Home > Shattered Souls

Shattered Souls
Author: B C Morgan





I can’t believe the start to the final year is only a few months away. I don’t know what to expect, but I’d be lying to myself if I said I wasn’t terrified.

Daria was hurt, and I finally admitted to myself that I am in love with Emmet! How can I be in love with two guys? Let alone have feelings for another four. It’s crazy. I know love has no limits, but come on!

I’m relieved that Shane won’t be coming back, but Thallon is a wildcard. I don’t know anything about him, and that worries me. What if he’s as bad as Shane? What if he’s worse? Is that even possible? Then again, Sir wears the crown for most terrifying, so I guess you can get worse than Shane.

All of that is in the future though, what I really need to focus on is where Tucker is taking me. I’m going to meet his niece, a girl he clearly adores and I really hope she likes me. I don’t have a lot of practice with kids, I mean I was one but I didn’t have a normal start and I can’t expect her to be like me. Quiet, reserved, scared of the world. No, she’ll probably be a happy little girl, and I hope I’m someone she can at least like eventually. Then again, am I planning on being around once my time at the Academy ends? I didn’t think I was, but these guys have me questioning everything. My beliefs, plans, my past, and even worse, my future.



A Surprise Twist






I feel bad leaving Daria, but at least she’ll be out of the Academy and with Maddox. I couldn’t ask for a better person to look after her than him. He’ll look after her, and keep her safe.

“You’re being quiet, Tiny One. What’s going on?”

“I’m just worried about D, and I wish we could figure out who’s behind trying to drown her, so we can end it. I don’t even care what happens to that… that… I can’t say anything without swearing.” I blow out a harsh breath, before tugging on my hair.

“Then swear. It’s no big deal. Everyone does it, but if you do decide to join us lowly people, then please make sure it isn’t at the birthday party.” He smirks at me, but keeps his eyes on the road. His gorgeous blue eyes sparkle when he smirks, and his caramel hair practically shines under the sunlight. Why does he have to be so… Tucker? There is no other word to describe him but his name! Trust me, it’s impossible! I’ve tried!

“Don’t worry, I plan on making a good impression on your niece,” I say with a laugh, and he rubs at the back of his neck.

“That’s good, don’t try too hard with her though. She’s turning four and she pretty much loves everyone. You’ll do fine.” He pats my knee, and his hand stays there.

“To switch the conversation back, did you ever think that Emmet was the strangler? Even for a moment?” His eyes cut to me, and he should know by now that I can’t lie to him.

“Honestly, it crossed my mind, but I couldn’t make myself believe it could be him. I thought about it, and I could see why other people would suspect him, but I don’t think he would have been so obvious. I also don’t think he would do it in a way that could implicate him.” I nibble on my bottom lip as I stare out of the window.

I watch as the town of Harkwright disappears and we head off to… well, I don’t even know where.

“So, you can imagine Emmet killing someone then?” I look at him to see that he’s smirking again, and I just shake my head.

“Sure, I think a few of you could. It doesn't mean that you would, but given the right incentive? I think you’d get your hands bloodied. That being said, I don’t think the person doing this is like you guys. The things they’re doing, and the way they’re doing it, it seems personal. But what could any of those girls, or Ms. Vanderbilt, have done for that to happen to them? An even better question, what did D do?”

“I like how you include D, but not yourself. You think you deserve to be made a target?” His tone is short and clipped.

“No, I’m not saying that but not many people like me in the Academy. The girls don’t like the attention you guys have given me, and I don’t think many of the guys do either. It doesn’t make it right, but I’m not surprised someone came after me the way they did.” I look at him and watch as his eyes narrow and his jaw tightens.

“You get into so much trouble, I have no idea how I’m supposed to keep you safe.” He’s white knuckling the steering wheel, but he has to know my safety can’t really come down to him.

“I appreciate it, but it’s not your job to keep me safe,” I sigh, and I think it’s time for me to change the subject. “Tell me more about your niece. What does she like?”

“Unicorns, Frozen, pretty much all the Disney films. She loves to sing along, even if she doesn't say the right words, it’s adorable.” His face softens as a smile spreads across his face. It makes him look so much younger and more carefree.

“I’m looking forward to meeting her. Will we see her before the party?”

“About that, we’re going to be spending some time with my adoptive parents. They’re Harkwright in name, but they’re definitely a lot nicer than the rest of them. We’ll sleep at my place, but the days will be with them.” I feel like he’s building up to something, but I can’t figure out what.

“Okay, that makes sense. What has that got to do with your niece?”

“I only have one sister, and she won’t be there…” he trails off, as he tugs at his collar and his face flushes.

“So, your niece will be there?” His niece will be there, but her mom won’t be. I feel so confused, just come out with it already.

“No, she’ll be elsewhere until the night before. She’ll come and stay with us on the eve of her party and I’ll have to tell her that you are my… girlfriend.” I expect him to start choking with the way he forces that word out.

“Why won’t she be staying with your sister?”

“Because she’s not my niece, she’s my daughter.”

Head meet bomb, because it just fucking exploded!



A daughter. He has a daughter. Tucker Harkwright is a father. Why is this not sinking in? Is it really that surprising? Well, I mean yeah. He told me she was his niece. I was never expecting this.

“Have I shocked you, Five?” No name, he’s even taken his hand off my thigh. He’s either annoyed with my silence or he’s worried. It had to be the former, what could Tucker possibly have to worry about?

“Y-yes. I never saw it coming. Will you tell me about her?” I ask quietly, and he glances at me as I place my hand on his thigh instead.

“Her name is Isabelle, but everyone calls her Belle. She’s a daddy’s girl, which I love, but her mother hates. I don’t get to see her very often, and I’m still surprised that Rachel would agree to this. But I think it’s because she believes it will be the last time I get to see her.” His voice turns rough, as he winds down the window and stares straight ahead.

“I saw an envelope back in your apartment. I didn’t look inside but I saw the court address. Are you being served?” Why did I ask him that? I want to calm him down, not wind him up further.

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