Home > His Obsession(31)

His Obsession(31)
Author: Rose Marie

“Believing that he’d come back to me I let him leave only to find out he went out of the country, actually learning how to cook and in the process, building his estate. That was a slap in the face, because Channing hated cooking and he was damn near a hoarder when it came to money. Years of being with him having to beg him to take out the damn trash and put the damn toilet seat down and he gets with you and flies around the world to learn to cook.” She looked at me and I could feel the anger radiating from her but lowkey I wasn’t worried about her, I was worried about this outlandish story. None of this sounds right, nor is it adding up.

“Tell me. Do you want for anything with Channing? Are you happy in your dream home with home cooked meals probably served in bed? Well, even if you are, I hope that happiness is wiped from you just as suddenly and abruptly as it was from me.” With that, the elevators open and office staff and security come running down the hall. She drops the knife and is handcuffed. I’m apologized to profusely for their delay; security apparently was switching shifts and… I just didn’t care to listen to anything else. I simply tell them I was tired and thank them for unlocking my door. Once I get into my room, I don’t know why but I sit there and cry.

Brain completely scrambled I bawl my eyes out unsure of how to feel and if I should believe anything I’ve heard. She’s not lying. She’s a woman scorned but she’s not lying. I sit there trying to wrap my head around what I just heard. Did this woman just tell me Channing was obsessively stalking me since he met me?

Letting out a deep, shaky breath I look at my phone seeing the call was dropped and he’d called me multiple times while I was talking with that woman. Not in the mood to talk, I feel grateful I’m away from him right now. I need a day or two to clear my head and think. Laying down I silence my phone and put the cover over my head and try to forget what I heard. I don’t know when I fell asleep, I just remember waking up to banging on my door.

“ANGEL! ANGEL BABY ARE YOU IN THERE? OPEN UP! OPEN THE DOOR!!” Jumping up I run over to the door and Channing bursts in hugging me tight. “I was so worried. When I saw her at your door, I thought something happened. Are you okay?” For just a second I forget everything and hug him back until that second to last sentence came from his mouth and made me go stiff.

“W-What do you mean you saw her come t-to my door?” He stiffened and then relaxed chuckling.

“I only meant I heard a voice, uhmm…”

“Channing, what’s going on.”

“Nothing Babylove. I just-” He’s lying. I don’t want this.

“Channing did you ever stalk me? No, I feel like I’m asking the wrong question.” I look him in the face directly and I see his eyes go from blue to gold right before my eyes and I back away freaked out. Ready to run I see him get in a position that seems way too defensive for my liking. “Do… Are you stalking me?” As I stand there watching every last bit of blood drain from his face, I get my answer and feel my heart completely drop. Feeling overwhelmed and not ready to tackle this, I go to walk past him to put him out, but he grabs me.

“Angel, let me explain.”

“Let me go.”

“No. Never. I can’t.”

“Channing release me right FUCKING now!” His nostrils flared and his grip tightened but he let me go.

“Fine, but at least let me explain.” Nodding I move away from him and sit on the couch and he sits opposite of me on the love seat. As much as I wanted to get him the hell out of here, I also wanted to hear what he had to say. Too many questions were swirling around in my head. The main one being to what extent did he invade my life without my knowledge or permission? To what extent did he go to sell me this pack of lies he presented as love. I must know. Looking at his pained face I feel sick, because deep down I know it’ll be exactly as she said. My happiness was about to be snatched from me.



I’ve never been so scared in my life. Sitting here watching Angel with such a distrusting expression on her face feels like the end of the world. The simple thought of her leaving had me shaking and ready to beg. I’m willing to do any and everything for her but allow her to leave me. I didn’t care what it is as long as she remained mine and never left. She will understand once I explain to her why I did what I did. I’ve already spoken to Zane and Teagan and they said it’s okay because she’s my soulmate. She’s my soulmate she’ll understand. She won’t leave me.

Looking around I feel broken hearted as I notice that she trying to stay as far away from me as she can. Balling my fist, I feel my mood shift to anger at that bitch for running her mouth and pissed that I had zero control over this situation. We aren’t home where I could sit her down and have a proper conversation with her in a relaxed environment…no here she’s on high alert because of her altercation and finding out I invaded her privacy. If I don’t play my cards right here, I could lose the very woman that I’ve been longing for this entire time. I can’t allow that.

“I’m waiting.” I look up and our eyes meet, and I swallow ready to get this over with so we can move on with our lives. Nodding, she folds her arms and leans against the arm of the couch as I resist the urge to get up and bring her into my arms. “Well?”

“First off I just want to say nothing I have done has ever put you in danger. Nothing that I say will be terrible enough for you to leave me. So, I want you to promise me that no matter what I say you won’t break up with me. Contrary to what you may be thinking right now, I adore you and want to genuinely spend the rest of my life with you so please can you promise me that much.” She made a face and turned away. I felt like a bullet collapsed my lungs. “Angel… baby please. I’ve never in my life been so happy. My sole purpose in life is to return the favor a thousand-fold. You mean everything to me. Just promise not to break up with me. That’s all I ask.”

“Channing I can’t in good conscience agree, because the moment you say something fucked up, I’m out.” The whimper that escaped me was something internal.

“Please don’t leave me. I’ll get on my knees and beg if I have too.”

“Need I remind you I was stalked, and God knows what you did and you want me to just bind myself to this relationship without getting the full extent in which you did these things? Yeah…no, I’m not going to do that to myself nor you. Because I don’t want to come off as a liar if I change my mind.”

“That’s true but that doesn’t change the fact that I love you. I’d NEVER hurt you. Even before you and I made our relationship official, the most I ever did that could count as hurting you was fuss at you.”

“Tsk, I hate to burst your bubble but that’s a damn lie. You were insufferable so much so that I hated coming to work. You did not only ‘fuss’-” she put up air quotes “-at me as you so lamely claim. You belittled me and ridiculed me to the point I felt it was my weight and the color of my skin that needed to change. I would never change my skin color but the least I could do was change my weight and still you were ruthless and mean. So excuse me but your ‘fussing’ hurt damnit. A whole hell of a lot.” She put her head in her hands and started crying and I felt like an ass. Unable to stand this distance any longer I get up and pull her into my arms.

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