Home > Far Beyond Repair(16)

Far Beyond Repair(16)
Author: A.K.Evans

So while my family never had the money that Scarlet’s family did, she missed out on the experiences I got when I was younger. And that made me sad for her.

Because in the end, it seemed that money did nothing that her parents had intended for it to do. Of course, this was all speculation and something I hoped to confirm when I went to her signing in two days.

“What do you mean, Ryker?” my mom, Nina, asked. “Did she call you?”

“No, but I found out she’s living here in Rising Sun now,” I told her.

“Why now?” my dad, Martin, asked.

It was a valid question. For years, they had tried to push me—especially my mom—to reach out to Scarlet. I never went to them before I broke things off with her, and while they initially tried to convince me I was making a mistake, they respected my decision. Once those seven years were up and Scarlet never called, it hurt them. My mom begged me to call Scarlet on my own. I couldn’t. I didn’t want to risk learning that she’d moved on. While I knew that it affected me more than it did them, there was no denying that the end of Scarlet and I devastated them.

They always liked her.


They actually always loved her. And they loved her for me.

I could understand why.

She was the love of my life.

With no action on my part and virtually no mention of her name ever, I could understand their confusion.

“She hasn’t moved on,” I shared.

“Why didn’t she call you then?” my mom wondered.

Shaking my head, I replied, “I don’t know, but I’m hoping I find out this weekend.”

“Is she expecting to see you?”

“No. She has no idea. She’s an author now, and she’s signing at a local bookstore on Saturday. So, I’m going to go there and see her.”

“Are you sure about this, Ryker?”

There was no mistaking the cautious tone in my mother’s voice. I understood it. I felt nervous, too. But I needed answers.

“Yes. I have to understand what happened.”

My father cleared his throat before he asked, “Are you going to try to pick up where you left off? Do you want a relationship with her?”

“I’ve never stopped wanting a relationship with her,” I told him. “But I don’t know what I’m going to find out when we talk. It’s been fourteen years. I want to hope there’s still a chance for us, but I don’t know. It might be too far beyond repair.”

My mother moved toward me and put one hand to my forearm and the other around my back as her cheek came to my shoulder. “Are you prepared for whatever that outcome is going to be?” she questioned me. “I can’t bear to see you go through this heartache all over again.”

I didn’t want to admit to her that I wasn’t convinced I would survive it either. Telling her that would just make her worry, and the last thing I wanted to do was stress her out for the next couple of days.

So, I said, “If I don’t try, I’ll never know. And I know that I’m not prepared to deal with a lifetime of regret because I didn’t try. I love her, and I’m willing to take that risk now. I’ve got nothing to lose anymore.”

My mom squeezed me as my dad said, “We’ll be rooting for you and hoping for the best, son. For both of you.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

The three of us sat in silence for a few moments before my mom declared, “Let’s have some dessert.”

With that, she was up and moving toward the kitchen.

And it was then I realized that even if things didn’t go as I hoped they would go with Scarlet, I’d somehow be okay. Because I had these two incredible people in my life, and they’d make sure I got through it.



I was here.


I had just pulled into the parking lot outside the book store a few minutes ago and was waiting for Avery. She’d arrived before me, and the minute I parked my truck, she ordered, “Stay here while I go scope everything out. If she’s sitting close to the front door, we’ll need to figure out how to get you inside without her seeing you.”

Admittedly, the time in my truck did little to help calm my nerves. For a moment, I almost felt like the kid who’d just turned sixteen and pretended to be having a problem with the lawnmower so that I could get her to notice me. I was experiencing all that same anxiety now.

Only this was a bit worse.

I had something to lose now.

The thought this wouldn’t go well made me feel sick.

And if Avery hadn’t knocked on my window and opened the passenger door at that moment, I was certain I would have opened my door and thrown up.

“Well?” I asked.

“She’s not hidden in the back of the store,” she started. “I mean, she’s Scarlet Morgan. They’d be foolish to do that. But she doesn’t have a direct line of sight to the front door. You could walk right in. I’ve scoped it out, and I’m pretty sure there’s a good spot for you to stand and watch her for a bit until it’s time to make your move.”

This was it.

Either I’d walk out feeling like I was finally getting my chance at happiness again. Or it would be the opposite. It was a good thing Avery was there. Because if that happened and Scarlet turned me away, I wasn’t sure how I’d even get myself home.

“Are you ready, Ryker?”

I nodded. “Yeah,” I rasped.

At that, we got out of the truck and walked toward the store.

Ten minutes later, I could hardly stand still. My heart was pounding in my chest. She was there. She was right there, and she was still just as beautiful as I remembered.

Scarlet had no idea I was there watching her. She spent her time engaging with her readers as they walked up and talked to her while she signed their books for them. Sometimes, she’d stand up and take a picture with them. Every so often, I’d see a strange look come over her. She’d point her gaze to the ground and look off to the side. It was as though she was trying to figure something out. Almost as quickly as she’d get that look, it would vanish. She’d be right back to business.

Avery took her turn up there, and I watched as she chatted animatedly with Scarlet for a while. They seemed to get along great, and I had a feeling the two of them could easily become good friends if Scarlet and I could work things out.

But I also had a feeling it was going to take some time to get there.

Since Avery and I had arrived toward the tail end of the signing, it wasn’t long before the crowd started to thin out. When they’d all gone and Scarlet began talking with bookstore staff members while cleaning up, Avery walked up and whispered, “She’s the sweetest woman ever!”

“I’m terrified,” I returned quietly.

Putting her hand on my arm, Avery squeezed me. “That’s a good thing, Ryker. If you’re scared, it means you know there’s something there that’s worth it. Just make sure you don’t screw it up.”

I nodded.

Avery jerked her head in Scarlet’s direction and said, “Go. I’m going to go out and call Knox. I’ll wait in my car until I’m sure that you’re good. Okay?”

“Thanks for doing this, Avery,” I said.

She smiled at me before she shifted her body in front of mine and hugged me. “You’re welcome, Ryker,” she replied.

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