Home > The Orphan Thief(39)

The Orphan Thief(39)
Author: Glynis Peters

Ruby allowed her dialogue to rattle along, ignoring the red stains rising on Earl’s face. She busied herself preparing for the opening of the shop, and at one point gave a sly wink to Beatty, who in response scuttled away into the kitchen to prevent the onset of giggles. Earl stood in silence. From the corner of her eye she saw his eyes darkening and his jaw twitching. A menacing atmosphere fell and Ruby ended her semi-sarcastic chatter and moved in with a friendlier approach. She wanted the man gone, but had no reason to ask him to leave. She recalled the way her mother had spoken to awkward customers, and opted for the same pacifying tone.

‘Feel free to browse, Earl. As soon as the kettle’s boiled, Beatty will make you a coffee, if you’re staying. I know you enjoy a morning coffee. Goodness knows, you must be pushed to the limit with war work.’

‘Don’t play games, girl.’ Earl took large strides towards her and stared into her face. Ruby clenched her clammy hands together under the counter; she didn’t trust herself not to slap his face away.

‘I don’t know what you mean, Earl. Have I upset you? As you said, I’m a girl; I have a lot of learning to do. Go and sit. Beatty will bring you a drink, and I’m sure we have a biscuit left in the barrel. Beatty will sit and keep you company; have adult chat with her – discuss the goings-on of Hitler and the war. It goes over my head sometimes.’ Ruby swept her hands above her head to emphasise the statement. ‘I’ll keep out of your way and get on here.’

‘Shut your chattering. You don’t fool me. Young, yes, but sly and cunning too. I’ve seen you around. Watched you at a dance pretending you’re better than everyone else.’ His eyes bored into her and she felt his rage. ‘Crying on a soldier’s shoulder – oh, yes, you might look shocked, Beatty, but your little slut here carries on with men on the bombsites. Nothing gets past me.’

Ruby’s hands trembled and when Beatty took a step forward, with her mouth open in readiness to say her piece, she gave a slight shake of her head and Beatty stopped walking, her knuckles gripping the broom handle so hard they turned white. The bravado Ruby had felt earlier left when Earl stared at her. He was a dangerous man to meddle with, and she understood why Tommy was scared of him. His tobacco breath blew across her face as he puffed smoke in her direction. His pompous manner irritated Ruby but she held back, understanding the fine line between trying to be an adult and acting in a foolish manner.

Earl stabbed out the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray nearby and slammed his hand on the counter. The contents of the ashtray scattered across the countertop and Ruby made a point of playful tutting and wiping it away. ‘Beatty’s only just cleaned this, Earl. You’ll be in bother.’ Again she attempted a light-hearted approach, but the moment Earl’s arm lifted sideways with his palm open she knew she’d gone too far.

‘Any more of your lip and I’ll –’

‘You’ll what, sir?’

Ruby heard John’s familiar voice before she saw him; it was loud and commanding. Neither she nor Earl had noticed him enter the shop, and Beatty had obviously kept her counsel, knowing Earl would be seen and heard threatening Ruby. Unsure whether to move from behind the counter, Ruby remained where she was. Earl turned to face John and Ruby watched as John straightened up and stood full height. Ruby noticed he was a fraction taller than Earl but, seeing the malicious look on Earl’s face, she guessed he’d stood level with men far sturdier and taller than John.

‘I asked you a question. You’ll what, sir? Threatening a young woman is not good conduct for one of Britain’s finest, is it?’ John said and squared his shoulders as Earl attempted to stare him down

‘Stay out of my business,’ Earl hissed into John’s face.

‘Ruby is your business? I don’t think so. Ruby is her own woman, so I am led to believe,’ John retaliated, and gave Ruby a swift glance and a reassuring wink. Unfortunately, the wink fired up Earl’s anger another notch.

‘She might have sniffed around you, but she enjoys a hound, not a pup.’ Earl bared his teeth and stabbed a finger John’s way.

Lifting his camera from around his neck and laying down other personal items, John took a step towards Earl.

‘Threatening young women is taboo in Canada. We don’t bully women; we respect them, as do, I think, the majority of men in Britain. Sadly, there is always one who thinks he holds all the power, especially over women and children.’ John’s voice was firm, calm and in control. Ruby’s breath hitched in her throat and she put her hand to her neck to regain a regular breathing pattern. Had John gone too far, or did he deal with men like Earl without experiencing consequences? It looked to Ruby that he had handled this kind of situation before, and she wondered if he’d faced the enemy at any time. His bravery suggested that he might have done, and she looked to Beatty, who remained quiet on the far side of the room.

‘Beatty … Beatty, can you cover the counter for me, please?’ Ruby called across her shoulder, then turned her head forward to keep a watchful eye on both men. Their growing animosity towards each other concerned her, and she knew she had to act fast before it became a physical event. As much as she’d like to consider John to be her hero of the day, she didn’t want him to become an injured one. Earl’s twisted nose and protruding jaw line made her suspect he was used to street brawling and sustaining injuries to the face. John’s face was too good-looking to encounter such damage on her behalf. She inhaled and found her loudest pitch.


Both men stopped their posturing and looked at her. Earl still wore a threatening stare, but John’s face softened and he gave an apologetic downturn of his mouth.

‘My apologies, Ruby, Beatty. I was concerned for your safety,’ he said.

Beatty moved to his side. ‘And grateful we are, young man. Thank you.’ She turned to Earl before she bustled her way past him and stepped outside. ‘Manners cost us nothing, and some need to think about using some.’

Ruby grimaced at the volume of dust Beatty created with her fierce use of the broom. John took advantage of Earl looking at Beatty, and handed her an envelope. ‘I came to give you this.’

Ruby pulled out the contents. Two photographs. One of her with the flowers, and she noticed he’d done what he’d set out to achieve, and had captured the pain and anguish in her face. Her cheeks warmed with embarrassment. The other was the one she’d taken of John. She looked at what she’d captured in that split second of hitting the button. A six-foot, broad-shouldered male with happy eyes and a gentle smile. Handsome. Ruby knew her cheeks would be scarlet and, in an attempt to hide them, she put her hands over them, pretending excitement.

‘It came out! I took a photograph. Look, Beatty. I took this. Isn’t it magical?’

Earl stepped forward and snatched up the picture before Beatty had a chance to look.

‘If you like a photograph of a vain man, then I suppose this one isn’t too bad. I prefer this one; I think I’ll keep it.’ Earl took the photograph of Ruby laying the flowers. Anger welled inside her. Earl had assumed control once again, and she had to claw it back. She reached out her hand and took it back from him.

‘It’s mine. A gift from a friend. Nothing to do with you, Earl.’

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