Home > Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(30)

Dark Intentions (Wicked Intentions Book 1)(30)
Author: J.A. Owenby

I snorted loudly. “This heart isn’t pure, Layne. I think you’re remembering someone else.”

“Were you the girl that told me she couldn’t stay and study for our biology test because you needed to cook dinner and bathe the younger foster kids at home?”


“Were you the girl who stopped James Rickly from beating up a kid who had worn the same pair of pants three days in a row?”


“And what about you hiding food in your locker? Was it for the younger foster kids?”

I nodded again. “How did you know?”

“Because every afternoon between sixth and seventh period, I made sure I walked by while you were at your locker. I needed one last glimpse of you for the day before I headed home.”

Sinking back onto my stool, I stared at him, speechless. “If you’d really known me—”

“I do know you. I’ve known you for years. I’ve watched you and adored you from across the cafeteria.” He chuckled. “That was romantic, huh?”

I smiled shyly. “Why didn’t you say anything to me about it?”

He gave a half-shrug. “I thought about it all the time. Then Chloe showed up, and as you know, we dated for a while. I did care about her, so I just assumed I’d gotten over my crush on you. But then our senior year, you were in my English lit class, and that was it for me.”

“Can I ask you what happened with Chloe after you broke up with her?”

Layne sighed, grief evident in his smoky-blue eyes. “I broke up with her, and I had planned on waiting a few days before I located you. I’d intended to apologize and see what I could do to help, but Chloe showed up at my house the next morning before school. She was pregnant.” He paused, rubbing his face with his hands as though it would erase the pain of losing Nicole. “She thought I’d take her back, but I didn’t. I did support her through the pregnancy, the doctor’s appointments, and I got a job at the grocery store. All my money went to Nicole, as it should have.” He looked away briefly, then back to me.

“I don’t know a lot of guys who would have done that. I mean taken responsibility,” I whispered.

“There was an innocent baby involved, and although I couldn’t stand Chloe, I wouldn’t make my child suffer.”

My brows creased. “Layne, the night I found you drunk and out of it, you kissed Chloe, not me. At first anyway. But did you still love her? Even a little bit?”

Layne took my hands in his. The heat from his skin consumed me. “I cared about her because she was the mother of my daughter. Although I didn’t particularly like her, it’s a bond that I’d never had with anyone else. Her death fucked me up a lot, though. We’d shared good and bad times, and even when I thought she was cruel and heartless to you before the baby was born, I had to make the best of the situation for Nicole’s sake. Sometimes a man has to realize it has nothing to do with the mom—it’s all about the kid. You make nice, you’re respectful, and you show your child what it’s like to be a good father.”

“I’m so sorry.” More than anything, I wanted to kiss his pain away, but there was nothing I could do.

“To answer your question, finally, I want to be with you. I’m not dating anyone else. In fact, I haven’t since I lost Nicole. I’m not sleeping with anyone either, and no one has my heart except you. I’m willing to take a chance on us.” He tipped my chin up with his finger. “My only concern is that my emotions are probably ahead of yours, and I’m worried I’m going to say or do the wrong thing, move too fast. I can’t lose you. After all this time, you’re finally next to me.”

“I’d rather just know so I’m clear. Otherwise, I’ll run myself fucking crazy, wondering how you feel, or if I’ve said something wrong, or if you’re going to walk out that door and never return.” I wrung my hands together, trying to calm my overactive anxiety and trust issues that were plaguing me.

His eyes bored into mine, and silence descended over us. “I’m in love with you, and I have been for a while.”

Shock rippled through me. “My entire life has been filled with empty words and promises. If you really love me, then show me. Make love to me, Layne. Let me give you everything I have to offer, the one thing I’ve never willingly given to anyone before.”

He swallowed visibly. “I don’t want to rush you. I know some of your experiences haven’t been consensual, and there’s no way I’d ever want to hurt you.”

“Show me,” I demanded quietly.

In one quick motion, Layne stood and swept me into his strong arms. “Is anyone else home?”

“No,” I answered breathlessly.

“Good.” He carried me to my room and gently placed me on the bed. He kicked off his shoes, closed the door, and flipped the lock. Then he quickly shed his dark-burgundy polo shirt and tossed it on the floor, exposing his muscular chest. I rolled over on my side and reached out to run my fingernails down his abs. He was beautiful, absolutely delicious. Leaning over me, he took my mouth with his. I threaded my hands in his hair and pulled him to me. I wanted to feel every inch of him.

He fumbled with my pants and sat up while he pulled them down my long legs. Then he stood and dropped his jeans. His thick shaft bobbed free. Although I’d seen him before, he hadn’t been hard when he was passed out in my bed.

“Dear God,” I muttered, staring at him.

His brows knitted together. “Are you all right? We can stop.”

I shook my head furiously. “No. I want to be with you.”

He pulled my black shirt off and unhooked my white bra. His eyes darkened as he tentatively slipped the straps off my shoulders. Cupping my breast, he leaned me onto the bed as our gazes locked.

“Hang on.” He picked up his jeans and grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket. A second later, he produced a condom.

“Thank you. Maybe to a lot of girls, using protection wouldn’t mean anything, but you just showed me you care about me.”

“You have no idea how much.” He rolled it on, then focused on removing my panties. After removing them quickly, he tossed them to the floor where they joined the rest of our clothes. For the second time in my life, I was naked with someone I cared deeply about. The first time had been the other night with Layne.

“I need to taste you,” he whispered before disappearing between my legs. Layne wasn’t wasting any time—he went right for my sensitive bud. His tongue skillfully worked its magic while I moved against his mouth.

“That’s it, baby,” he said.

I wasn’t sure if Layne was incredibly talented in the bedroom or if my emotional attachment made his touch that much more intense. Regardless, I was putty in his hands, and he could make me do anything he wanted, including come in record time.

“Layne!” I cried, stars exploding behind my eyes.

He wiped his mouth and smiled while he kissed a trail up my stomach and to my breasts. He nipped and sucked my nipples, giving each of them equal care as he settled his hips between my legs. His long member rested on my waist, and butterflies broke out in my chest. He rolled over slightly and guided his dick over my swollen clit, and his eyes fluttered closed briefly.

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