Home > Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(15)

Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(15)
Author: Jayda Marx

I pushed the door open and I couldn’t believe what I saw; minimal was not the word to describe the amount of toys Jett bought for Izzy. In one corner, there was a pile of plush animals so high that it looked like they were climbing up the walls. But it wasn’t just animals; there were trucks, balls, and blocks, but all of them were plush and made from fabric. There were no hard corners or rough edges; just welcoming softness for Izzy.

I looked over at my boy to ask if he liked it, and was surprised by the moisture dancing in his eyes again. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” he said with trembling lips. “I know you said no more tears, but my heart is so full it’s pushing them out.”

I combed his hair behind his damaged ear and kissed his cheek. “Happy tears are okay,” I whispered. “I only ever want you to have happy tears.” He snotted and snorted (in the most adorable way) a few more minutes before wiping his face on his shirt once more. When he calmed down, he turned to go check out his toys, but I stopped him with a hand to his shoulder.

“I think Daddy needs to give you a fresh shirt before you play.”

He looked down at his top and cringed at the mess. “I think you’re right. Can I have new pants too, please?”

“Of course. You must be excited to try out your new clothes.”

“I am, but...do you remember when I couldn’t get out of the limo? Well, things got a little sticky down there and I’d be more comfortable in fresh pants.”

Oh my. Imagining Izzy all sticky was getting me sticky, but now wasn’t the time; my boy wanted to play, and I didn’t want to stop him. “Not a problem. Let’s go look at our options.”

I took him to the dresser and opened the top drawer, which held a small stack of tops next to a similar pile of shorts, with two pairs of jammies on the opposite side. Jett didn’t go as crazy with the clothes and I was glad; I wanted to be the one to pick out his little outfits.

“These are all for me?” Izzy asked excitedly. He was grateful for everything in his life.

“Yep, and there will be many more to come. For today, should we go with a red top with race cars, blue with rocket ships, or yellow with monkeys?”

“Hmm, it’s a tough choice.” Izzy tapped his chin as he looked over all three options. “Let’s go with yellow monkeys.”

“You got it.” I snatched the yellow cropped shirt which was printed with brown monkeys that appeared to be swinging around, and a pair of matching solid yellow shorts. "Here's a nice soft pad you can lay on while I dress you," I offered, patting the low-rise changing table.

Izzy rested on the mat and snuggled in. "Ooh, this is comfy."

"Good deal. Now arms up." He reached above his head and I slid his shirt off of his body. His nipples contracted into pebbles when the air hit his skin. "This will just take a second." I shimmied on his fresh shirt, which fell just above his navel. "Look how cute my little one looks," I cooed, and Izzy's face burst into a wide smile.

"Thank you, Daddy. I feel cute."

"Now let's get those pants off." Izzy raised his hips off of the mat, allowing me to easily slide them down and off of his legs. "You know," I began as I studied his briefs, "If you got sticky, we should change your undies too."

Izzy blushed, but nodded his agreement. "Do you have undies for me?"

Do I? I wasn't sure what Jett purchased, so I went back to the dresser and opened the next drawer down. My heart skipped a beat when I saw what was inside. I lifted out a pair of striped padded briefs and a diaper printed with pastel blue rattles. "Which would you like?"

Izzy chewed his lip as his gaze bounced back and forth between them. "I'm not sure."

"That's okay; let's talk about it." I stepped back to the changing mat and asked, "Would you like to feel them?" He nodded and I placed them in his hands. He turned them over and stroked his fingers over the fabric. "What do you think?"

"The diaper feels really soft; I bet it would feel nice on my skin. And I think it would help me feel…you know…little." I understood; wearing the diaper would help him slip even further into his headspace, but I wouldn't push him either way. "If I wear it, will you want me to use it?"

"That's up to you, Izzy. Some littles like the feel of the wet warmth against their skin when they use their diapers, but others like for them to stay dry and just hug their bodies. There’s no wrong answer; it’s whatever you’re comfortable with. I’d love to take care of your needs by changing you, but it’s okay if that’s not what you want. If you’d rather wear the briefs, that’s fine too.”

“I think I’d like to try the diaper,” he answered quietly. “I don’t know if I’m ready to use it, but I’d like to see how it feels on my skin.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do. If you don’t like it, I’ll switch you into the undies.”

“Thank you for helping me.”

“That’s what I’m here for.” I kissed his pursed lips and unfolded the cotton before retrieving a wet wipe and some lotion. “Is it okay if I take these off now?” I asked, running my finger along the waistband of his underwear.

“Yes, Daddy.”

I curled shaking fingers over the elastic and slowly peeled the fabric over his groin. I inched the underwear down his legs and tossed them in the direction of the clothes hamper in the corner.

“No one’s ever seen me naked,” Izzy said in a voice just above a whisper. “Do I look okay?”

I smiled as I looked over his slender legs, and his soft, pretty dick lying against his thigh. It was slim like the rest of him, and was settled atop of his balls which were covered in fine brown hair. “You’re stunning.” He breathed a sigh of relief. “Now, let’s get you all ready to play.”

I quickly scrubbed him down with the wipe, ignoring when his flesh plumped under my touch. I tossed the wipe away and poured a circle of powder-scented lotion onto my palm and massaged from his groin to the tops of his thighs. His cock hardened fully, standing at around five inches long. It was a beautiful sight that got my blood pumping, but I slid the diaper under his bottom before he had time to get sticky again.

I draped the cotton over his groin and fastened the tape strips on each side. “Does that feel okay?” He nodded and I shimmied his shorts up his legs. “Izzy, I’ve waited my whole life for this sight.” The sight of my boy ready to explore his room for the first time. But he looked more perfect than I could have imagined in his cropped shirt, and with the thick pad of his diaper filling out his shorty shorts.

“Thank you for getting me ready, Daddy.” He was perfect in every way.

“It was my pleasure” I told him, patting his knee. When I did, I felt that his skin was cool beneath my fingers. I rubbed down his legs and realized that his toes were like ice. “I’m going to go grab you a pair of warm socks from my drawer and turn up the thermostat. You can look over your toys and I’ll be right back.” I lifted him down onto the floor and he gave me a tight hug around the middle.

Before I could get a good grip on him, Izzy let me loose and zoomed over to his pile of toys, dropping to his knees to inspect each one. It was hard to pry my eyes away from the adorable sight, but my need to care for him won out, and I hurried to the bedroom.

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