Home > His Obsession(27)

His Obsession(27)
Author: Rose Marie

Even Nia said I was living the life when she came over and saw the way Channing set me up in comfort. Though there are a few things I had to put my foot down on, like him wanting to pay my brother’s way through school. He quickly understood that I wanted to do that myself. Aside from that everything has been smooth sailing, but I knew it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down around me.

Why does he want everyone to know about us? I understand he’s happy we’re together and so am I but I’m not comfortable having the people I work around knowing my personal business. I thought we were on the same page, but I guess I was wrong. To top it off he thinks I consider him a dirty little secret? Tsk, yeah right! The way he’s been treating me I’d be happy for people to know about us… if he weren’t my fucking boss

I know a small part of me is worried about the criticism that I’ll receive and that people will think I’m less than the other women he’s dated and brought to the office. Even for being the confident strong black woman that I am, I still have feelings of doubt. I know that I don’t look like any of the women I’d ever seen him with and none of them were my size. Double whammy. I hate this feeling of being insecure and I hate the thought of being ridiculed even more. I won’t be setting myself up for failure like that. Channing will just have to understand and get over it.

When he pulls up to the office, I grab my things and hurry out the car slamming the door, damn near running, so he can’t catch up to me. I don’t want people seeing us come into the building together even though they most likely would never guess we are together.

Quickly I go through security and run to the elevators. When I step in, I press the number to my floor thanking the Gods that Channing’s office is no longer on the same floor as us regular employees. Just as the doors were about to close, I see big hand cut them off, when they slide back open, he smoothly walked over to stand by me with a big ass frown on his face.

“Baby are you okay? Are you ma-” he didn’t even let me complete me sentence as he growled and pulled me in his arms with a mind-numbing kiss. Instantly I forget who I am, what my name is and where I’m at, as I wrap my arms his neck as he buried his face in mine, sucking hard. “Mmm baby you know that’s my sweet spot.” It feels so damn good. He purred in my ear sending shivers down my spine and straight to my pussy.

“I know Angel.” He picked me up and ground his length into my core, grunting, making me damn near cum.

“Ugnn, just a little more and I’m going to- shhhiiiit!!” I throw my head back and shake with the pent-up energy I feel. Ever since I started dating Channing my body has become super sensitive to his touch. I used to have to fake orgasms or only cum when I was ate out whenever my boyfriend decided to return the favor. Now all Channing has to do is touch me and I’m panting like a bitch in heat.

I pull his hair to bring his lips to mine and close my eyes as he slips his tongue in my mouth, owning me only in a way I’d only seen in movies or read about in books. Ready for him to strip me bare and take me here and now I pause when I hear a ding. The hell was that? Opening my eyes, my jaw hits the floor. I go to push out of Channing’s arms but he holds and kisses me one more time.

Hanging like a rag doll in his arms, he turns us around so that my back is to the onlookers and he’s facing them. Thinking he’s giving me time to get myself together I go to push myself from his arms again but stop when I feel a solid smack and grab of my right ass cheek.

“This is mine. If I hear even one person utter one disrespectful word about it, you’re fired.” Feeling completely humiliated, I cover my face when he lets me down. Removing my hands from my face, he gives me a peck on the lips and step back into the elevator, pressing the button to his floor. When the doors close, I could feel my neck and ears turn hot. Channing Stohurst I’m going to kill you!

Now facing my peers, I only look up once and see that I’m not the only person in shock. I hurry over to my desk bypassing all the curious stares and nasty jealous looks. At my desk I boot up my computer and pull out my phone to see I have an unread text message from Nia.

Nia: Do you think Channing will want the office to know?

Feeling played I throw my phone back in my purse and look around to see everyone still standing in place watching me from their desk.

No fucking doubt about it.





I’ve been hiding from Angel since the debacle with me outing out relationship. She’s sent me countless text cursing me out and multiple voice messages telling me if my dick wasn’t so good, she’d leave me for the disrespectful shit I’ve done. I’ll take that as a compliment thank you very much!

Though as pissed as she is, I was very happy she sent me a text telling me she loves me when she had to leave for her conference. I told her I want to see her before she left but she told me if she saw me she’d cause me bodily harm so I stayed put, sadly.

I’m not worried though. Since finding out she’s going out of town I had that bastard Adam tap into the security system of the hotel she’s staying in so I can watch her and even paid him extra to get cameras into the room she’s staying in. I hate owing him, but he came in handy with this one.

She’s been gone for three hours and she’s sent me a text telling me she made it and was in her room about to call it night. Checking my watch, I see it’s six and I know damn well she’s not “calling it a night.” All day I’ve been on my best behavior and haven’t logged into the camera to spy on her but hell I miss her, and I can’t go home because it’s lonely without her. About to seriously lose it because of how much I miss her. I feel a pain in my heart I can’t explain and wipe my eyes. Are these tears, nope that’s it!

Fed up, I turn to my computer and turn it on, pulling up the link Adam had sent me. Typing in the password he gave me, I pull up the surveillance footage of where my Angel is. Not seeing her in the lobby, I pull up the footage from her room and feel my heart skip a beat when I see my woman there looking so gorgeous but I feel something in my spirit darken and I let out a growl in my throat when I see she’s at her door talking to that fucker from HR. I could chew his face off for- I choke on my saliva when I see him reach out and push her hair behind her ear. Fuck being fired he’s dead!!!

He’s saved though when Angel gently moves back and seems to be telling him good night. When I see his face fall, I already know there’s no helping it. He’s getting let go or transferred to another one of our offices. When she closes the door, I see her lean back against it sighing then stand up straight and immediately start stripping. Oh, fuck yeah! I lean forward into the screen licking my lips watching her every move. Once’s she’s naked she goes into the bathroom and I go to click on that camera but ball my fist when I see there is none. I specifically told that fucker every room.

I let out a sigh and lean back against my chair waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. When she does emerge, she’s looking fresh faced and her hair is in the cute little hat thing she wears when she goes to sleep. I miss her so much. I watch she as grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and sits on the bed. For a second she doesn’t do anything then she reaches for her purse and pull out her phone, making me frown. Who the hell is she calling? Better be m-

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