Home > Shattered Souls(42)

Shattered Souls(42)
Author: B C Morgan

The door opens and I look up into a pair of dark chocolate eyes. Thallon.

“Come along, Vanilla, it’s time for your surprise.” He walks down the hall and I follow on his heels.

I can see Tom standing in his doorway, but he looks away as I pass by. I can’t see the others, and I’m hoping they’re not here.

I step into his room and he closes the door behind me, before he walks into the bathroom. His room is no different from the others. He has a double bed set off against the far wall, with a sectional on the other side, and a TV bigger than what I would say is necessary. He has a little kitchen area, but it’s all just one large room, aside from what I assume is his closet and, of course, the bathroom.

“Now then, put this on and then I want to see you on your hands and knees.” His smile is sly, and my eyes open wide as fear courses through me.

Of course I knew this could happen, but it doesn’t mean that I want it to. Fuck, what’s going to happen at the wedding?

“Come along now, Vanilla, I’ve given you an order.” He places five toothbrushes into my hand and I think my brain may be haywiring.

“What are these for?” I ask slowly, staring at them as though I’ve never seen a toothbrush before.

“To clean the bathroom, of course. Why, did you think I wanted you on all fours for a different reason?” He laughs coldly, and my spine snaps straight.

He can’t expect me to... no, surely not. I can’t clean this entire bathroom with a flimsy little toothbrush. It’s ridiculous, and downright cruel.

My head bows before him and I hate it. Don’t start acting meek now, you’re playing into his desires. But if I don’t, he could order me to do something a hell of a lot worse. Bile burns my throat as images of me having to smell toys and clothes flash through my mind. I never want to do something like that again.

“Can I wear gloves, please?” It comes out in a whisper, and my spine is crumbling under the weight of his stare.

“Of course, I’m not a monster. Now get to it, Vanilla, you have one hour.” I lift my head to see him smiling in full force and I wilt beneath his gaze. “Oh, and don’t forget the outfit. Put it on. I don’t think you need any privacy, with all the attention that you’re used to getting.” His smile turns to a hard line and his eyes burn with utter hatred.

I hold out the outfit and my legs start to shake as I take in the black material, with the ruffled skirt, underwire mesh to keep it all kinds of indecent, and the apron fixed to the front. It’s a goddamn sexy French maids outfit. My hands shake and my entire body is trembling as I slide my arms through the straps of my black tank top. I pull it over my head, but pause for a second to gather my bearings. This is humiliating, degrading, just plain right cruel. I know I already said it, but what other word could cover this?

I drop it on the floor and I notice him watching me, but his eyes are on my face. He looks bored, so what’s the point in this? Oh yeah, to make me uncomfortable and hate him. Like he hates me, but why?

I hook my thumbs into my skirt and quickly push it down my legs, I just want to get this over with. I shove the outfit on, and he steps into me, spinning me around and pulling the zipper up at the back.

“Now get to it, I want to see them sparkling,” he chuckles, before he shoves me between the shoulder blades and I stumble into the bathroom.

I rip open the brush packaging, before I don the gloves and then fall to my knees.

I hear a door open, but no closing noise follows it.

“Who wants to see the favorite, down on her hands and knees?” I hear him call out into the hallway, and it isn’t long before my skin is crawling with too many eyes upon me.

I hear the distinct sound of a photo being taken, clearly they put the sound on their phone just so I would know what they are doing.

I want to cry, but I don’t want to give Thallon, or anyone else the satisfaction. All I can do is try to drown out their laughs and taunts. And ignore the way their eyes are burning straight through to my soul.

“What the fuck are you doing? What are you hoping to prove?” Aeron’s voice washes over me, but I know he won’t step in, he can’t.

“Just putting on a show for the guys. Wait until you see what I have planned for the girls.” I refuse to glance up, but it doesn’t stop the toothbrush from falling out of my hand and clattering to the floor.

“Great use of a girl, you must be really popular with the ladies back home.” Please, Aeron, just go away. I don’t want you to see me like this.

“Either take a photo and join in with the fun, or fuck off. Unless you want me to up the ante.” His tone doesn’t sound carefree anymore. It’s all business, and it’s scary as fuck.

“I’m so out of here, pathetic waste of space.”

“See you later, Aer, don’t be a stranger,” he calls, and I bite down on my tongue and relish in the pain. Anything to distract me from the humiliation.

“Okay, fuckers, you’ve had your fill. Beat it.” Grumbles and moans fill the room but it isn’t long before it goes quiet, and the sound of the door closing registers.

“Looking good, Vanilla, this sort of work suits you.”

Don’t respond, he’ll just use anything you have to say against you.

“We are going to have so much fun together, and the best part is… you don’t have a fucking clue why.”



My back is killing me, it feels like I’ve been doing this for hours. In all honesty, I may have been.

I drop the toothbrushes into the trash, along with my gloves, before slowly getting to my feet. Everything feels tight, and I’ve got aches in places I don’t even know you could ache.

“Not bad, you may be worth keeping around after all.” He looks around the room as I shoot daggers into his back, but quickly drop my head as he turns around.

“Can I go back to my room now?” I’m exhausted, and I just want to climb into my upgraded whirlpool bath.

“But you look so pretty.” He runs his hand over my face before jerking my head up. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I didn’t show you off?” How can a face that is the epitome of kindness, with his warm eyes, and carefree smile, hide such malice?

“Okay, I’ll get changed.” I try to walk past him, but he won’t let me.

“Oh no, you’ll be fine just the way you are.” He grips the back of my neck before manhandling me out of his room.

Doors open as we walk past, probably drawn by the sound of his laughter.

“Now what is he up to?” I hear Scott say, but Thallon’s grip makes sure I can only look straight ahead.

“Fucked if I know, I’m staying out of it. I don’t want to be around when this blows up,” Ashley replies and I’m glad I can’t see my guys. Whether they can see me I don’t know, but I need to pretend they can’t.

He drags me out of the wing before dragging me down each one of the hallways in the girls wing. My heart is thumping like crazy, as my mind races. I can’t even begin to predict what he might make me do now, I’m scared.

“Come one, come all. You don’t want to miss this.” He may as well be skipping with how excited he is.

We wind down the staircase next with a full entourage of Academy girls and even a few of the men. He leads me outside until I’m standing in front of the Academy with more people than I can count watching me, waiting.

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