Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(44)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(44)
Author: Melanie Moreland

She mumbled in her sleep, rolling to her side. I traced the ridges of her spine with my finger, marveling at the simple beauty of her back. Her ass was rounded, and I couldn’t resist cupping one cheek, the firm muscle twitching in my grip. Two beauty marks rested side by side on her shoulder blade, and I kissed them, my tongue lingering on her skin. I dragged my mouth down her back, desire taking over. Easing her onto her back, I closed my mouth around her nipple, sucking and licking as she began to stir. I glided my fingers to her core, still wet from our earlier lovemaking, teasing and stroking as she woke, groaning my name.

Her eyes still closed, she arched, driving my fingers deeper. My cock was desperate to replace them, but I wanted her ready and awake. She shook, her body already close, opening her eyes to meet mine. Desire swam in her blue depths.

“Oh God, Reid.”

“I need to fuck you, Becca. Now.”

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Now.”

In seconds, I was nestled between her legs, sliding my cock into her heat. She wrapped her legs around my waist, and I took her. My need was rampant as I drove into her hard and fast—mindless and aching. I felt her everywhere as my orgasm built like wildfire in my veins, burning and twisting so hot I was certain all that would remain was ash when I climaxed. She was right there with me, her back bowing off the bed, gripping my arms, tightening her legs and making the sexiest sounds as I had her.

Her orgasm hit, her neck straining as she stiffened, milking my cock, her muscles fluttering and urging me to join her. I braced myself on her headboard, thrusting as my balls tightened. Pleasure took over, and I came, shaking, gasping, calling her name, the intensity so great for a minute it was as if I was lost in a sea of sensation.

I collapsed on her chest, unable to speak.

“Are you sore?” I asked, trying not to be turned on thinking of what we had done.

“You have to ask?” She laughed. “That was amazing.” She kissed my chest. “We’re amazing together.”

“Yeah, we are.”

My stomach grumbled loudly in the room.

She lifted her head. “Did you not eat dinner? Or did you build up an appetite?”


“I made pasta but never ate it,” she confessed. “I can heat it up if you wanted.”

Suddenly, I was ravenous. “I want.”



Wrapped in a blanket, sitting at her counter, I inhaled the pasta she had made. Two huge bowls were gone before I felt replete. As usual, Becca ate slower, watching me eat with a small grin.

“What?” I wiped my mouth, draining the glass of milk she had placed in front of me.

She shrugged. “I love to watch you eat. Especially if I’ve made it. Your enjoyment makes me smile.”

“Food in prison is pretty bland. It’s supposed to be nutritional, but there’s no flavor.” I sighed, playing with my fork. “I’m sure the fact that you’re in prison has something to do with it.”

“That makes sense.”

“When I got out, I went for a cheeseburger. I had been craving one for years.” I shut my eyes, remembering the flavor. “I thought I was going to cry over it. It tasted like freedom. Every time I eat something delicious now, I appreciate it more than ever.”

I glanced at her. She was watching me with a tender look on her face. Leaning forward, I kissed her. “Your cooking is such a treat. Thank you.”

She hummed.

Not wanting to get into another deep discussion, I changed the subject.

“So what is on the agenda this week, now that the campaign is up and running?”

She sipped her water, setting down the glass. “I’ll maintain it, adjust the ads and placement. Sales are still so strong, we want to keep it visible. Once Bentley is happy, we’ll wind it down and move on to phase two. Plus, he had me working on a few other things. He wasn’t kidding when he told Richard he could keep me busy full time. I’m amazed at the number of projects BAM is involved in.”

“I know. The company is so diversified.”

“I have to get to the bank and deposit my bonus,” Becca said, excited.


She frowned. “Oh, um, maybe I wasn’t supposed to say anything?”

“No, that’s great. They gave you a bonus?”

She nodded. “When we went to dinner on that Sunday night. Bentley gave me an envelope and said it was for going above and beyond. I know Richard refused the one he was offered the next day and told Bentley he wanted access to your report instead.”

“That makes sense. Bentley told me to license it to The Gavin Group.” I squeezed her hand. “I’m glad they rewarded you, BB. You deserve it.”

She bent low, as if telling me a secret. “It was five thousand dollars, Reid. I was shocked how generous they were.”

“I’m not. They believe in rewarding their staff, and they make sure to take good care of us. Bentley appreciates loyalty.”

She hesitated, then asked, “You didn’t get one?”

“Yeah, I think I did. They came to see me after the meeting and gave me an envelope. I put it in my drawer, meaning to open it later. When Sandy got the call about Max, I forgot.”

“You should open it tomorrow and say thank you.”

Chuckling, I kissed her nose. “I will.” I sat back. “Any big plans for the money?” I knew if Becca received five thousand, mine would be equal, perhaps even a little higher. Some was going into the bank toward my future. Our future. The one I needed to talk to her about some more. But I wanted to splurge a little as well.

“I-I’m going to surprise my dad and go see him. Sandy arranged my days off around a long weekend so I could have more time. I’m going to go for five days.”

“Oh.” It made sense she would want to do that. Still, I was disappointed. I had thought maybe we could go away together, but I knew she missed her father. “He’ll be thrilled, I’m sure.”

She inhaled, squaring her shoulders. “Would you come with me, Reid? Meet my dad?”

“Is that a good idea, Becca?”

“I love you,” she replied.

Her words made me smile and reach for her hand.

“You’re part of my life. He knows I’ve been seeing someone.”

“Does he know about my past?”

She swallowed, looking away.

“Becca, we can’t hide it. He’ll find out eventually, and he’ll be angry we weren’t truthful.”

“I thought he could meet you, get to know you, then I would tell him.”

I shook my head. “No. You tell him when you talk to him this week. Once he knows, if you still want me to come, I will.”


“I love you.” I repeated her words. “I want to be part of your life. That includes your father. So, if he is willing to give me a chance, I’ll give him one too.”

She launched herself at me, almost knocking me off my stool. I encircled her with my arms, holding her close.

“I’ll call him later today.”

I kissed her head. “Okay. We can book flights next week.”

She pulled back. “My treat.”

I began to shake my head, and she frowned. “I want to pay for the trip with my bonus.”

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