dress from the twenties. It was held up with slender straps on my shoulders and barely skimmed my knees. It shimmered and danced when I moved, the beads almost musical as they bounced and swayed. I had my hair up, showing off my neck and shoulders, which, thank god, were still firm, the skin taut. I carried the lovely shawl Jordan had bought me in Boston.

From the look on Jordan’s face and the force of his kiss, I had a feeling he was looking forward to seeing the dress on the floor of the hotel room.

After the dancing.

He’d been close all afternoon, tucking me to his side, running his fingers over my bare shoulder, dropping a kiss to my skin on occasion. We laughed and enjoyed the outpouring of love that surrounded the event.

I danced with all my boys, each of them trying to outdo the other. Maddox was his usual suave, graceful self on the dance floor. Aiden spun me around to a fast number, gyrating his hips and making me laugh as Cami shook her head at his antics. Van and Halton were both solicitous partners. Reid made my heart ache with his awkward, sweet, fumbling attempt at a waltz. He kept apologizing, and he seemed grateful when Bentley stepped in, tapping him on the shoulder firmly.

“My turn—before you injure her.”

I smiled as we moved, Bentley’s footwork perfect, his leading confident. He was an excellent dancer. He peered down at me. “You’re happy.”

It was a statement, not a question.


“Jordan can’t keep his eyes off of you.”

I glanced over his shoulder, looking at Jordan. He sat with the family I had created, at ease and smiling. He was talking to Reid, leaning forward, his arms resting on his thighs. He was nodding and listening to whatever Reid was saying, but his gaze was focused on me. Intent and dark with longing. His lips curled into a smile when he saw me watching him, and he threw me a subtle wink.

I felt my blush creep up my neck, and I cursed under my breath. “Damn that man, he does this to me all the time.”

Bentley grinned, swinging me around. “It’s good to see.”

I met his blue gaze. He was relaxed and happy—a changed man from the one I had worried would never allow himself to feel for another person.

“I’ve fallen in love with him, Bentley,” I confessed.

He cocked his head. “I can see that.”

“How do you feel about that?” I asked.

He twirled me again. “I think the question is, how do you feel about it?”

“I feel good.”

“It shows.” His grip on my waist tightened. “That’s all I—we—want for you, Sandy. For you to be happy.”

“I spoke to Aaron this week. He called me.”

“And he said…?” Bentley let the question trail away, watching me closely. He knew I was close with Max’s son. Our friendship had been strong all through my relationship with his father.

I smiled, recalling Aaron’s words.

“Colin tells me you’re seeing someone.”

“Oh, ah, yes, I am,” I replied, the worry evident in my voice.

“Why did I hear it from him, Sandy?”

“I wasn’t sure how to tell you. How you would react,” I confessed.

He chuckled. “You dating again? I’m thrilled. You should be living and enjoying, Sandy.” His voice became teasing. “Is he younger? Finally got your boy toy?”

“No, my age.” I swallowed. “It’s Jordan Hayes from the office.”

“Ah, great guy. Dad liked him.”

“Yes. I—I like him as well.”

“I figured.” Then he paused dramatically. “Jeez—I’m not gonna have to call him Dad, am I? It was hard enough to explain a stepmom my age, never mind if I have to face that too,” he teased.

I laughed with him. “I think Jordan will do.”

“Whew. I’m coming down in a few weeks to meet him. Give him the gears.”

“I’ll warn him.”

“You do that.”

“He was fine. He’s coming to meet Jordan. ‘Give him the gears,’ I think he said.”

“Jordan’s up to the task. I have no worries.” Bentley smirked, leading me in a twirl.

“I think so too. Jordan looks forward to meeting him.”

Bentley winked. “Then things are progressing well. I’m pleased.”

A hand appeared, tapping Bentley on the shoulder. “Sorry to cut in, Bentley, but all you boys have stolen my woman long enough,” Jordan stated.

Bentley chuckled, good-natured. “I supposed we have had her long enough. We have to share.”

The meaning behind his words was obvious. Jordan smiled. “Yeah, you have. I’ve got it from here.”

Bentley leaned down and kissed my cheek. He placed my hand in Jordan’s and clapped him on the shoulder. “Yes, I think you do.”



The hotel room was spacious and comfortable. We barely made it in the door before Jordan had me in his arms, heading for the bed. I laughed as I clung to his shoulders. He made me feel special—safe and protected.

He set me beside the bed, turning me around and unzipping my dress. He followed the path of the zipper with his lips, kissing down my spine.

“Jesus, you’re naked under here,” he groaned and spun me around, hooking the thin straps down my arms. “Shimmy for me one more time tonight, Sandy.”

I did as he requested, the sparkling dress glittering at my feet.

My grin matched his. “Lose the suit.”

In seconds, he was naked, his well-tailored clothes tossed behind him.

“I want to have you with those shoes on, my darling,” he breathed out.

“You can have me any way you want me.”

He groaned and sank to his knees. He tugged off one shoe, then the other, both of them added to the pile behind him, carelessly discarded. “Later,” he promised, kissing his way up my leg.

I shivered as he stroked his hands up, smoothing them over the backs of my thighs, pulling me flush to his mouth, kissing my center. “Right now, I need you. All of you.”

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