Home > A Layperry's Tradition (For A Chance At Us Book 1)(10)

A Layperry's Tradition (For A Chance At Us Book 1)(10)
Author: Toby Wise

“That’s just rude, man.”

“I wanted to know if you were okay,” he hisses under his breath. “Not know about the gooey feelings or the kissing.”

I shrug, trying to play at being at ease even though my stomach is tying itself into knots. Today is the day of Saphorica’s maturous trial. This is the first I’ve ever chosen to attend. The town square is filled with people, all packed together to witness the start of the trial. I bite at the side of my thumb as nerves threaten to make me sick.

Up on the raised platform is Saphorica, beside him stands Ghenie. Ghenie places his hand on Saphorica’s shoulder, giving him a wide, joyous smile, one that Saphorica gives right back. Ghenie turns to the crowd, raising his free hand and the crowd all goes quiet. I can’t help but shiver at the power Ghenie holds. So much power in such an innocent looking package.

“Welcome to Saphorica’s maturous trial. Before his brothers and our ancestors, we will witness two souls finding each other. Who presents themselves?” Ghenie belts out, his voice carrying. I know that he’s speaking out loud only for the benefit of the humans present since Ghenie could use the Layperry way of transferring information if he really wished to. I look around at the crowd, not a single person moving. Tension rises before snapping as suddenly, one steps forward. People part, letting him pass.

I step up on my tip toes in order to see what happens next. The crowd is surrounding the raised platform in a semi-circle. There’s a large berth in the middle and as I get up high enough to see, I notice a large hole there.

“I, Quill, present myself for Saphorica’s maturous trial,” Quill calls up towards Saphorica. Saphorica smiles as they stare at each other, sharing a moment before he’s giving a nod. With that, Quill is leaping, jumping down into the hole.

All at once, the crowd breaks out into cheers, all stomping their feet and raising their voices. I jolt in surprise, the tiniest squeak leaving my throat. When I look over at Christian, he has his arms crossed over his chest, his brows wrinkled. “I just don’t get it,” he whispers to me. “You jump in a hole and for what? So you can get maimed by whatever hides under the city?”

I roll my eyes. “You’re such a romantic, you know that?”

Christian snorts as we both turn back up to the stage as things get quiet again. Ghenie steps down, striding towards the hole. He picks up what I can only describe as a manhole cover and places it over the hole. He lifts his hands. “May the ancestors bring two souls together!” he calls out, turning towards Saphorica and nodding.

Saphorica jumps from the stage and takes off running. My eyebrows wrinkle. “What’s he doing?”

The Layperry beside me looks down. “Quill is below the city, running through a twist of mazes that are constantly moving. Eventually he’ll find the end and be spit out in one of eight locations. It’s Saphorica’s job to listen to the pull of the ancestors and find the right opening. Since it’s just the two of them, Saphorica can move from opening to opening until he finds Quill. But if there’s more than one person, you never know who’ll be running out the opening.”

“What happens if two people come out at the same time?”

The Layperry shrugs. “Then they fight and see who comes out on top. The victor then runs and claims his prize.”

I nod my head in thanks ignoring the way my heart is racing. My eyes are drawn to Timalah, just as they always are, finding him looking right back. I want him. And not just for the night, not just for one lay. I want him for always. But could I really go through a maturous trial? Would the ancestors look down on our partnership and guide us together? Or would I get lost in the moving maze under the city?

Christian shakes his head. “Thank god I’m a human. I can’t imagine dealing with this shit.”

“Right,” I say under my breath. “Totally crazy.” I look over at him. “And yet?”

His eyes narrow. “No. Just crazy. Full stop.”

I stick out my bottom lip. “But, but, but.”

“I swear to god, Miles.”

“The heart wants what the heart wants?” I try, pulling him along as the crowd disperses, thinning out as they all begin walking back home.

“Fuck your heart.”

“I really hope you won’t. That sounds painful.”

Christian grabs my shirt, forcing me to stop. “I’m being serious, Miles. You could get killed from this. Who knows what’s down there. Not to mention it’s designed for Layperry, not humans.”

“I see what’s going on here,” I say, nodding my head. “You actually care.”

Christian pinches the bridge of his nose. “That’s what you got out of all that?”

“Gotta find the good in every situation,” I tell him, poking him in the ribs. He just groans, making his displeasure known.

We walk in companionable silence all the way back to our houses. Before I turn to the right to walk up the path to my house, Christian stops me. “If you ever repeat this, I will kill you. But I do care. You’re my best friend and I don’t want anything to ever happen to you.” I open my mouth to respond but his glare stops me in my tracks. “But I also know that you love him. So no matter what, I will support you and be right by your side.”

Before he can fight me, I pull my friend into a tight hug, surprised when he hugs me back just as tightly. And then, like the mature adult he is, Christian is shoving me away with a groan. “Gross. Keep your love and affection to yourself, thanks.”

“I love you too, Christian.”

Christian walks over to his own house, flipping me the bird over his head as he goes. I walk over to my home, a smile plastered on my lips as I walk.

Inside I go through the steps to make myself comfortable, getting into some sweats and finding a snack. Christian and I were allowed two bags when we came here. One of those bags just happened to be filled with food we thought we’d miss. We’ve had to ration our snacks so they last as long as possible and today feels like a Lucky Charms kind of night.

I’m just about to sit down when there’s a knock on my door. Setting my food down, I walk over to the door, throwing it open once I see it’s Timalah.

I’m about to greet him when he’s shoving his way inside, his hands going to my face, holding me still as he kisses me. Surprise rises up inside of me at the gesture. This kiss is like nothing I’ve ever experienced in all my life, it’s hot and filled with unleashed desperation. My hands go to his chest, holding on for dear life as his tongue swipes into my mouth.

“Miles,” he says, his voice breaking as he moves to hug me tight. I don’t know what’s going on or what’s gotten into Timalah but in that moment I would give him anything just to make sure he’s okay. “Miles, I need you.”

“You have me. All of me,” I tell him seriously, only realizing the unadulterated truth to my words. “For as long as you want.” A look crosses his face that I don’t understand before it’s smoothing out again. This time when he kisses me it’s softer, the desperation falling away, like just my presence is enough to soothe whatever’s going on inside him.

“Let me rephrase,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper as his eyes dart between my own. “I want you, Miles. Will you fuck me?”

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