Home > Shattered Souls(117)

Shattered Souls(117)
Author: B C Morgan

“I’m sorry, sweetie. It’s positive,” I say, and she faints.

I get her a glass of water before patting her lightly on the cheek, she stirs, before her sobs start up again.

“How could I let this happen? Everything is ruined.” She clutches at her stomach, as she rocks back and forth.

“This is going to sound bad, and I don’t mean it like that, but do you know who the father is?”

She nods furiously, as she swipes at her face, before rushing into the bathroom and vomiting. I follow her into the bathroom, pull back her hair, and hold it out of the way. I rub soothing circles into her back, until the worst of it passes, and she slumps against the toilet bowl, hugging herself against it.

“Sweetie, do you want to tell me? You don’t have to,” I quickly add, she doesn’t have to tell me anything, just because I helped her.

“Oh shit, Luna, it’s Scott.”

My face is probably as white as hers, the guy who called me Snow, who held me back as Shane tried to drown his own brother. That fucking Scott. I think she could be in more trouble than I first thought.

“I can’t tell him, right? I mean, I know I have to, but I can’t.”

“Honestly, I don’t know. I haven’t had the best experience with him, but that isn't for me to decide. I’m here though, if you need to talk, you’re not alone. I promise, Elena, you don’t have to go through this by yourself, no matter what you decide.”

“I think I just need a few days to think, work out what I need to do. Then I’ll decide whether I’ll tell him or not. Thank you, Luna, you’re a good friend.” She sinks further against the floor, as I stand here and watch.

I think she should tell him. I mean, despite who he is, doesn’t he have a right to know? But, it isn’t my decision to make, or my secret to tell. She’ll need to come to her own conclusion, and live with the consequences.






Things Are Never Simple






I guess it would have been too easy to just go there and have all my suspicions confirmed. Maybe I’ve grown accustomed to getting my own way, because I am not enjoying the way things are playing out right now. I mean, the head agrees with me. He thinks it’s shady as fuck, and that was more than I need for confirmation. But he said there was a test he had done, and until the results came back, he couldn’t confirm or deny my theory. A fucking theory, whatever, you jumped dickhead, I know I’m right.

Tucker: Luna was alone with Cole, the camera’s didn’t pick up what she wrote to him. Thought you better know now that you’re back. I don’t believe for a minute you were out getting fucked off your face. Don’t lie to me, Aer, not if you want this Luna thing to last in the real world.

Me: I didn’t want to say anything until I had proof, it’s still circumstantial though. It will take about a week to know for definite, but if that’s the case, then I can’t hold off on telling her. I’ll fill you in after… what do you mean what she wrote?

Tucker: She wrote him a message on a piece of paper, almost as though she was hiding something!

Ahhh fuck, I hope I haven’t left it too late. If he’s wormed his way back in, she might not believe me. I check the time and see that it's three pm. May as well wait in her room. No doubt she thinks I’m avoiding her, seeing as I got back two days ago, I just don’t know how to break it to her. Because this could do just that, break her. I don’t want to be the messenger when that happens, I want to build her back up, not help to bring her down.

I sit down on her sofa, and quirk a brow at the package on her table, with a gift card on top. I flip the envelope tab and take a look inside, and laugh like a madman.


I’m claiming on the agreement we made when I lived a day in your life, thought this would be safer than actually being there when you opened it. No throwing it in my face, but feel free to be creative in your method of thanking me.

Your Em

Em? Ahh, that is too fucking perfect. Never thought I’d live to see the day where someone other than Alexa could give him a girlie nickname. I really want to call him that when I see him next, but this thing has to have a modicum of respect. He doesn’t call me Sin for shits and giggles, so I won’t do that to him. That’s fucking growth right there.


Fuck, I didn’t even hear the door open. I spin around on the spot, to stare at her. My Little Zero, the girl who eclipses everything else.

“Hey, beautiful, miss me?” I lick my lips as I look her over, loving the fact that she’s wearing a red dress. My fucking color right there, boys and girls.

“Of course, did you miss me?” She closes the door, taking her eyes off me, and some of the warmth disappears along with it.

“You have no idea, but I got back as soon as I could.” I stand up, but she isn’t even trying to get closer to me. Instead, she’s leaning against the door, with her hands braced against it, her teeth sinking into her lower lip, as she stares at me through her pale lashes.

“You said you weren’t going to blow off steam, everyone else thought you were though.” She still won’t fucking look at me. Shit, she’s trying to work out who I lied to, her or everyone else.

“Eclipse, I told you the truth. I had to go and sort something out, or at least try to. There was something I had to figure out, and I couldn't do it while I was here. I won’t lie to you, I promise.” I capture her hands as I get close enough, but I won’t crowd her. That’s Emmet and Tucker’s style, not mine.

“Okay. I thought you weren’t going to stop calling me Little Zero.” Her eyes finally, finally, meet mine. Thank fuck for that!

“I’m not, but Eclipse suits you too. You eclipse everything, I only see you.” My hands trail up her arms as she trembles beneath my touch, and I hate myself for moving away.

“What’s wrong?” Always so perceptive, I wonder if she would have ever guessed though. I doubt it, she’s too trusting and willing to see the good in everyone, her choice in guys proves that.

“Little Zero, you can’t trust Cole. This isn’t me trying to control you or anything, just stating a fact. You cannot be alone with him, that guy is dangerous.”

She scoffs, and my back straightens as she juts her chin to look at me.

“Got cameras in there too. Hey, Sin. Go on, ask me what you want to know.” Her eyes are daring me to do just that, but I can see the fear from here, buried beneath her determination to show a strong front.

“I don’t have cameras in there, but someone does. Why were you passing him notes, unless it was something you didn’t want us to hear?” I cock my head to the side, smirking at her, trying to get a rise, even though that should be the last thing I want.

“So that’s it? You don’t trust me. Why, because I fell for more than one guy? It isn’t like I planned to, I tried to stop it, but it doesn’t mean I’ll fall for every guy who smiles at me, or shows me a semblance of kindness.” Her chest is heaving as she pushes off the door and marches over to the window.

“I never once thought that was the reason, but it does concern me if you are keeping secrets when you said you wouldn’t.”

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