Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(218)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(218)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“They treat everyone well.”

“They’re huge in the land market. Real estate development. Their company is associated with excellence even out in Alberta.”

I nodded. They had various dealings in other provinces, although Bentley preferred to stay close to home. “I am very proud to work for them.”

“As am I,” Jordan offered.

“And you look after all of them?” Warren asked.

I laughed. “In a manner of speaking, yes.”

Jordan spoke up. “Bentley often says Sandy is the glue that holds the place together.” He smiled at me indulgently. “I would have to agree.” He lowered his voice. “She looks after me very well.”

Warren studied us wordlessly, then smiled, looking very much like Jordan. His voice was surprisingly light and teasing when he spoke.

“Spoken like a man in love, Dad.”

Jordan smiled so widely, his eyes crinkled. He reached over and squeezed my hand. “I suppose I am.”

Warren laughed, taking a sip of his coffee. Gina winked at me, as if to say, “Told you so.”

I was so flustered, I blushed. Jordan laughed and kissed my hand.

I stood. “I should go and let you get at it.”

I was surprised and shocked when both Warren and Gina shook their heads. “Stay,” Gina urged.

“Many hands, light work, Dad always says,” Warren stated. “Besides, we want to get to know you.”

And right then, I knew it would be okay.

“I would love to.”

Jordan smiled, his gaze taking us all in.




The following June




The sun glinted, catching the light on the water outside the window. The day was lovely, warm, and perfect. I shut my eyes again and focused on the soothing sound of Chopin playing through the speakers. In the background, I heard the murmurings of happiness from my girls as they waited for me to finish. My stomach was full of butterflies—both nervous and excited.

“Almost done,” Cami assured me.

I laughed. “It’s fine. We have plenty of time.”

Becca placed another glass of champagne on the table beside me. “We have another bottle, too.”

I smiled. “It’s delicious.”

Emmy laughed from her spot on the sofa. “Bentley sent it. Only the best for his Sandy.”

Cami came around in front of me, tucking in a strand of my hair, patting another part.

She spun my chair, so I faced the mirror. “I think we’re done.”

I gasped as I took in the elaborate style she had made with my hair. A beautiful French braid, intricately laced with deep green ribbons to match my sash, with glittering beads and glossy pearls tucked into the braid. Tiny speckles of glitter shone under the lights, highlighting the white of my hair. Perfectly placed tendrils touched my neck.

I clasped her hand. “Cami, it’s perfect.”

She beamed at me, suiting the pet name Aiden had given her of “his Sunshine.” When she smiled, it was as if the sunshine had emerged from behind a cloud, brightening everything around her.

“I’m glad you like it.”

All my girls gathered around me. I looked at their youthful beauty reflected in the mirror. Emmy’s unique bohemian looks, Cami’s striking coloring, Dee’s sedate prettiness—all different and all lovely. Becca was the girl next door, appealing and sweet. Liv was curvy and warm with her golden hair and lovely eyes. Katy had become another one of my girls, and she was a classic beauty with her dark hair and vivid blue eyes.

And the best part, they were all equally as beautiful inside.

Cami lifted her phone. “Group selfie!”

We pressed close, and she snapped several pictures of us all.

I lifted my glass. “To my girls. Thank you for being with me today.”

They all lifted their glasses, sipped, and moved to the various sofas placed in the room. Standing, I reached into my bag and began handing them each a small box.

“My gift to you. I know you are all sitting for the ceremony, but I consider you all my attendants.”

I laughed at their eagerness to open their gifts. Each girl wore a shade of green—they ranged from a soft mint to a rich, warm forest—each suiting the wearer. Cami had designed all their dresses, and mine, and their husbands all wore ties to match. They would be in all the family photos, because the bottom line was—they were my family.

Their squeals of delight made me smile. I’d given them each a necklace, designed for them, by the same woman who had designed my ring. The necklace was an infinity symbol and contained a diamond and an emerald to represent today and engraved with the date. The boys were each getting a set of cuff links from Jordan in the same design. It was our gift to them.

There were hugs, some tears, and lots of laughs as I helped fasten the necklaces around their necks.

“You are all so beautiful,” I said, holding my hands in front of me. “All my girls.”

That prompted another round of hugs.

Wiping her eyes, Cami clapped her hands. “Time to get you into your dress!”

I slipped behind the screen, and Cami helped me step into the dress, fastening the hidden zipper, fluffing the skirt, and ensuring the sash was perfect.

I stood and looked in the mirror, eyeing myself critically. Cami had done a wonderful job. My dress was a soft silver-gray lace, straight at the neck and ending at the knee. It was cinched in at the waist with a deep green sash that matched my pretty shoes. The back was a deep cowl, the lace shimmering as it gathered low off my shoulders, showing off my neck and the line of my spine. It was daring, sexy, and I felt like a million bucks in it. Jordan would love it. He told me often enough how much he loved my long legs. He also enjoyed kissing his way down my spine. The dress might drive him to distraction.

I grinned at my reflection. Perfect.

I stepped out, pleased at the girls’ reactions.

“Oh Sandy!” Emmy clasped her hands at her chest. “That dress—Cami! It’s gorgeous!”

“You’re beautiful,” Dee whispered.

Liv grinned. “What a knockout.”

“Reid is going to cry.”

“So is Richard. He is such a sap at weddings.”

Cami dabbed her eyes. “Jordan is going to drag you away and have his wicked way with you. I outdid myself.”

There was a knock on the door, and I turned my head. “Come in.”

Gina entered, carrying a box. She stopped when she saw me. “Oh, Sandy, you are stunning!”

I twirled and she laughed. “My dad is gonna go crazy!”

I smiled at the woman I considered both an adopted daughter and my friend. Jordan had been correct. We became friends the day we met, and our bond had only grown stronger. She was accepting and gracious about my relationship with Jordan, pleased to see her father happy. Warren had taken a while to warm up to me. He had been polite but cool when we met, but seeing me with his father, he had accepted me, and we’d grown closer They both called me Sandy, but I was Nan to Gina’s children.

“You look beautiful yourself.”

She wore a green dress as well, although hers was loose and flowy. No one had been more surprised than she was to discover she was pregnant a few months ago. Now at six months, she was well rounded. She was also exhausted and had begged off the earlier luncheon with the girls.

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