Home > Shattered Souls(58)

Shattered Souls(58)
Author: B C Morgan

His mouth comes close to my ear, sending shivers up and down my spine.

“That is bullshit. The thing with rumors is they are rarely true. Yes, a girl ended up in a psychiatric hospital, but it wasn’t solely down to me. You see, she cheated the system. Her medical file was clean and she passed the interview stage. Unfortunately, it missed how fucked in the head she really was. She was obsessive, latched onto me and Shane as though we were her found Messiah. When we wouldn’t give her the time of day, she joined forces with the girl I told you about before. They made Roz’s life unbearable.” He growls under his breath before continuing. “But it was Alicia who snapped. She broke into our wing and my room. Trashed the place and tried to hurt a girl I sent up there. She just couldn’t believe that I wouldn’t want her. She thought we were soulmates. To this day, she still believes that, last I heard she’s even planning our wedding.” His voice is gruff and lined with… worry.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed,” I say slowly, and he rests his chin on top of my head.

“You still need to convince me. Tell me why you don’t think your sister is amazing anymore?”

Why is he so obsessed with Poppy?

“I think I forgot all the bad stuff she did to me. Or at least, rationalized it into believing she only did it to make me stronger. I know that isn’t true anymore. She used to make my life hell growing up, and made me believe that she could get our mom to send me back. Then one time she tried to get me to hit her, she wanted me to fight back against the bullies but I didn’t want to practice on her. Anyway, she said some things that sent me into a rage and I lost control. My mom punished me for it and I wouldn’t tell her why, neither did Poppy. I also know that I’m not the only person she’s done it to, but I didn’t know that until more recently. I still don’t think I know the full story, but I can’t see her as a hero or someone to look up to anymore.” My voice is soft, but I don’t regret what I’ve said.

“Then why defend her?”

“Because she can’t defend herself and above everything else, she’s still my sister. I can’t choose my family, they just help to realize the sort of person I do and don’t want to be.”

The song changes to something softer and we start to sway.

“Keep talking, unless you want me to like your sister.” He snorts at the end, and I’m trying not to smile.

“I don’t think I can. What could I possibly say to make you change your mind? I’m not a fake, but you’ll believe what you want on that front. The only reason I stopped being a Zero was because I acted on instinct and helped Maddox. Nearly got in trouble for it, because of touching an actual number. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve jammed my finger into Emmet’s chest when he’s being too much of himself, and forgot about the consequences. I got drunk, high, and made countless mistakes. I’m not perfect, Thallon, and I don’t think everyone should like me. I’m only human and I’m not going to apologize for that.” I feel a little breathless now that I’ve gotten it all out, and he stays quiet.

The song ends and he steps back, before we head towards the tables once more. The closer we get, the louder the sound of shouting grows and I know it’s Emmet. A crowd is starting to form around the entrance and Thallon pushes his way to the front, dragging me along behind.

“This is fucking stupid, I’m not going,” he flips the… police off.

“Emmet Harkwright, you are hereby under arrest for the assault of…”

My ears are ringing as they force his arms behind his back and slap a set of cuffs on him.

“Don’t worry, son, you’ll be out within the hour,” Sir states, as he stares the policemen down.

“It’s fine, dad. I know I didn’t do it.”

“Don’t say anything. I mean it, Emmet. Keep your mouth shut until I get there with the lawyer.” He turns around to face us, he looks unruffled, but his eyes show the slow build of a coming storm. “Get back in the ballroom now, the shows over,” his voice booms out and we do as we’re told.

“What is happening?” I can’t believe what I just saw. Emmet’s been arrested, I didn’t think this sort of thing would happen to these people.

“Someone is claiming that Emmet assaulted them, a Melanie Weevers. The girl I made you fight.” Thallon doesn’t take me back into the ballroom. Instead, we climb the stairs and head for our room.

An Academy girl just broke the biggest rule of all, not only that… she just fucked herself over big time.






Curtain Reveal






I know Emmet got released before he even made it to the hour mark, but Arthur won’t let him come back.

“He’s going to make sure Simon is holding the door open when he forces her out,” Emmet sighs down the phone and that seems a little harsh.

“Not that she doesn’t deserve to suffer for setting you up, but really, Simon? The last girl he ‘allowed’ to leave, died from her injuries. Does he not realize how bad that’s going to look?” I hate being the voice of reason. It doesn’t suit me.

“I said the same thing and he said, and I quote, ‘people don’t cross us for a reason, which makes me think she’s working for someone’. Seriously, he thinks someone put her up to it, and he won’t let me back until she’s gone. That isn’t going to happen, until he knows for sure. Dad really wants to fuck with her, make her think that she’s backed us into a corner. Watch her trip herself up, but I can’t see it happening. Seriously, Aeron, figure this shit out before I lose my mind.” He disconnects the call before I can even say anything. Typical fucking Emmet.

I mean, he has to get back soon. Halloween will be here soon and that means slutty cops and sexy nurses. Just all the best costumes, although I can only imagine what Thallon is going to put Luna in for the party.

“Aer, man. You got a minute?” My door opens and I lift my head up to look at Tom.

“What’s up? Is my hand moving as slow as it feels?” I wave it in front of my face, before I try to focus on him.

“Have you heard anything about Emmet? I don’t know what’s happening and I’m trying to find out for Moonbeam. I’m the only one she isn’t banned from speaking too. She’s freaking out, man.” I move forward and smile wide.

“I don’t know a thing, but if I hear anything, I’ll let you know.” I shoot my fingers at him like a gun, no idea why it makes no sense.

“Yeah, you do that. Okay, I’ll see you later.” He gives me a strange look before closing my door behind him.

I get up, suddenly feeling sober. Funny how that happens. Next stop, Luna. Let’s see if Tom really did want to know for her or not.

I head towards Thallon’s room, and push the door open without knocking. It isn’t as though he’s going to welcome me in with open arms.

“Sure, just walk on in. Nice to see your manners are intact, Aer,” Thallon says as he looks up from his sectional.

“Is Luna around?”

“She’s not allowed to talk to you, but no, she’s in class.” He stands up and passes me his phone.

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