Home > THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 6)(62)

THE BENNETTS' CHRISTMAS (The Bennett Family and the Masters Family Book 6)(62)
Author: Brenda Jackson






Sebrina walked into Monica’s bedroom, and leaned against the door jamb. “I saw the light still on and figured you hadn’t gone to bed yet,” she said.

“No, I’m packing. I fly out in the morning for Atlanta,” Monica said, placing more items in the suitcase that was spread out on her bed. “Are you still flying out to spend time with your dad and his folks on Christmas Eve?”

“Yes, then I’ll join you, Mom, Michael and Mike for Christmas dinner. I understand Kennedy and Haddison will be there too, after they see his uncle and aunt for Christmas breakfast here in St. Paul.”

“That sounds great,” Monica said. “I can’t wait to hang out with everyone. Kelly and my brothers are coming to the Bennetts’ family reunion too, so I’ll have a chance to see them.”

“I look forward to the family reunion every year. It’s the perfect time of year to get together and catch up.”

Monica glanced at her watch then back at Sebrina. “What are you doing up? Are you off work tonight?”

Sebrina felt there was no need to tell her sister that she couldn’t sleep. That she hadn’t been able to sleep for days. Not since Monica had returned and Sebrina had put an end to her affair with Parker.

“I work tonight. But I slept already today and figured that I’d spend some time talking with you. I haven’t seen you much since you got back. And I haven’t seen your cruise pictures. Knowing you, I’m sure you took a bunch.”

Monica smiled faintly. “Yes, I did. I really enjoyed the cruise, Bree.”

Sebrina came to sit on the stool in the room. “Umm...did you enjoy the cruise, or the guy you spent most of your time with?”

“Both,” Monica said, opening up the drawer to her nightstand and pulling out a packet to hand to Sebrina. “These are the professional ones taken by the cruise photographers. I haven’t had time to download the ones I took on my phone to a flash-drive yet.”

Sebrina opened up the packet and pulled out the photos. “Wow! This guy is hot! And the two of you look good together.”

“I thought so.”

Sebrina gazed over at Monica and saw the sadness in her eyes, and the tears her sister was trying to hold back. “I’m sorry, Monica.”

Monica glanced at her. “Sorry about what?”

“I’m sorry that you wanted more out of the relationship than an ocean fling and that Landon Chestnut didn’t.”

Monica swiped at her tears. “That’s not how it was. In fact, it was just the opposite.”

Sebrina raised a brow. “What do you mean?”

She saw Monica’s eyes truly well up then. “I’m the one who only wanted a cruise fling. Landon wanted more. He even told me that he believed fate brought us together those two times we ran into each other. He was convinced that we were destined to share a future together. He told me that he loves me, but I refuse to believe that.”

Sebrina scooted the stool closer to Monica and took her sister’s hands in hers to stop it from trembling. “Why, Monica?”

“Because you know my plans, Bree. I can’t get serious with a guy until I’m in my mid-thirties. I have to get my PhD.”

Sebrina nodded. “And you don’t think you can do that if you and Landon are together?”

“No. He turned thirty-seven the other day. He’ll probably want to start a family soon…and I’m not ready. It wouldn’t be fair to have him wait for me.”

“So, you’re willing to give this guy up? If he’s as great as you’d told me he was, some woman will snatch him up. I’m surprised he’s not taken already.”

Monica told her about Landon’s fiancée passing away just days before their wedding, and how, over the past six years, he’d been mourning his loss.

“And then he met you and saw the chance to have love in his life again,” Sebrina said. “How romantic. I think you might be making a mistake, Monica. Stop being so logical for once.”

“Honestly? How can you talk, Bree? You think I haven’t noticed how much you and Parker are into each other? Sexual tension flows through the entire house even when the two of you aren’t in the same room.”

“It does not.”

“It does, too. I see how you and Parker look at each other when you don’t think the other one is noticing. So don’t give me any advice. After all, I don’t see you trying to cultivate anything with Parker.”

Bree didn’t say anything as she fought back the emotions that suddenly overwhelmed her. “I did cultivate something with Parker, but now it’s over.”


She figured Monica would ask her that. “It’s complicated.”

“How so?”

Why was Monica asking all these questions? “All Parker wanted was an affair, one he didn’t want to end when you returned to town.”

“Why did it have to? We’re all adults.”

“Yes, but have you forgotten our house rules? No lovers. No sleepovers.”

Monica rolled her eyes. “Now you’re the one being illogical. Parker lives here. And if I don’t have a problem with the two of you sharing a bed under this roof, you shouldn’t either. Come up with another excuse, Bree, because I’m not buying that one.”

Sebrina didn’t say anything for a minute and then she admitted, “I’m afraid to get too attached, Monica. He’ll be gone in a year, and I refuse to fall in love again with someone who will only break my heart when it’s time to move on.”

“And you know for certain he would do that, Bree?”

Evidently, she didn’t respond quick enough because Monica added, “I think the two of you should talk about it, Bree. Find out what his intentions are. For all you know, he might want more.”

“It’s too late to find out now. He left this morning for Maine to spend Christmas with his folks.”

“It’s never too late, Bree, if it’s something you truly want. You should never let a good thing get away.”

Sebrina didn’t say anything for a minute and then she stood from the stool and headed for the door. Before opening it, she looked back at Monica. “I’ll take your advice, Monica, if you’ll do the same.”



You should never let a good thing get away...

That thought stayed in Monica’s mind all through the night and the next morning as she prepared to leave for the airport. While waiting for the Uber driver, she allowed her thoughts to drift back to the moments she had spent with Landon. It was hard to believe it had been almost a week since she had seen him, had been kissed by him, held by him, and made love to by him.

Landon had opened her up to a world she hadn’t dreamed of. Not only had he shown her just how passionate she was, but also, what it was like to wake up each morning knowing she would spend the day with someone who treated her as if she was the most important person in his world. There had not been a single day that she hadn’t enjoyed being with him, that she hadn’t looked forward to spending time with him...both in and out of the bedroom.

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