Home > Must Love Cats(42)

Must Love Cats(42)
Author: Tara Brown

“I’m so sorry,” she says sweetly but something she’s not saying haunts her tone.

“It’s not a big deal,” I reply in hopes this is what she was looking for. “He and I have always made certain that our paths never crossed at work. He’s residential property management and I’m commercial accounting. We never saw each other at work before.”

“Oh, okay. That’s good news. I didn’t want to ask, but Matt and I want to make sure you’re all right. As our best accountant, we needed to be sure you would be comfortable at work.” She is delicate. I can’t imagine how this would be coming from Matt.

“I’m completely comfortable. Have you spoken to Rod?” I ask the thing I shouldn’t.

“No. He’s been working remotely. Hasn’t checked in much. And when he does, he’s all smiles and joking. You know Rod.”

“I do,” I say with a sigh. “Honestly, you don’t have to worry about it. He’ll be fake and I’ll be tucked away in my office and never the twain shall meet.”

“Excellent.” She sounds lighter. “Now what can I help you with?”

I fake a smile so my voice is pleasant and continue the call. But deep down, not deep enough though, I wonder what might have happened if I’d said I couldn’t work with him.

Did I just save Rod’s job?



Chapter 28



May 1



Sitting on the window seat with Romeo in my lap, I smile as I think about yesterday.

“Lil, can you get me another pillow? My back is hurting.”

“Yeah!” I place Romeo on the cushion and stand, immediately falling back onto the seat. Romeo jumps up, startled by my reaction. It takes a minute for the room to stop spinning. I haven’t had a dizzy spell like this one in a while, but I also haven’t eaten yet today and it’s after lunch.

I get my bearings and stand up gradually this time, walking to my bedroom. My stomach is fluttering when I pass Liz a pillow and help her adjust it. I need to remember to get something to eat.

“Twelve days,” I say when she grunts a thanks. Reminding her this is the final stretch. She’s so done it’s not funny.

She grumbles again, this time not forming actual words, and continues with her movie, Four Christmases. She’s been watching Christmas movies nonstop.

A knock at the door draws my attention. It has to be Sam. Anyone else would have called up to be buzzed in. I want to hurry but I walk slowly so I don’t fall again, still feeling funky. I answer without looking, surprised when I find Anthony from work here. He’s not wearing a mask. “Hi,” I say, not inviting him in. Not certain he wants to come in wearing workout clothes and a backpack.

“Hey, Lil. I have some papers for you. They were brought to the office when I stopped in quick. Doreen asked if I could drop them to you since I always run by this building.”

“Sure. But you’re not wearing a mask. My sister is high risk. Can you—?”

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. I never wear them running.” He reaches into his pocket and pulls a proper mask out and some hand sanitizer. He squeezes it on his hands and rubs them together. “How is Liz?”

“Good,” I say, forgetting that he knows Liz. He was being mentored by James for real estate. “Come on in.” I step back. “How did you get into the building?”

“A guy was leaving as I was coming up. A client of James’. We remembered each other. He’s a doctor at the IWK and lives in here.”

“Sam,” I say with a smile.

“Yes, what a hot guy.” He whistles and walks in. He pulls off the backpack and begins rummaging in it.

“Yeah, he is.” I have to bite my lip from saying anything else. Just mentioning his name reminds me of yesterday and the mind-blowing sex we had.

“Is that Anthony?” Liz calls when she hears our voices.

“Hey, Liz!” he yells back.

“How’s it going?”

“Good,” he shouts and doesn’t try to walk closer. “How are you feeling?”

“Done. As. Fuck.”

We laugh.

“She’s a bitter bitch this week,” I mutter as my door buzzer rings. “Sorry, just a second.” I reach for the door buzzer. “Hi,” I say into the mic, expecting Shawnee who was on her way over.

“Hey,” she says back.

I press the button and buzz her in. I turn back to Anthony. “My friend is coming over.”

“Cool. I haven’t seen any friends in a month. Mine are—uhhh—irresponsible.” He winks and I laugh, assuming he means they’re still hooking up with people.

“My bubble has been small. I’ve seen Shawnee, Sam, my sister, and James. And now you. It’s been a lonely time.”

“Yeah, but my dad’s family lives in Italy and I’d rather be here, safe and lonely.” He shrugs.

“Totally. Covid hair is nothing compared to Covid lung.”

Shawnee knocks, saving me from more of Anthony humbling me for my first world problems. “I’ll get it.” Anthony reaches over and answers the door.

“Hi?” Shawnee says funnily as her eyes meet his.

“Hi.” He smiles back and there is a tone, as if he is pleasantly surprised by this.

“Anthony, this is Shawnee. She’s a famous photographer. Don’t let her tell you otherwise.” I wink at her. “And, Shawnee, this is Anthony, one of the newer property managers at work who will likely be running the place in two years.”

“Oh, you work with Lil?” Shawnee takes her mask off, beaming.

“I do. I love it. It’s such a diverse job. And I am taking my real estate course as well.” He nods back at me as if I am barely here. “Lil’s brother-in-law, James, has been mentoring me. Well, he was before the plague hit,” he jokes, flashing another smile.

Shawnee meets his smile and adds a little eyelash batting. And suddenly I’m Bambi and Shawnee and Anthony are the rabbits.

“James is the best,” Shawnee gushes. “He sold me my place. And he helped my parents buy their house.”

“That’s awesome. He really is such a cool guy and sharp at real estate. I think he might be one of the most successful realtors in the city.”

“Oh, he is,” Shawnee confirms. “He’s a platinum realtor. Top five in the city.”

“Wow,” Anthony adds as if he didn’t already know that. “And photography, huh? That’s cool.”

“Yeah, it’s fun. I did just do a cool photo shoot in Lunenburg before lockdown.” She opens her phone and holds it out so he can see. She never shows her pictures to anyone except me. This is huge.

“Kimathi?” His brow knits as he stares at her website’s name on the phone. “Is your dad Dr. Adamu Kimathi? The psychiatrist?”

“How do you know him?” She’s surprised.

“He was doing a series on success in business and the connection it has with athletes. I went to the lectures. It was amazing. He’s a genius.”

Realizing I am no longer needed nor part of this conversation, I move carefully and slip the bags from her hands and carry them into the kitchen. The Deep‘n Delicious cake is calling to me. I flip off the lid and wash my hands before grabbing a fork and taking a bite.

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