Home > Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(76)

Vested Interest Boxed Set : Books 4-7(76)
Author: Melanie Moreland

“What about outside?”

Jordan spoke. “We’ll sandblast and clean. New windows and doors, fresh trim, and that’s all they need. Because the entire road is private, we’ll spruce it up. Liv suggested cobblestone, some benches—play up the uniqueness of it.”

“The parking area needs some attention.”

“Already on the list.”

“Then I’d say we’re already in good shape.”

Jordan agreed. “I’ll send you the tenders to look over. Once you and Bentley approve, I’ll send them out. I’m thinking two different crews—one for the inside, one for the outside. We can get it done faster, and the cost will even out since we can finish quicker. As our projects wind down, we can bring our own people to finish up.”

“That works.”

He turned and went over to talk to Reid who was like a kid in a candy store. The place was a time warp, and he was excited about what he could do to bring it up to his technological standards.

Bentley crossed his arms, looking pleased. “So you’re playing this weekend?”

“Yeah, Friday and Saturday.”

He nodded. “What time are you on?”

“Two sets Friday—nine and eleven. One Saturday at ten.”

Aiden looked over at me, grinning. “A bunch of us are coming from the office on Friday.”

“I appreciate the support.”

“Emmy wants to come on Friday.” Bentley chuckled. “If she’s still awake, we’ll be there. Usually, she’s out by eight thirty, but she says she’s having an extra-long nap. She loves coming to see you.”

I smiled at his words and the tone of his voice. He was a doting husband—protective and caring—very different from the no-nonsense businessman most people knew him as.

“I’ve already reserved a couple of tables in the corner, away from the bar. If she can come, she’ll be away from the rowdies.”

Bentley slapped my shoulder. “Thanks.”

Jordan and Reid joined us. “I’m looking forward to Friday,” Reid said. “Becca will come with me —she gets home in the afternoon.”

Maddox and Liv strolled over. “Dee and I will be there. You coming, Liv?”

She briefly met my eyes. “Yes. I’ll be there on Friday.”

I grinned. I always enjoyed playing, but suddenly Friday night seemed more exciting.

Liv would be there.






The club was packed, the crowd ready for us. We had been playing together so long, our gigs were smooth and easy. We changed up songs and sets, but we all knew the music. Most of the songs, I wrote. But together, we made the sound come alive.

The tables I had reserved were full, plus a few others had additional people from the office scattered around the club. Liv sat next to Becca, sipping a glass of wine. She wore her hair down tonight, her outfit more tailored than usual. It showed off her full, high breasts without being too much. She was classy and beautiful.

And every time our eyes met, she smiled.

Midway through the set, I took the mic, strumming my guitar as I looked over the crowd.

“We’re happy to see you all tonight. Lots of regulars. Aren’t you sick of us yet?”

The whoops and hollers made us happy. We had a great following and we all enjoyed performing. That was where it ended for all of us. But it was a huge part of our lives, and we loved playing as much as they enjoyed listening. I hoped it wouldn’t change for a long time.

“I’ve got a new song I thought I’d share.” I found Liv’s golden eyes in the crowd. “This one came to me late one night and wouldn’t leave until I finished it. It’s called ‘Smile for Me.’”

As I expected, Liv looked down, her smile hidden. But I saw it, and I knew it was for me.

The room grew silent as I played and sang. It was rare I took center stage, but this song was personal for me. Inspired by Liv, the way she made me feel and how I loved her smile, it flowed out of me. I let every emotion I was feeling saturate the words, the simplicity of the song rich with emotion. I sang of the fear of love, the loneliness of life, and finding unexpected happiness in the smile of a beautiful woman. As the last notes faded, I rested my hand on the neck of my guitar, bowed my head, and waited. The place burst into applause, hands slapping tabletops, and feet stomping on the floor in appreciation. I lifted my hand in gratitude and stood.

“Thanks. We’re grateful for the support. We’ve got a short break, then we’ll be back. Be sure to tip the waitstaff—they deserve it.”

I stepped from the stage, joining my friends and coworkers. Emmy leaned forward, tears in her eyes.

“You were amazing! That song—it’s-it’s beautiful.”

“Thanks,” I replied, concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Pregnancy hormones,” she sniffed. “It happens all the time.”

Bentley wrapped an arm around her shoulders, kissing her head with a tender expression. “Yes, it does. But it was a great song.”

Cami beamed at me. “It was one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard.” She hunched closer. “Who did you write it for?”

“An image in my mind,” I bluffed. “An idea—a wish, if you will. I was in a good frame of mind, and it came to me.”

She looked skeptical. “It was so lovely. Whoever it was for should be shouting it from the rooftops.”

Aiden leaned close. “I could write you a song, Sunshine. Maybe something about your stellar skills in—”

She covered his mouth, her cheeks turning pink. “I think we’ll leave the songwriting to Van.”

Aiden huffed a sigh. “I offered.”

“And I love you for it.”

He kissed her, then picked up his beer. He threw me a wink and I laughed.

I finally got the nerve to look across the table. Liv was looking everywhere but at me. Her fingers worked the edge of the table nervously. She stood and mumbled her apologies and hurried down the hallway. I watched her go, confused. I thought she’d like the song. I lifted the bottle of water one of the waitstaff brought me and drained it. I stood.

“Excuse me.”

Everyone was busy talking. I had a feeling Emmy and Bentley would be gone when I returned. She looked sleepy and uncomfortable, and he looked concerned. Becca was yawning after her long day of travel, and Reid was hovering close. I appreciated them showing up for support, but I understood. Their lives were elsewhere. Dee and Maddox would stay, and so would Aiden and Cami, and I was good with that.

But I had to find Liv.

I hurried in the direction she had gone, past the long line outside the ladies’ room. There was a back patio where people sometimes went for some fresh air or privacy, and I had a feeling she had headed there.

I opened the door and stepped outside. I saw her in the shadows, standing alone in the corner, her back to me. I approached her cautiously.

“Livvy, you okay?”

She nodded, not speaking or turning around.

I laid a hand on her shoulder. “I told you I would play for you.”

She spun, facing me. Tears streamed down her face.

“Hey,” I questioned. “What’s this?”

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