Home > The Good Girl(15)

The Good Girl(15)
Author: Madeleine Taylor

“You’re here,” I whisper.

In return, she drops her backpack and puts her arms around me too, pulling me into a surprisingly intimate embrace as she inhales deep against my neck. “I’m here.”

“Are you okay?” I mumble, taking a moment to really feel her before relaxing against her warm body.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I turn my head to kiss her, but she steps back then, as if it suddenly hits her that she’s hugging me, and she switches on the light, breaking the spell. I don’t beat myself up about it; it’s not like I expected any different from her, but I still miss the contact.

As I look her over, I find myself scanning her for any traces of blood or bruises, but she’s clean. Her short hair is brushed back from her face, resulting in a playful pompadour, and her blue eyes don’t even look tired when she stares back at me. Is it relief I see in them? Hope? She looks happier than she did yesterday, and I can even see a twinkle in her gaze.

“I was so worried about you.” I don’t care if I sound dramatic. It’s what I feel, and I have to say it. “I’m so glad you’re back.”

“Me too.” She walks over to the mini bar, fixes herself a Scotch and holds up a second bottle for me.

I shake my head. My headache is only just starting to fade because I drank more wine after Jeff left. I sit down on the edge of the bed and watch her down the golden liquid in one swallow, before turning to me. Undressing me with her eyes, she rests her gaze on my cleavage where the top edge of my navy blue bra is visible. The hunger in her expression makes my breath catch. My physical reaction to her is so overwhelming that I wonder if it’s normal. The nerves, the butterflies, the all-consuming arousal, every nerve ending on high alert challenging my ability to think, speak, or even walk.

“You’re still not going to tell me anything, are you?” I say.

“No, this is no time to talk. You’ve been stressed and so have I.” She pauses and smiles. “We need to let off some steam and I happen to know just the right way to do that.”

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” I tilt my head curiously and look at her, her dimples weakening my resolve to try and get some information out of her. Although that’s clearly not working, I still like where this is heading. The throbbing between my thighs is intense and every part of my body aches for her.

“You like to let go,” she says. “It’s the excitement of not knowing, the anticipation that gets you going.” She picks up her backpack and zips it open.

“Not knowing makes me nervous,” I disagree, although I won’t deny that it’s different with her. With her, the unknown is something I could explore forever.

“I know it makes you nervous, but you also thrive on it. You’re used to being in charge of your life; planning, analyzing, always prepared for everything. You’re a thinker, but sometimes it’s nice to just let go, to surrender.” She winks, then adds: “To me.”

“Haven’t I already surrendered enough?” I frown and watch her root through her bag before she pulls out four dark blue silk ties that match my lingerie perfectly. “If what I’ve done over the past two nights isn’t surrendering, then I don’t know what is.”

“You have, to a point. But I want you to give up all control.”

“Are you going to tie me up?” I ask, staring at the fabric as my breath quickens.

“Yes.” Her short answer sends a rush of arousal through me. So simple, yet so powerful.

“I think I’m going to like that,” I say, my voice a little unsteady. Do I like the idea of it? I didn’t think I ever would, but seeing her fingering the strips of silk makes my pussy twitch.

“You will.” She also takes out a blindfold, then changes her mind and tosses it behind her as she takes another step toward me. Now she’s in between my knees, looking down at me, and she takes a wider stance, spreading my legs apart. “We won’t need that. I want to see your pleading eyes when you beg me to make you come.”

I swallow hard and nod as I look up at her and in that moment, I know that I want nothing more.

“Do you trust me?” she asks.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“I’ve never killed anyone.” The random statement coming from her lips sounds like it’s important, like it’s something she needs me to know. “I’ve never hurt anyone either.”

Again, I nod, and find myself to be far less relieved than I should be because right now, I simply don’t care. “I believe you.”

“Good.” Leaning over me, she pulls at the belt of my robe and when it falls open, I see immense appreciation in her smile. She makes me feel desired, special, wanted, but that’s only a small part of why I’m attracted to her. It’s her energy that sucks me in. Her blue eyes have an intensity to them I’ve rarely seen, and she radiates calm and confidence like no one else. She’s in control and I cannot begin to describe the excitement I feel at the thought of her tying me up and doing with me what she pleases. The sexual tension between us is explosive as I shift back up the bed until my head is on the pillows.

“Good girl,” she says and crawls onto the bed too, then straddles me. The crotch of her jeans is pressing down on my pussy as she leans in and takes my wrists. I moan and lick my lips, longing for her to finally kiss me, because this morning seems like lightyears away and I really need to feel her mouth. Her face is close to mine and for a moment I think she will but instead, she gives me a teasing smile and starts tying my wrists together with such care and precision, that it tells me this is not the first time she’s done this with a partner. I wiggle, instinctively trying to free myself, and when I realize I’m restrained, and completely at her mercy, my heartrate spikes. I lift my arms toward her, but she pushes them back.

“Did I say you could move them?” She shakes her head and arches a brow. “If you can’t keep them there, I’ll have to move you over to the side so I can tie you to the bedpost, but I prefer you in the middle with your arms above your head… it’s very, very sexy.”

“I’ll keep still,” I say, still wiggling a little as I try to get comfortable. It’s a surprisingly scary sensation to be in this position, to surrender to someone else. It didn’t seem like a big deal at first, but it is. The thrill of giving myself to her is bigger than the fear though, so I nod, confirming that I’ll be good. “I can’t free my hands.”

“That’s kind of the point.” She gives me an earnest look, then asks: “Are you okay with that? I’ll untie you right now if this is making you uncomfortable.”

“No. I want this.” I say it so softly, I’m not even sure if she can hear me but apparently the fire in my eyes is enough for her to move back and focus on my legs. She takes my ankle and runs a hand up to my thigh, stroking the lace edge of my hold-ups.

“Good. I love what you’re wearing for me. It’s very, very sexy.”

The warm touch sends a flash of heat through my core, and when she moves my leg to the side and ties it to the bedpost, a pool of arousal settles between my thighs. I feel exposed already, even though I’m still wearing my lingerie, but I want her to continue. She then shifts my other leg, pulling my legs wide apart until I’m spread-eagled over the mattress. My legs are now bound to each corner of the bed and I gasp at the sensation, knowing that soon she’ll be able to do whatever she wants with me. After giving a final tug at the knot securing my ankle, she gets off the bed and looks down on me. The robe I’m still wearing is open, and I know my heaving chest shows that I’m turned on beyond imagination.

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