Home > My Own Personal Rockstar(41)

My Own Personal Rockstar(41)
Author: Kirsty McManus

“And he was okay with that?”

“Not particularly. But he said he’d do whatever he could to make it happen.”

“If you can get any time off around the birth, I’d appreciate it.”

He kisses me on the forehead. “You are the cutest.” And then he seems to remember something. He excitedly gets out his phone and types something before showing me the screen. “We got our final paycheck from the last tour today.”

I look at the number, squinting for a moment, and then stare at him, shocked. “Are you serious?”

“And there’s going to be so much more where that came from. We’ll be able to buy a mansion anywhere we want after this next tour is over.”

My heart almost bursts with happiness. And not because of the money. It’s because Lincoln is finally seeing the benefits of following his dreams. “I’m so proud of you, babe.”

“You know what this means?”


“That you can wind back your business. Take the pressure off.”

My face hardens. “Sorry, what?”

“I mean, you don’t have to kill yourself running this huge business and looking after a newborn.”

I bite my bottom lip. “I’m not killing myself running the business. And I have no intention of winding it back.”

He looks at me, confused. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I just thought…”

“Nope, you didn’t think. I have worked really hard to get where I am, and I want to succeed in my own career. I don’t need you to look after me or make me feel like all I’m good for is being a trophy wife…staying home with the baby and doing all the housework.”

His eyes widen. “That’s not what I was implying at all. You know I’m not like that…”

“Well, you sure are sounding like it. The world doesn’t revolve around you, you know.”

“I never said it did.”

“If we’re going to make this work, we have to operate as a team. And especially once your tour is over, you’re going to have to be the one to suck it up and do more of the house stuff.”

“Of course. That was never in question. Please, Tash, you’re making me feel like the bad guy here.”

“Well, how do you think I feel? Keeping you away from your precious tour for six weeks because of the baby? Making you sacrifice all these things for me?”

“It’s not a sacrifice! I want to be with you and the kids. Touring is a means to an end. And yes, I enjoy it, but I won’t if I know you’re not happy. The four of us are what is most important right now.”

“What about Isabella and Madison?”

“What about them?”

“How are they supposed to fit into your tour schedule? Is it going to be left up to me to babysit them if it’s school holidays and you’re still on tour?”

“No! Oh my God! Tash! This is getting way out of control. I’ll organise the girls separately. Please don’t worry about that right now.”

I suddenly feel defeated. “I’m sorry. I just feel like there’s too much going on and I’m going to be the one to suffer.”

He quickly steps forward, wrapping me in a hug. “You will not suffer. I will make sure that doesn’t happen.”

“I hope so.”




I leave soon after dinner. The ramen was delicious, but the vibe was weird. Tash was quiet, and every time I tried to bring up the topic of her work again, she shut me down.

I really didn’t mean any harm by what I said, and if I’m being honest, I feel like she overreacted a little.

When I get home, I call Felix. It’s times like these when I wish he lived nearby. Talking on the phone isn’t quite the same.

“Hey, buddy,” he says. “How’s world domination coming along?”

“Really good, actually. Although, there was a little hiccup today.”

“Do you want to tell me about the good stuff or the hiccup first?”

“Uh, I guess they’re part of the same issue, so both?”

“Go ahead.”

“Okay, so Max today confirmed he’s signing the band permanently, and we’ve got a deal with Intergalactic Records.”

“Link! That’s fantastic!”

“I know. It means a three-album contract and a world tour.”

“I knew you’d get there. Well done! But what’s the hiccup?”

“I suggested to Tash that she could wind back her business a little now that I’m earning more and she has the baby coming.”

Felix is quiet for a second.

“What?” I ask self-consciously.

“You told an artist to stop doing what she loves?”

“It wasn’t like that! I was trying to help! If I was given the opportunity to take things easy, I would.”

“But would you, really?” he says sceptically. “If you didn’t have the impending birth of your child to consider, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t be itching to get into the studio immediately and then take off on an international tour.”

“I…” Damn it. He’s right. All I wanted to do was make sure Tash wasn’t feeling overwhelmed, but instead I’ve made her feel like what she does doesn’t matter.

And then I think about how Daisy’s dad treated her, and I feel even worse. He was always putting her second, too.

Felix astutely understands my silence. “Fortunately for you, Tash is an amazing girl, and she will forgive you as soon as you apologise properly. I’m thinking chocolates, a foot rub, and a bath full of rose petals.”

I chuckle weakly. “Jeez. Life is crazy.”

“But really, would you want it any other way right now? Your career is about to go into the stratosphere, you have a hot, awesome woman who is pregnant with your child…”

“…and I’ll get to see Isabella and Madison again soon. Rachel finally agreed to let me see them properly.”

“See? This is the dream, buddy! Make the most of it.”

I mentally shake myself. “Hey, enough about me. What’s new with you?”

“Oh, the usual. But I am a finalist for a prestigious art award down here. I find out next week if my work will be displayed alongside some of my idols. Plus, there’s a not-so-little sum of money involved.”

“That’s amazing, Felix! You deserve to win. Your art is so, so good. And what about everything else? How’s the love life?”

Felix laughs. “You never ask me about my love life.”

“Well, you normally tell me if you’re seeing anyone, but I haven’t heard you mention a soul for months.”

“I’ve sort of just started seeing this guy called Ames. He works as a tour guide at the Museum of Contemporary Art. It’s early days, which is why I haven’t really told you about him yet.”

“Oh, I’m really happy for you. Have you showed him your stuff?”

“We actually met when I was talking to the director there. Ames was just coming off a tour and asked if he could have a look at my work. And the rest is history.”

“Well, it sounds like your life is pretty well sorted for now. I just have to get mine back on track, too.”

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