Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(217)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(217)
Author: Melanie Moreland

He cupped my ass, stroking and kneading. “I hope you don’t expect to get much sleep tonight.”

Peering down, I smiled. “No.”

He stood, tossing me on the bed as if I weighed nothing. He crawled up the mattress, hovering over me. “Good.”

I pulled him down to my mouth. “Yes, it is.”

With a low groan, he kissed me.

And I was lost.



I sighed in contentment, curled up against Jordan’s shoulder. He brushed his hand up and down my arm in long, gentle passes. I felt his breath stir my hair, the warmth of his skin under my cheek, and the strength of his muscles under my fingers.

“All right, my darling?”

I peeked up at him. “More than all right.”

“You were wonderful.”

I chuckled, running my fingers over his chest. “You were rather spectacular yourself.”

I felt his smile against my head. “We’re spectacular together.”

I hummed in agreement. The room was quiet for a few moments, both of us basking in the warmth of the moment.

“Your feet still sore?”

I wiggled my toes. “A little. I danced a lot, and those heels were high.”

“Those heels were sexy. So was that damn dress. They were made for you to dance in.” He chuckled low in his chest. “And for me to look at you while you did.”

“I’m glad you liked them.”

He pulled me closer. “I like how you feel in my arms, Sandy. We should go dancing more. There are a couple of clubs with special dance nights for waltzing and the like. Would you like to go?”

The thought of dancing with Jordan thrilled me. He was an excellent dancer—as confident as Bentley, but with more experience. He had proved to be an excellent partner tonight, surprising me with his moves.


“Excellent. I’ll look into it.”

“Van looked very happy.”

“I think he is. Liv suits him—and he adores her and Mouse.”

“I agree.”

Quiet stretched again for a moment. “Do you see that for us one day, Sandy?”

I wasn’t surprised by the question. I had seen it lurking in his eyes all day.

“I would like to think so. One day.”

“In the not too distant future.”

I patted his chest. “How about we see how it goes when I meet Gina and Warren tomorrow and the next little while settles for us? You might change your mind.”

I gasped as he rolled, hovering over me. “Not a chance. I see the next phase of my life, Sandy. A new place. More traveling. Dancing. Time on the boat. All with you.”

I traced my finger down his cheek.

“My kids will like you. Given time, I think they will love you. They want me happy, and you do that for me. I have no worries about their acceptance of us.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. Tomorrow is going to be fine, and the next chapter in my life is going to be great. As long as you’re with me, it will be.” He pressed a kiss to my mouth. “So, are you? Are you with me, Sandy?”

I met his warm green gaze. I could see it all. The next years unfolding, our lives entwining. It wouldn’t always be easy, but I knew with Jordan, it would be worth it. He was right. Everyone was right. I deserved to be happy.

“I’m with you. I love you,” I whispered.

A smile broke out on his face and he kissed me. It was a kiss of new beginnings, promises made, and a future that was bright. “Thank you.” He kissed me again. “I love you, my darling.”

His words filled my chest with happiness. “Then let’s start living, Jordan.”

He touched his forehead to mine.

“I’m with you.”



The next day, I waited at the house, nervous. I had been unsure about meeting Jordan’s children in the home he shared with his wife, but in the end, we agreed it was best to meet them where they would be comfortable. Jordan had gone to pick them up, and I stayed behind to prepare a light lunch. He had texted to say they would arrive soon.

I laid out the sandwiches and switched on the coffee. It felt a little odd to be in his kitchen, but not uncomfortable. It looked very different with so many things gone. I didn’t feel as if I was intruding in Anna’s space, especially since Jordan had told me that he had used the kitchen more than she did. He enjoyed cooking more than Anna had.

I heard the sound of the car arriving, the doors opening, and footsteps coming up the steps. I wiped my hands on my slacks and touched my hair, making sure it was in place. I wanted, at least, to make a good first impression.

Jordan walked in, followed by Gina and Warren. Jordan smiled at me, setting down the suitcases and shrugging off his coat. He kissed my cheek, murmuring in my ear. “It’s fine, my darling. Relax.”

Then he turned and made the introductions. “Gina and Warren, this is Sandy. Sandy, these are my children.”

I smiled and held out my hand, hoping it wasn’t shaking. Gina looked like Anna, slender with light brown hair and brown eyes. Her expression was warm and open, and she ignored my hand and gave me a hug.

“Lovely to meet you,” she said.

Warren was cooler, his handshake firm as he nodded and stepped back. “Sandy.”

I smiled, not surprised. Jordan had warned me Warren might be more reticent.

“He took Anna’s death hard,” he explained to me. “He isn’t upset about me moving on, he’s just not…” His voice trailed off.

“Thrilled,” I finished for him.

He lifted one shoulder. “My son has trouble forming attachments. He was especially close to Anna. Give him a little time—he’ll warm up.”

Warren stood beside Jordan, a younger version, with the same build and eye color. He wasn’t unfriendly, but I could sense his apprehension. There was nothing I could do to help him, except allow him to get to know me and come to terms with the relationship Jordan and I had. I had no plans on letting Jordan go. I only hoped Warren would warm to me.

“I have a late lunch ready,” I offered. “You must be tired.”

Gina wrapped her arm around mine as we walked to the kitchen. “Dad is going to take us and show us the condo later.”

“It’s lovely. I think your father will be happy there.”

She squeezed my arm, her voice low. “I think he’s happy now.”

I laughed, liking her very much. There was a warmth to her that reminded me of Jordan. An openness in her expression and manner. I recalled Anna being more reserved, which meant Warren probably took after her. She was always kind and friendly, but she held herself back, unlike Jordan who seemed to encompass everyone around him with his friendliness. I would let Warren warm up in his own time.

“I’m glad you think so,” I responded.

“Warren will come around.”

I side-eyed her, trying not to laugh at her wink.

“My brother is a bit slower, but he’ll get there. I think you’re good for my dad. He’ll see that.”

I reached for the coffee. “I hope so.”

Lunch helped. Warren relaxed and asked me a lot of questions. He was fascinated with BAM and the work they did.

“Dad always talks about them. They treat him very well.”

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