Home > Return by Sea (Glacier Adventure #3)(67)

Return by Sea (Glacier Adventure #3)(67)
Author: Tracey Jerald

“That quick?” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.

Maris hurls herself into my arms. “She was like a damn freight train. The last time, it seemed to go on forever. Then again, maybe that was my perception of it.” A frown puckers her brow before her lids lower.

I press a kiss against the wrinkles that have formed due to her disquiet because I know where her mind went—that her brother and Dean should be standing by our sides because damnit, they should be. “You can ask Kara later,” I remind her.

Her brow smooths out. “I will. And I’ll bring each of you back to meet…” She slaps a hand over her mouth.

“What? We can’t even know the baby’s name? Still?” Rainey is astounded.

Maris shakes her head. “Not until Kevin does. Now where did he go?” Her voice holds impatience, excitement, and love. So much love.

Inside me, any leftover anxiety about the decision I made to move to Juneau smooths out. I know what a life without Maris is like. I’ve been living it since I was in my early twenties. And before the last few weeks, I’ve been given the glimpse of what a life with her will be like. My memories will be with me no matter where I go. Now that they include the ones of Maris, why wouldn’t I choose to be with her no matter where that is?

The sound of a can opening cause all of us to jump. “Geez, Maris. I needed something to drink. You know Mom’s going to be in labor forever.” Kevin takes a quick slug of Coke before he recognizes we’re all gaping at him. The can begins to slip from his fingers.

I reach out and snag it midair, sticky sweet soda sloshing all over my fingers. I quickly dry my fingers on my jeans before placing it on a nearby table.

Rainey comments, “You’ll handle the ‘Dad’ part of the job just fine when the time’s right, Nick,” before her attention returns to Maris.

A warm glow races through me as Brad murmurs, “Big praise,” just as Maris moves out of my arms.

She holds out her hands to Kevin. “Honey. I have some news.”

“Is Mom okay?”

“Yes. She wanted me to come out and tell you—” There’s a collective inhale as Maris announces, “You have a baby sister, Kevin. Her name is Deana Smith Jennings.”

“After Uncle Dean?” Kevin whispers, the kid being man enough at eighteen to let tears drip from his eyes. I wish I’d been that strong, that self-assured, when I was his age.

Then again, I hadn’t met Maris yet.

“Yes. And Uncle Jed. Your mom told your dad just as Deana’s head was about to come out.” Maris rubs his arm as she tells him the rest.

Rainey lets out a little whimper before turning into Brad’s arms.

“Can I go see them all?” Kevin asks.

“That’s why I’m here.” Maris tips her head back and smiles so brightly, I’m certain there must be energy grids going mad. When she turns that smile on the rest of us, I’d swear if she hadn’t already healed everything inside me by telling me she still loved me, I’d be renewed by it. It’s that blinding.

Little Mari Sunshine. I hear Jed’s voice in my ear as clear as day.

“I’ll be back to escort all the rest of you to our newest family member in a bit,” Maris assures us before hooking her arm through Kevin’s and leaving Brad, Rainey, and me in the waiting room again.

A minute passes before the sunlight passes and my arms are filled with rain. “Whatever you did to fix her, thank you!” Rainey presses kisses to both of my cheeks before she hugs me tight.

“Rainey,” I start, even as I hug her back. Helpless, I seek out Brad to do something with his wife.

Bastard just shrugs.

“She’s beaming, Nick.”

“I know, Rainey, but I don’t know if that’s…”

“Then who?” she demands.

I set her back a bit and smile sadly. “Do you not think her brother’s not looking out for her? I’m just the schmuck who had his head up his ass for way too long.”

“No, what her brother sent her—sent both of you—was the only thing she needed. And by the way, not to add to your already inflated ego, that’s love, Nick,” Rainey fires back. Throwing up her hands, she stomps back over to a grinning Brad. “And he’s moving to Juneau? Life is never going to be the same, is it?”

“No, sweetheart. It’s going to be awesome,” Brad declares. Stepping forward, he gives me a one-arm slap on the back. “Welcome home, brother. It’s good to have you back.”

My heart clenches at his words, said each time I’ve visited, but now that I plan on staying, they mean everything. “Thanks, brother,” I manage to get out.

Then we all settle in to wait to meet the newest member of our family. A family I hope Maris still wants to add to one day.



“She’s so tiny. Where’s this strength coming from?” Deana’s gripping my finger with such force, I’m enthralled.

Maris leans over my shoulder, her hair cascading over me. “Isn’t it a miracle?”

“How many can we have?” I ask her in all honesty.

She turns her head and presses her lips against my cheek. “We’ll talk about it when we get home and see the kids Social Services has available. That’s after you pass all the classes and we get recertified. Okay?”

“Deal.” I turn and capture her lips in a quick kiss before I marvel again at the strength a newborn can have in delicate fingers.

Jennings’s booming laugh startles both his wife and daughter conscious. Kara mean mugs him before realizing he doesn’t have the baby. When she spies me holding her little darling, she holds out her arms and says, “Gimme.”

Even though I’ve only had the courage to hold her for a very short time, I don’t hesitate to comply. But I falter. “Um, is there an easy way to do this without dropping her?”

Kara and Maris both laugh. Fortunately, Maris rescues me by reaching in between my body and Deana’s to cuddle the baby to her. “Come to Aunt Maris. That’s right, my precious love. Uncle Nick doesn’t know how to do this yet, so I’ll give you back to Mama.”

My fingers go to my lips as Maris places Deana in her mother’s arms. “At least three,” I say aloud.

Maris’s flashes a smile at me before whispering something to Kara. They both laugh uproariously before they begin whispering again.

I don’t know what’s being said. I couldn’t care less. And judging by the look on his face, neither does Jennings. Because like me, his whole world—including his son—is sitting on that bed. And nothing, certainly not past memories or old hurts, would hold either of us from feeling what we are.

“When are Kody, Meadow, and the kids coming in?” I ask lazily.

“Couple of days. The kids are wrapping up some exams. We should be out of here and at home. You guys planning on staying until they get here?” Jennings asks.

I twist my head slightly and wait for Maris’s nod. “Yep. I’ll call the hotel in a few and extend our booking.”

“Good. Then while you’re here, you guys can help me finally give Kara the gift she’s always wanted.”

“Crown molding?” I jest, recalling the long-running joke that Kody’s company was going to charge an arm and a leg over the crown molding Kara and Jennings built their home.

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