Home > The Orphan Thief(35)

The Orphan Thief(35)
Author: Glynis Peters

‘Don’t close it … You were right. The people – they’ll be coming past soon.’ She pushed the door wedge into place.

‘Feel free to browse,’ she said and sat behind the counter. ‘I take it you’re on leave again.’

Earl frowned at her in question.

She pointed to his pinstriped suit. ‘No uniform.’

He said nothing, just stared and wiped a pinkie across his top lip with practised precision. Ruby waited for a reply, but none came so she turned her attention to Tommy.

He stood near a selection of books for children.

‘You can choose one and sit with it until your uncle leaves, Tommy.’

Earl moved into the meeting room. ‘Attractive to the eye,’ he said and Ruby felt the hairs along her arms rise to attention. The man literally made her skin crawl. He picked up an old newspaper and flicked it open. With slow deliberate movements, he pulled out a chair and sat at a table. ‘I hear you serve tea and coffee here now. I’ve taken to drinking coffee. Never used to, was always a tea man, but tastes change. Make me a cup, there’s a girl,’ he said in a superior tone.

‘But I –’ Ruby stuttered. She was cross with herself for allowing him to assume control of the situation. He ignored her and lifted the paper in front of his face. She doubted he was reading anything; it was an act of dismissal.

With a huff loud enough to get through to him that he’d offended her, Ruby stomped into the kitchen and filled the kettle. She waited for the pop sound as the gas licked at the match and surged forward with a flame. She took the time to calm her nerves. Earl had quite literally made himself at home, and he was an unwelcome guest. Through the gap in the door she saw Tommy turn the pages of the book. She wondered about his reading ability. The child never attended school – or so it appeared, with his regular visits to the shop.

‘Tommy, want a milk?’ she called through into the shop.

‘No, he doesn’t,’ Earl’s voice growled through from the meeting room. ‘He’s business to deal with. Boy, it’s time.’

Ruby chose to ignore him and walked into the shop with a glass three-quarters full of creamy milk and a sweet biscuit. She put her finger to her lips as she handed it to Tommy and pointed to the far corner of the shop, out of view from the meeting room. Tommy hesitated, but the pull of the drink and biscuit was too strong and he sat cross-legged, sipping his treat.

‘Where’s my coffee?’ Earl’s voice yelled out.

‘I’m coming. And please show a little respect. This is my shop after all,’ Ruby retorted. She made the coffee weak in the hope he’d never return.

As she placed it onto the table he snatched at her wrist and gripped it tight.

‘Ouch! Let go!’ Ruby shouted.

‘Quiet. Get this straight, girly. I’m in charge around here. I call the shots. You only have this place thanks to me. Show a bit of gratitude.’ Earl snarled out his words and Ruby’s dislike for him rose to another level.

‘You will let go of me right now. I might be a girl, but I will not be bullied. I’ll report you to your superior,’ she said and rubbed at her wrist when he released her. Her legs trembled and her stomach rolled over, creating a nausea she suppressed by inhaling deep and slow.

‘You’ve got a wild spirit and I’ll tame it, have no fear,’ Earl said. ‘And next time, don’t be so stingy with the coffee powder – or sugar.’

Ruby’s temper flared and she could no longer stand the man’s presence. To her relief, Fred walked through the door. She saw by his face he’d heard the conversation. Her wrist burned and when she looked down at it she saw a wide red weal running full circle around it; before Fred saw it, she snatched up her cardigan and pulled down the sleeves.

Fred entered the room, gave Ruby a brief glance then turned to Earl.

‘I think it’s time you left, sir. Go – and take your bullying ways out on our enemy. Show courage against grown men; don’t try to frighten young girls. I fought in the last war and know a coward when I see one. Where’s your uniform, man?’ Fred’s voice was the loudest and strongest Ruby had ever heard. His elderly hand shook with age rather than fear as he pointed at Earl.

Earl stood tall. His menacing eyes bored into Fred’s face. ‘That’s for me to know, old man. I’m no coward, I assure you, and if you call me one again you’ll not be able to walk—’

Ruby sensed she must calm the situation before it grew out of hand. She interrupted Earl’s verbal assault. ‘Fred, thank you, I’ll be fine. You head home; I’ll see you later.’

She gave Fred a hug and smiled as his stubble grazed her cheek. ‘Have you lost your razor?’ she said with a giggle.

‘Cheeky girl. So long as you’re sure,’ he said and turned to Earl. ‘Don’t touch a hair on her head. Hear me?’

Earl scowled back at Fred, and Ruby encouraged Fred out of harm’s way and waved him off.

Back inside, she smoothed her hands down the front of her skirt, composing herself. The atmosphere outside was warm and muggy; inside, it was tense. She re-joined Earl. He was a man who’d continue with aggressive reactions if she went back to him with attitude so, against her desire to throw everything at him, she opted for a humble approach.

‘Earl, Fred means well and he’s protecting me. I think it might be wise for you to leave. I’m a little sensitive today; it would have been my little brother’s birthday. So, as you can see, I have not controlled my feelings properly and may have come across as a little rude. I appreciate all you’ve done for me with regard to this place.’

Whilst she was talking she waved and flicked her hand behind her back to attract Tommy’s attention. She’d seen him move closer to take in the adult conversation, but Ruby knew he’d suffer the backlash of anger Earl would unleash once he left the building. Fortunately, Tommy saw her signal and ran. Unfortunately, he ran straight into a customer, knocking the wind from him. He hesitated and, unable to get into the street, turned around and ran to Ruby’s side. She looked down at him and stroked his head. His frightened eyes stared up at her and portrayed him for the little boy he really was, and her heart went out to him. She knew from that moment she would protect him from his uncle. She needed to speak with his mother, and possibly his aunt.

A sudden movement and the utterance of a few unsavoury words from Tommy’s uncle brought Ruby back to the present. Before Earl could open his mouth to question Tommy as to why he was still around, Ruby turned to the customer. For a fleeting second her stomach fluttered when she saw it was John.

‘Good afternoon. I hope you weren’t too winded by Tommy,’ she said, her voice cold and businesslike.

John didn’t smile. ‘No injuries. Had he been a few pounds heavier it might have turned out a different story. Your son is fast on his feet, though.’

‘John, he’s … I –’

Within seconds, Earl moved forward, interrupting Ruby. He held out his hand and nudged Ruby to one side. ‘The name’s Earl. That’s a fine piece of equipment, and not British services, I’ll wager,’ he said, giving John a hearty handshake.

Ruby took the opportunity to stand between both men, and noted Earl’s fake smile lifted his painted moustache. It was so black compared to the last time she’d seen him, she was convinced that too was fake. She waited for him to claim Tommy and enjoy lording it over John by putting him straight about being his uncle. It amazed her when all he did was reach out and touch the camera around John’s neck. The two men were complete opposites. One pretending to be a man and the other everything she imagined one to be. Ruby had never before been in a position where she could compare men; her father and grandfathers – and Fred – were the only men she’d held close in her life, hardly romance material.

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