Home > Shattered Souls(36)

Shattered Souls(36)
Author: B C Morgan

“I won’t waste time asking about the culling. To be honest, it’s a smart move. We’ve already lost girls, so why not lose a few more? But why abolish all the claims from before?” Except for Maddox’s.

“The culling came from you, son. You made the point of saying that we never replaced the girls, and we’ve always had ten girls to one guy. It makes more sense to remove five than get yet another Harkwright in. We seem to have more single females than males these days.” He stops looking through the paperwork and finally gives me his full attention. “The waiting list for the girls was a ridiculous notion put forth by Ms Vanderbilt. We’re better off washing our hands with it. As for removing the claims, I feel it gives the girls something to strive for. With all the guys available. They should use this opportunity to prove themselves to you. Don’t worry, son, I’m sure you’ll get Luna. Just make sure you’re the first one to request her.” There’s something about his words, they sound as though they’re in my favor, but I don’t trust them.

He looks between me and the door, and I know it’s my time to leave.

“Thank you, father, I will see you soon.” I get up and move over to the door.

“Oh, and, Emmet, don’t start any more fist fights with Thallon. I won’t go as easy on you next time.” My face screws up as I pull the door open and walk out.

Easy, yeah right. My back still hurts from where he belted me, if that’s going easy on me… well, I guess it’s nothing compared to what he’s done to Maddox over the years.

I walk past the stairs when Luna’s friend suddenly pops up in front of me.

“What the fuck do you want? Star isn’t here.”

“I know that. Actually, I was wondering if I could have a word with you. Luna seems to trust you, and I’m counting on the fact that she’s right.” She twirls a strand of her hair around her fingers, before tugging on it. She keeps glancing around, as though she’s doing something wrong, and I’m definitely interested in what she has to say.

“Okay, follow me. This better be good,” I add before I lead her to our wing and to my room.

I watch as she takes in my seating for one, lack of TV, and king size bed. Probably trying to figure me out. Good luck with that.

“What do you want, friend?” I ask, waving my hand at her, and she shakes her head before placing her hands on her hips.

“I know I can’t ask anything of you, but I’m doing this for Luna. I don’t know if you care about her or whether her happiness is important to you, but I’m hoping it is.” She starts pacing the ground and she needs to stop so I know where to look.

“Will you stand still, for crying out loud, woman? Yes, I care about her, okay? Now, just tell me!” Maybe shouting at her friend isn’t the best idea.

“A message was left in the dance hall, which doesn’t make any sense. Anyone who knows Luna would know that the kitchen is her favorite place to be. Afterwards, Tom gave her the option of using a pass.” She stares at me as though she expects me to start breaking things, not a misguided assumption. I walk over to my closet and contemplate pulling out a bottle of whiskey, but I don’t think I’m at that point yet.

“What did she say?” Staying calm is hard fucking work, it’s easier to just lose my shit, but I need to think rationally.

“She didn’t. He’s given her two days.” I do look at her now.

“Why are you telling me this? So I order her to say no? Aren’t you supposed to be supportive and shit?” I move over to my seat and sink down, while I contemplate my next move. I mean, I could just tell her no.

“Luna is strong, but she’s still human. She isn’t invincible, and eventually if this keeps happening, she will…” She breaks. Bends over, clutching her stomach as tears pour out of her.

I shake my head before walking into the bathroom and grabbing a shit ton of tissue. I shove them into her hands once I make it back to her.

She sniffles as she tries to pull herself together and I grab the whiskey. I pour a generous amount before handing her the glass.

“What’s this for?” she asks through hiccups.

“I don’t like crying women.” I shrug and she surprises me by laughing.

She throws it back in one gulp and chokes. Sue me for laughing, but I’ve got to get my kicks from somewhere.

“I don’t want her to die, Emmet, and out of everyone here, you may be the only one who can stop it. I don’t want to betray her trust, but you need to know how serious she is about this. There’s a huge chance that she could say yes.” Her hands shake as she holds the empty glass to her chest and I hold the bottle up in a silent offering.

I fill it up and perch on the coffee table so she can sit down. Sure, we could share, but she might start crying again.

“Is it because of this note that was left?” I check my phone but nope, no one has informed me of this little development.

“The note, the raft, the pool house, take your pick. There are so many reasons why she shouldn’t stay here, and there are five reasons she may choose to risk it. She cares for you guys, I don’t know why. Maybe she sees the good that you guys have in you, or maybe she’s just fooling herself.” She laughs and I think I might be starting to like this little beast. “Don’t tell her not to do it, please. I don’t think that will work in your favor, she needs to feel safe. That there’s a reason to stay. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for the fact that she needs that money. If you think you can keep her safe, then help her to see it, but if not, then maybe you should convince her to leave.” She places the glass on the table beside me, before she gets up and leaves.

Can I keep her safe? Well, I haven’t done a great job so far.



I pause outside of her room, wondering how I’m going to play this.

I push it open to see Tom and Aeron sitting on the couch, but I can’t see Star anywhere.

“You took your time,” Tom says before turning to look at her bedroom door.

“I had a few things to take care of. Care to fill me in on this message?”

Aeron pulls out his phone before he hands it over. I stare at the picture before handing it back.

“This is getting ridiculous, what the fuck are we supposed to do?” Aeron asks, as he shoves it back into his pocket and throws a pillow at the wall.

“A pillow, really?” Tom says with a smirk and we both turn to stare daggers at him.

“She’s asleep, I’d rather not wake her mid tantrum,” Aeron retorts back.

“Enough, leave your drama out of it. What are we going to do?”

“Maybe we should set a trap, something that will entice them to act,” Tom suggests.

“Great idea, although we don’t know what he wants.” I smack him up the side of his head and he glowers around me.

“He wants Luna.”

“No.” I don’t know who shouts it louder, me or Aeron. It doesn’t take long for her bedroom door to open and the brightest star to appear.

“What’s going on?” she asks, as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes, and the dark circles under her eyes are concerning.

“We’re trying to figure out the best way of stopping the strangler once and for all. Don’t worry, Little Zero, we’ve got this,” Aeron says, as he strides up to her and pulls her against him. She doesn’t even try to fight it.

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