Home > Shattered Souls(113)

Shattered Souls(113)
Author: B C Morgan

“The implant? Oh yeah, but you know they’re not a hundred percent right? No birth control is, and you know if I am, then…” She can’t finish her sentence, as more sobs take over.

Not that she has to, not with the way Tucker just reacted. It doesn’t matter that their staff put us on it, she’ll be blamed, held accountable, and no doubt accused of trying to trap one of them.

“You need to do a test.” It’s so obvious, yet also so fucking risky.

She can’t just go to the medical center and ask for one, but maybe she doesn’t need to. I hate to admit even to myself that I have an in with one of the doctors, but she clearly needs help. I can’t walk away from this.

“I can’t, Luna. Look at me, if I go there and ask them to test me, the whole Academy will know. It won’t take long until they have every Harkwright I’ve been with in there with me, and it will only escalate further. I can’t handle this, I’m so close to being away from everything, and yet, I may have screwed my entire life up.” She tugs at her hair furiously, so hard it makes me wince.

“I…” Don’t do it, it's too risky. You are so close to walking away, after everything that has happened. “I’ll get it for you.”

Her head snaps up to mine, wide eyed, and gasping for air. She shakes her head furiously, so I drop down to a crouch in front of her.

“I’m trusting you right now, Elena, even though I shouldn’t trust anyone here. I know someone from before I came. They’re an old family friend. I can get them to sneak me a test, but it can’t be for a couple of weeks. Can you wait that long, and keep my secret?” I cup her face, keeping her eyes square on mine.

“I won’t tell anyone, I swear. Thank you, Luna. Thank you.” She sinks into me. And we stay like this long after the warning bell goes.



No more secrets, what a joke. Then again, I did say no more secrets if they were mine to tell. It's a weak ass excuse, but I’m clinging to it. All I have to do is figure out a reason to need to see Cole once he’s back, and to do it without one of my guys accompanying me. That’s going to be the tricky part, I don’t even want to think about how I’m going to ask him for a test. Too many variables, I need to tackle this one step at a time.

It’s been a week since Elena dropped her bombshell, and I’ve got just over a week left to figure out an excuse. One springs to mind, but I really don’t want to do it. It’s going to hurt so fucking much, and I’m not sure even my tolerance for pain could withstand it. Plus, I won’t be able to hold back my cry, I’ll have to let the pain in, because if I’m doing this, then I need to do it right, and that means publicly. Fuck my life, how do I get myself into this kind of situations?

“Vanilla,” his voice is taunting, and I have to resist the urge to smile. Because I’m not supposed to be happy that Thallon is calling me out, although the use of that pet name helps to curb my usual response whenever he’s around.

“Yes, Thallon?” I stare at my shoes, as he shoulders into me, and I knock into the wall. Laughter rings out, and I give him the side eye.

He flicks his eyes towards the left, before heading in that direction, but I don’t move until the hallway clears.

I look around, trying to figure out where he could have gone, when a hand wraps around my mouth, and I’m pulled into the pool changing rooms.

His mouth is on mine, hungry and demanding. For dignity’s sake, I try to resist, but it doesn’t last long. My hands are in his hair, as he sucks my lip into his mouth. I wasn’t expecting him to want me for this, but I’m not about to complain. What have I become?

He breaks away, his chest moving rapidly against mine, as he pins me to the wall with his hard body.

“That wasn’t what I had in mind.” His voice is husky, and sends warmth straight through me.

“I’m not complaining,” I say softly, as my teeth sink into my lower lip.

“Damn it, Koala girl. This is serious.” he glares at me, but it doesn’t help that he’s also grinding his hips against mine.

“Uhuh,” it’s all I can get out, as I brace my hands against the wall, to try and ground myself back into the here and now.

“Sir is looking for you. He’s going to call you into his office,” he forces it out through his teeth. He may as well have doused me with ice cold water, the effect is that strong and potent.

“Fishsticks, do you know why?”

“Something about an offer. Whatever you do, Koala, refuse. Just be tactful, okay? No good can come out of an offer with him. It would be worse than selling your soul to the devil.” He kisses the corner of my mouth, but my mind is already a million miles away.

“If Emmet is the devil, then haven't I already given him my soul?” Fuck. Why would I even think that, I gave him my heart, not my soul. For Pete’s sake, I do not want to be that girl.

“No, my he… Koala, you haven’t. You’re stronger than that. I don’t think you would give any of us that kind of power over you.” He pushes away, leaving me suddenly cold and bereft. Yeah, no power whatsoever.

“Are you ever going to tell me why you call me Koala girl?” He won’t answer, I know this as clear as I know that the grass is green, but sometimes brown. Doesn’t stop me from asking though.

“Because you are a koala. Like them, you seem sweet, meek, and unassuming. But believe me, they can be vicious when they need to be, and they would do anything to protect their family.” He gives me a strange look before walking out of the room, and his words are doing strange things to my heart.

Yeah, non-emotional, casual fun… whose smart idea was that anyway? Because I think I may be screwing it up.

I leave five minutes later, and head towards the atrium. Almost as though she was waiting for me, Miss Lucien is on me as soon as I enter.

“Miss Carter, with me. Sir Harkwright requires your presence.” She may play the robot well, but I can tell she doesn’t like playing the part of his errand girl. Not with the faint lines around her mouth, I wonder how much energy she puts in to not show any emotion. I could never do it.

She leads me down the long hallway that leads to his office. I didn’t even know he was back in the Academy, it makes me wonder who else, other than Thallon, does. She pushes open his office door, and moves to the side as I step past her.

He’s sat behind his desk, with his palms flat against the surface. His suit is impeccable, without a wrinkle in sight, but he seems so… tired. I’ve never noticed it before, I don’t even think I’m supposed to now.

“You can leave us now, Miss Lucien. Close the door behind you.” He dismisses her with a flick of his wrist, but she keeps her neutral mask on, as she does as he says.

“Please, Miss Carter, take a seat.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I keep my head slightly bowed, as I move to the chair opposite his desk, and fold myself into the seat, as elegantly as I can. It’s not elegant at all, but at least I’m trying.

“How are you keeping, my dear? Nervous about the finals?” A smile graces his lips. It makes him appear younger, although he still looks old enough to be my dad.

“I’m okay. Thank you, Sir. Definitely nervous, but excited for the future.”

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