Home > Shattered Souls(54)

Shattered Souls(54)
Author: B C Morgan



A pale silver shimmery dress waits for me, hanging on the bathroom door. It sits on my collarbone and falls to my ankles, very subtle and pretty. My dress to the ceremony, to Shane’s wedding. Goddamn fucking Shane.

The wedding is set for eleven in the morning, and I have to get through dinner with everyone first. I don’t know how I’m going to get through it. Then again, I survived that weird ass moment with Thallon. That was what, an hour ago? I don’t know if he’s still in there, or if he’s gone to find the others. Maybe he’ll abandon me to our room and I can avoid dinner altogether.

I slowly pull the door open and glance around the room, but I can’t see him anywhere. Phew, the coast is clear. I step out and pull the door behind me before I sit down on one of the high back chairs. The wall isn’t exactly riveting, but for some reason, I’m staring it at. There is nothing else to do in this room.

The door opens and Thallon walks in, he doesn’t even look at me before he sits down on the edge of the bed.

“You need to get ready for dinner. It won’t do to show up late.”

“Okay, what do I need to wear?” I ask quietly, as I get to my feet.

“I’m not your damn assistant, figure it out yourself,” he throws back.

I rummage through my things until I find a black panel dress, it makes me think of Emmet and I know I have to wear it.

“My order to not speak to Aeron or Emmet is suspended while we are here. You can’t exactly ignore the Prince in his own home.” He smirks and I disappear into the bathroom to get changed.

I stare at myself in the mirror as I change my clothes.

“You can do this. It’s just another day in their life. Remember the rules, and you’ll be fine. And whatever you do, just don’t retaliate or talk back to Shane. He isn’t worth it.”

A pep talk? Yeah, ‘cause that’s going to help.

He leads me down the stairs and into a dining room, although every word I use feels like an understatement here. There are sconces on the wall, with two crystal chandeliers, one at each end of the table. The head chair looks like a throne in my opinion and I don’t doubt that Sir will be sitting there this evening. We find our seats, with a name card showing us where to sit. I want to look to see who will be opposite me, but I’m trying to tamper down my curiosity. Thallon sits to my right and Maria will be on my left. I’m only one chair away from Sir, and my nerves are making me feel haggard.

The doors open once more and Sir enters, followed by Maria, Emmet, Aeron, and Tucker. His eyes connect with mine, and I can’t look away, not until Rachel appears over his shoulder and pulls back on his arm. I don’t need to study body language to recognize the possessive move. She wants to stake her territory, fine. But she has nothing to worry about where I’m concerned, I’m powerless to do a damn thing about it.

Shane and Rosalyn come in last and I gulp as he claims the chair opposite mine. I wonder if they’ll excuse me for jamming a fork into my hand. I’m really fucking tempted to try it and see.

I keep looking around for Maddox and D, but they don’t seem to be joining us. That’s weird, isn’t it?

“Good evening, everyone. I hope you had a pleasant drive,” Maria says, looking at us all.

“It was fine. Thank you, Maria,” Tucker says, as he peels Rachel’s hand off him and drops it into her lap. She scowls, before fixing her features into something I guess counts as more pleasant.

“I hear congratulations are in order. I mean, you are the reason we had to bring the wedding forward. Isn’t that right, Tuck?” Shane glowers at him and Rosalyn looks around nervously as she unfolds a napkin and places it on her lap.

“That was my choice, Shane, and I will not have this conversation again. Anyone would think you don’t want to get married,” Sir says with a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

Rosalyn pales and I can feel Thallon tensing up beside me. We haven’t even been in here for five minutes, and it’s already going to shit.

“Of course, I want to marry her, father, I was just hoping there would be enough time to bring her father around to the idea.” He wraps his arm around her shoulders and she leans into him. What the fuck? She really wants to marry this guy, why?

Sir narrows his eyes, and I watch as his nostrils start to flare. The room is silent, apart for the ticking of a clock that I didn’t even realize sat on the wall. Fashioned out of a dark wood, it has eagles carved into the frame.

“If anything, he should be grovelling at my feet for allowing this wedding. If he can’t accept it, then he’ll no longer be considered family once the wedding has taken place. Rosalyn will be a Harkwright. She no longer needs them.” He stares at his son, but he doesn’t speak out against his father. Rosalyn looks as though she’s about to puke all over the crisp, white table cloth.

“Typical dinner conversation, I see some things never change.” Aeron lets out a laugh, but no one joins him.

“We could always change the subject, like why is she here?” Shane gives me the full force of his attention, and it’s taking everything I have not to cower in my seat.

“Here, here,” Rachel chimes in, and Sir’s face is growing considerably red.

“She is here as a guest to Thallon, the man giving your dear bride away. Do I need to teach you about how to treat our guests, Shane? And as for you,” Rachel does cower under his gaze, and Tucker is downright gleeful. I guess he hasn’t suddenly fallen in love with her then. Phew. “I have no qualms about removing you from my home, or my family. Do not forget your place, little girl.”

“Y-yes, Sir, I’m sorry.”

“Now, let’s eat before someone else says something unbecoming of our name.” He snaps his fingers and food is set before us in moments. I glance around and catch Sir staring at me intently.

“Enjoy the food, Luna. Although, I will admit, I have not enjoyed a pasta dish quite as much since the one you made.”

My cheeks flush as I smile politely up at him, making sure I don’t look him in the eyes.

“Thank you, Sir, I appreciate you saying that.”

I pick up my fork to see Rosalyn, Rachel, well everyone staring at me. I feel like I’ve done something wrong, yet I don’t think I did anything at all.

The meal passes in silence, and I keep my hands in my lap as I wait to be excused.

“Big day tomorrow, I suggest you all try and get some rest. Thallon, you can wait outside. I need to have a word with Luna.” My hands tremble as Rachel smirks at me before grabbing Tucker’s hands and leading him outside. Everyone follows, until it’s just me and Sir, sitting in the dining room. Alone.

“I know this weekend will not be a pleasant experience for you, but Shane is under strict orders to leave you alone. Because you are a guest in my home, if he does or says anything to make you feel uncomfortable or scared, then tell one of the servers and they will report to me. Do I make myself clear, Luna?”

“Yes, Sir, thank you. I… I think you have a beautiful home,” I say weakly, and I shake my head as he starts to laugh.

“Oh, my dear girl, this is not a home. It is much too large to be considered as such, but unfortunately, appearances are a must. Thank you for saying that though, I’ve always found it to be cold and lacking. Interior decorators just aren’t what they used to be.” He shakes his head with a soft smile on his face, and it doesn’t suit the man I have learnt to know.

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