Home > Beautifully Exposed (Candied Crush #10)(9)

Beautifully Exposed (Candied Crush #10)(9)
Author: Charity Parkerson






It was hard, but Zep had eventually let Frost get back to work. What turned out to be even harder was waiting for Frost to get off work so they could spend more time together. Zep hadn’t been this ridiculously giddy in years. Kit’s SUV still sat parked outside Zep’s house, but they had spoken through text, so Zep knew he was okay. That was the most Zep managed to entertain himself. He got a call from a patient, but her contractions were only Braxton Hicks. By the time he made it to Frost’s house, he practically leapt from his truck. He didn’t know where they were headed. Zep couldn’t wait to find out.

Frost’s house looked a lot like Zep’s, except the colors were darker. He also had amazing landscaping. Zep caught a glimpse of a pool in the backyard before heading for the door. Frost didn’t give him time to ring the bell before the door opened.

“I saw you on the camera.” That was all the greeting Frost gave before snagging the collar of Zep’s shirt and hauling him inside the house. Their mouths met as if they had been starving for each other all day. Frost wasted no time trying to divest Zep of his clothing.

“Wait. Where are the girls?”

“My mom’s house for the night.”

That was all Zep needed to hear. He pulled his shirt up and over his head before tossing it aside. While Zep hadn’t come here for this, he was ready. Frost had been in his head all week. Now that he had finally seen behind the mask to the real Frost, Zep had no reservations. He wanted Frost. Frost’s short nails scored Zep’s skin. He already had Zep’s pants unbuttoned and unzipped, massaging Zep’s cock.

Zep gently extracted Frost’s hand from his pants. “Slow down. Where’s your bedroom?”

Frost focused on him with glazed eyes and flushed cheeks. “The same place yours is.”

“Let me take you to bed.”

Frost blinked, as if his mind was a mess of lust. Zep’s knees weakened. He didn’t think anyone had ever wanted him as much as Frost obviously did. It was empowering and sexy. Frost’s desire hit Zep in the feels. Then Frost decimated him. “You don’t understand. I never get to be free.”

Fuck. Zep didn’t have kids, but he understood. He too was always the responsible one. Zep didn’t get to float around, acting like real responsibilities didn’t exist. He would let Frost do whatever Frost wanted tonight, but not while standing in the foyer.

“You’re about to be as free as you want with me.” Zep easily lifted Frost from the floor and tossed him over his shoulder. Frost might be the gym buff, but Zep was bigger.

A loud laugh burst from Frost as Zep headed for the bedroom. He took a cursory look around. He found the king-sized bed and tossed Frost down onto the mattress.

Frost’s eyes swam with laughter. “No one has ever pulled that shit with me.”

Zep went to work tugging off Frost’s clothes. “There are some benefits to being the biggest guy in the room.” Zep met Frost’s stare. He wanted Frost to see the truth in his eyes. “I can and will treat you the way no one else ever has. Get ready for a lot of firsts.”

Frost didn’t look away or back down from Zep’s intensity. “You sound a lot like you expect this to be the first night of a full-blown exclusive relationship.”

While Zep hadn’t expected this important of a conversation to take place right now, he needed Frost to know where he stood. “That’s what I want with you.”

“Good,” Frost said, surprising him. “That’s what I want too.”

Zep found himself crawling onto the bed, slowing things down. He held Frost’s stare as he moved in close. “I definitely think this new deal should be sealed with a kiss. Then I want you to tell me how you like it.”

Their lips met. Zep’s heart slowed. They had all night. He wanted to make love to Frost. His dick throbbed, but this wasn’t about getting off for Zep. He craved the connection. For what felt like forever, their tongues stroked. They savored each other, making out like teens who had been left alone for the night. Their hands roamed until there wasn’t a stitch of clothing left between them. Zep worried he wouldn’t last long once things really got started.

Frost’s mouth moved from Zep’s lips to his ear. “Fair warning. I love every act that gets me off. Tonight, I really want to be inside you.”

Zep nearly blew. His breathing turned ragged as Frost’s hand slipped beneath Zep’s balls and toyed with his asshole. “Can you handle that? Or do you only top?”

“I can handle that.” Even Zep heard the neediness in his tone.

A sinister smile touched Frost’s lips, as if he relished the thought of what he would do to Zep’s body. Frost crawled to the bedside table and rummaged around before coming back with a condom and lube. Zep tried not to squirm while Frost fingered him with oiled fingers, stretching him and driving Zep insane. Since Zep wasn’t one of those guys who slept with everyone who came along, and he almost always only met men who saw him as a top, this was an extremely rare experience for him. Truthfully, it had been many years since anyone had wanted him like this. He kept expecting the pain. Instead, Frost was teasing him with pleasure.

By the time Frost settled between Zep’s thighs and swiped his crown across Zep’s asshole, Zep was ready to scream. He had never been this frustrated and horny. Then Frost was inside him, and all Zep could do was gasp. Frost slowly rocked inside him, pumping at the perfect angle. Zep could barely keep his eyes open. Frost didn’t let up from massaging the exact internal spot that stole Zep’s thoughts. Then Frost’s thrusts turned to pounding. His lips closed around one of Zep’s nipples. He sucked and nipped as he destroyed Zep’s asshole and tugged on Zep’s cock. There wasn’t an ounce of dignity left in Zep. He would have done or said anything for release. Then everything went still inside Zep, as if he balanced on the edge of a knife. For a split second, he saw everything with complete clarity. One of the most beautiful men that Zep had ever seen was inside him and wanted a future with him. His muscles jerked. An orgasm tore through him. Words fell from his lips and Zep had no clue what he said. No doubt it was something humiliating, but Zep didn’t care. He was too busy shaking with pleasure. The sound of Frost shouting his name barely penetrated Zep’s fog. He fought to catch his breath as Frost kissed him deep. Tiny aftershocks had Zep’s dick twitching between their bodies.

Frost’s kiss slowed. Their hearts pounded against each other. Zep felt every sensation. He memorized every detail. This had been the best night of his life. It wasn’t over yet. He had no clue how to top this, but he would try. Frost said he didn’t get to be free. Zep would make him fly.



Frost’s body felt like gelatin. He stared at his darkened bedroom ceiling with his mind a crazy mixture of calm and whirling. He hadn’t expected Zep. Frost hadn’t expected to feel this good. He was almost scared of the way his lips wanted to lift in the corners. Zep was the opposite of every guy Frost had ever dated seriously. Back when he played hockey, he dated somewhat within his profession. Trainers. Players. That sort of thing. Honestly, he never pictured himself with anyone long term until Scott.

Scott had stormed into Frost’s life and taken over his senses. In a way, Zep had done the same thing. That was why Frost was so terrified. He had let Scott decimate his good sense. It had cost him everything. Frost didn’t want to be the same with Zep. Then again, he didn’t think Zep was anything like Scott. Zep was sweet until he wasn’t. Damn, that was hot. His dick should be dead, but it stirred at the thought of the way Zep had had let Frost fuck him. Yet he hadn’t given Frost an ounce of genuine power. He might have let Frost have his way, but Frost had known Zep could take control back any second. Damn. Zep’s acquiescence was sexy as fuck. Frost wasn’t used to anyone being bigger than him. Yet Zep had manhandled him at the drop of a hat.

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