Home > FURY (Rosewood High #6)(66)

FURY (Rosewood High #6)(66)
Author: Tracy Lorraine

I groan, thinking about the congratulation party the guys are throwing for the squad.

“I’m never going to escape his ass, am I?”

“Nope, which is why you may as well make the best of the situation.” She laughs. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

We sit chatting until the sound of students descending around us fills the gym and a few teachers poke their heads in to check on us.

“We should probably head out.”

“It feels weird not practicing.”

“You’ve only got a week off, make the most of it.”

I stand from the floor before holding a hand out to help Chelsea up before we head out to join the others at the team benches.

I was hoping to get through at least an hour without having to see him, but it seems luck isn’t on my side this morning because not twenty minutes into first period does he come marching into my chemistry class.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter under my breath, much to Harley’s amusement who’s sitting beside me.

As if he can feel my stare, his eyes almost immediately find mine and my heart jumps into my throat.

Maybe this is going to be even harder than I expected.

My eyes don’t leave him the entire time he talks to Miss Harris. I know I need to look down, look anywhere, but I can’t.

By the time he turns my way, I’m in a total daze and unable to do anything but stare at him.

“Here, take my seat.” Harley’s words drag me back to reality.

“What?” I snap at her, in total disbelief that she’d even consider doing this to me.

“What?” she asks innocently, gathering her books and standing from her seat. “I’m doing an experiment. A chemistry experiment.”

I growl at her and she bursts out laughing as she makes her way to the back of the room and to a spare chair.

She locks eyes on me as she lowers down and smiles sweetly.

“I hate you,” I mouth, but all she does is shrug before going back to arranging her books.

“So… this is cozy,” Ashton whispers as he sits his ass beside me.

“Is it?” I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest and letting out a huff of frustration. So much for staying out of his way.

Refusing to look at him, I keep my eyes on Miss Harris who quickly picks up where she left off, completely oblivious to the tension that’s suddenly filled the room.

“Safe to say, my morning keeps getting better and better.” His arm rests on the back of my chair, his thumb grazing my shoulder blade and sending tingles down my spine.

“Do you mind?” I snap, shooting forward away from his touch.

“No, little one. Not really.”

“Well, I do. Keep your hands off me.”

“Is that what you really want?” he all but growls.

It’s so low and deep that I know no one else would have heard him and damn him because it affects me exactly as he was expecting it to. Heat floods my body and I’m immediately taken back to his room in Seattle where he growled all kinds of dirty things in my ear.

He leans forward with me, his fingertips skating down my spine and I jump up.

“Ruby, is everything okay?”

“Y-yes. I just need the bathroom. Do you mind?”

Miss Harris sighs at me and rolls her eyes. “Be quick.”

I dart out of that classroom like someone set my ass on fire.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter, falling back against the bathroom door and tipping my face to the ceiling.

We’re not even an hour into the day and he’s already driving me insane.

After giving myself a little pep talk, I make my way back to class. Apologize to Miss Harris and reluctantly return to my seat.

Thankfully, Ashton had started taking notes in the few minutes I’ve been gone, and he continues long after I return.

I’m glad he’s turned his attention away from me, but irritatingly, I’m also disappointed.

I flash a glance behind me to Harley who’s watching us curiously. A smile curls up at her lips and I just shake my head at her.

The second the bell rings, I’m out of the room. A smirk pulls at my lips when Miss Harris calls Ashton back so she can give him some extra homework to catch up. Fingers crossed all his teachers do that and keep him busy for the foreseeable future.

“What the hell was that?” I bark at Harley when she steps up to me as we head to history.

“What, I was just being nice to the new student.”

“Bullshit, Har. What game are you playing?”

“Me? Actually, I wanted to see what game Ash was playing. Did you really think he’d show up here and let you ignore him?”

“I...” I’d hoped he might however I knew realistically it was never going to happen.

“He wants you, Rubes. Whether you like it or not. Which by the way, I think you do, if the way you reacted to him earlier said anything.”

“What? I didn’t—”

“Really?” she asks with a laugh.

“You need to talk to him.”

“I really, really—”

She pins me with a look just before we get to our next class. “You really, really do. You don’t want this? Tell him and stay strong. You decide you do want it? Stop playing games. It’ll only end up with you being hurt worse.”

Harley’s words ring out in my head throughout the rest of my morning classes.

He hurt me. Walking away from me that morning in Seattle after everything that had happened between us. Doing whatever he did after we left. All of it hurt, it still hurts.

Can I just forgive him for all that?

I know he was—is—in a bad place. His mom had died, but that’s no excuse to take it out on me, rip my heart out and stomp all over it.

I recall his touch this morning. How it burned, how it set my blood on fire.

I want that again, I’m not even going to try to deny that. But is it worth it? Or are we destined to destroy each other?

I don’t see Harley after history, and thankfully I don’t see Ashton again, well not until I walk into the cafeteria for lunch. The second I’m in the doorway, I see him.

He’s standing with the team, Jake by his side, as I assume he introduces Ash to everyone.

My stomach turns over. This is really happening. He’s inserting himself into every aspect of my life and there’s shit all I can do about it.

Everywhere I turn—at home, at school—he’s going to be right there, taunting me, reminding me, tempting me.

“Uh oh, skank, two o’clock,” Harley says in my ear as she appears at my side.

Ripping my eyes away from Ashton, I find Krissy, Aria, and Victoria heading straight for him.

“Did she really suck him off at Ethan’s party?”

A growl rumbles up my throat at her words.

“Alright, no need to go all cavewoman on me, I was merely inquiring as to what went down.”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask.” But as we stand there continuing to watch the show, I think we get our answer because Krissy walks right up to him, the length of her body presses against his, absolutely zero hesitation and no shame, as she runs her palms up his chest.

“Wow, someone’s about to get her eyes gouged out with your nails,” Poppy mutters, joining the two of us and watching the show.

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