Home > Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(13)

Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(13)
Author: Jayda Marx

I removed the box from the fridge, pushed in the straw, and unfolded the flaps on the carton. “Now you have something to hold onto,” I explained.

“You’re a genius.” Actually, I picked up the trick from watching Jett helping one of his little companions, but I kept that information to myself. I was greedy for any compliments from my mate.

Izzy happily sucked down his juice while I helped myself to a bottle of water. When his carton collapsed in the middle, I asked, “Want to see what else this thing can do?” He nodded quickly, so I pressed a few buttons on the wall.

Izzy’s jaw dropped when a rope of lights illuminated the floor and around the windows, and a thumping tune pulsed from speakers all around us. With another press of a button, the lights flashed in every color of the rainbow.

“Look at all of the colors!” Izzy exclaimed with a wide grin. “It’s like we’re in our own private dance club.” He bobbed his head to the beat and wiggled his butt in the seat.

“Check this out.” I laced the fingers of my left hand with his and held my right hand in the air. I moved my arm as if it were climbing up and down an invisible hill. Then I shrugged each of my shoulders and lifted our clasped hands so that my body moved in a wave motion.

Without missing a beat, Izzy rolled his shoulders as well and snaked his free arm in the air. After a moment’s pause, he brought the movement back in the opposite direction towards me. We waved, wiggled and danced until he was giggling and beaming from ear to ear.

“I want to show you one more thing.” I pushed the last remaining button on the wall and a panel on the ceiling shifted and opened, revealing a patch of blue sky above us.

“Whoa,” Izzy whispered. “Can I go up and look?”

“Just be careful.”

He climbed onto the seat and his head popped outside. It was a matter of seconds before it reappeared inside the limo. “Come see, Daddy!”

How could I resist an invitation like that? I stood up beside him and squeezed my shoulders through the sunroof. Cars zipped past us as we crossed an overpass into the heart of the city. The cool breeze lapped at our faces, sending Izzy’s curls flying behind him.

“This feels amazing!” he called into the wind. His lips were stretched into a beautiful smile and there was a sparkle in his eyes. He looked joyous and free. Izzy punched the air with both arms and yelled, “Woo! This is the best day of my life!” I let out a booming laugh, celebrating my good fortune to have found this perfect man.

The car bounced when its tire hit a dip in the pavement, and Izzy’s hands dropped to grip the roof for support so that he wouldn’t fall. “I think it’s time to go back inside,” I instructed; I didn’t want him to get hurt.

He nodded his agreement and we both sank back inside the vehicle. Once we were settled, Izzy turned to me and said, “This really is the best day of my life. Breakfast was delicious, this ride is incredible, and I found out that my vampire Daddy will love me forever. I don’t think it gets better than this.”

Until that moment, I didn’t know it was possible for my heart to hold so much pure and wonderful emotion without it bursting in my chest. “What if I throw in some kisses?” I asked with a smirk.

“Okay, yes, that would make it even better.”

I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist. “Come here, you.” I lifted him effortlessly and settled him on my lap, wasting no time before taking his sweet lips with mine.

We kissed, licked, and nibbled until we were both breathless and hard. Israel moaned into my mouth as our tongues tangled, and my hands slipped beneath the hem of his shirt to caress his soft, smooth skin.

Unfortunately, our makeout session was cut short when the limo slowed down and I knew we were getting close to the coven house. I gave Izzy’s lips one last peck and told him, “We’re almost home. It won’t be more than a minute or two.”

His cheeks pinked. “I don’t think I can get out yet, Daddy.” His gaze dropped to his tented cotton pants.

“That’s okay; I don’t think I can get out yet either.”

“What should we do?”

I pressed a button with a telephone symbol printed on it and asked, “Driver?”

“Yes, sir?” answered over a small speaker.

“Will you drive around the block a few times before dropping us off?”

“Of course.” There was a hint of humor in his voice; he surely knew why I was asking the favor, but he didn’t say anything.

“Thank you.” As much as I wanted to get back to Izzy’s lips, that wouldn’t help the bulge in my jeans. Instead, I asked him, “Would you like to hear a little about our home?”

“Yes, please.” He didn’t move off of my lap, which I was grateful for.

“Well, it was built a very long time ago, but it’s been updated throughout the years. It’s called the coven house because many of my fellow vampires live within its walls.” I didn’t want him to worry, so I assured him, “They’re all very nice. They are my friends and I know they’ll want to be your friends too.”

“Do all of your friends live in the coven house?”

“Not all of them; some prefer life in the suburbs where there is more land, and they check in when there is important business or news. But the building is full of vampires with very special jobs; some are guards to keep us safe, some are cooks, and others work on the medical team of the blood substitute company. Each vampire has their own skills and interests, and uses them to help the coven. Then the coven’s resources are divided equally amongst all of its members because everyone is important.”

“That’s so nice,” Izzy smiled. “What’s your job?”

“Well, mine is a little different. I’m what’s called a ‘Coven Master’.” Izzy looked understandably confused. “Think of it this way; if the coven was a company, I’d be like the president. I make sure that everyone is treated fairly, safe, and taken care of. I help with settling disputes, distributing money, and I guard my people from anything that threatens us.” I texted Soren earlier in the day, however, telling him that I needed time to secure my bond with my mate, and not to approach me with business unless it was critical.

“You’re so important,” Izzy insisted. “All that practice of taking care of everyone must be why you’re such a good Daddy.”

“Thank you, little one.” I kissed his forehead and he gave me a dazzling smile.

“Sir?” the driver’s voice asked across the speaker. “May I drop you off now or would you like me to make another lap?”

“Are you okay to climb out now?” I asked Izzy, who giggled and nodded. I pressed the button and replied, “We’re ready.”

Once the limo stopped, I helped Izzy out onto the sidewalk while the driver collected his bag of belongings out of the trunk. I tipped the driver generously before taking the bag and slinging it over my shoulder. I held Izzy’s hand, and he cradled his rabbit in his other arm as we walked inside the mammoth steel and brick building.

Israel’s jaw dropped when we entered the lobby; marble pillars stretched up from the floors to the high ceilings. “It’s beautiful in here.” I took him to the center of the room, where a fountain splashed. Izzy smiled and waved to the little fish that swam in the basin, and I swore one of them waved back.

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