Home > Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(17)

Daddy's Bite : Paranormal Age Play(17)
Author: Jayda Marx

Izzy shook his head and collected all of his treasures into his hands. "I've got a super fun idea. Follow me!"



Chapter Six


Izzy hurried back into his playroom with me on his heels, wondering what his 'super fun' idea was.

He rested his animals on the floor and asked, "Daddy, will you help me straighten this blanket out? That way we can all have somewhere to sit."

"Sure." I helped him spread out the corners and smooth out the fabric so that the blanket was nice and flat on the floor. When Izzy placed several animals on the fabric I asked, "Are they going to have a picnic?"

"I was thinking about a tea party, but a picnic is an even better idea." He cupped his hands around his mouth and whispered, "I don't like tea anyway; even if it's pretend," like it was a dirty secret.

"We haven't had lunch yet; why don't we have a picnic lunch with real food right here?"

"Oh Daddy, that sounds so fun!" he exclaimed, jumping up and down and clapping his hands.

"Would you like to help pick out some food?"

"Yes!" He sprinted towards the kitchen and I followed behind, chuckling the whole way.

"Before we choose lunch, I need to get these socks on you," I told him once we reached the kitchen. I gripped him by the hips and set him up on the countertop to roll the socks onto his chilly feet. "There we go."

"Thanks, Daddy." He popped a kiss to my lips and turned around, propping up onto his knees to look into the cabinets.

"See anything good?" I asked amusedly, letting him take the lead.

"Hmm...I don't see any cookies."

I snorted a laugh. "We can't have cookies for lunch."

He looked back at me with those big, beautiful eyes. "But we could have them for dessert."

"True, but I'm sorry; I don't have any cookies here." I preferred savory foods over sweets.

"That's okay," he replied, but his body deflated.

Goddammit; he can play me like a fiddle without even trying. "I'll tell you what; you and I can make a trip to the grocery store tomorrow. We'll buy lots of foods that you like; both healthy ones and some treats for my good boy." I was wrapped around his little finger and I liked it there.

"Yay, cookies!" he cheered. "Thank you. You're a very wonderful Daddy."

"No need to butter me up," I smirked. "I already said yes to the cookies."

"I would never," he insisted seriously, but then he ruined his defense when he burst into giggles.

"Alright, stinker." I pinched his bottom gently and Izzy laughed again. "Let's see what we can find to fill up your belly."

We agreed on turkey sandwiches, grapes, and graham crackers, which were the closest things I had to cookies. Izzy helped me stack the lunch meat onto the bread, and then I cut off his crusts. I poured two cups of apple juice and carried them back to the playroom, along with several extra empty glasses for his animal friends.

We sat cross-legged on the soft blanket while we ate. Just like he promised, my boy gobbled down all of his fruit before moving on to his other foods. He guzzled a whole glass of apple juice and got a look of intense concentration on his face. I was about to ask what he was doing until he whispered, “Dang it,” under his breath and asked for another glass of juice. Then I realized he was trying to use his diaper. My heart fluttered but I kept my face neutral in case he wasn’t able to. I didn’t want him to think I was disappointed.

After two more glasses, Izzy placed a cracker in front of each of his stuffies, but in the end, he said that they were full, so he had to eat them all. I'd have to watch to make sure he didn't try that little trick again when we had cookies in the house.

Once we were finished eating, Izzy helped me carry our dishes back into the kitchen before excitedly visiting his toys again.

He spent the next several hours playing, his face glowing with pure bliss. He taught his toys how to play hopscotch, and then he asked me to roll them all up into his blanket like a burrito as he giggled like crazy.

He stacked up his plush blocks just to run them down with his truck. I worried for a moment when they all toppled onto his head, but he just smiled and got a new game idea; he became a construction worker. He built tall structures that needed demolished…which of course meant that he either pushed them over or kicked the squares across the room.

And finally, he covered half of the room in his plushies and asked me to lie down in the pile next to him. We spread our legs and arms until we created two toy angels. He couldn't decide if he wanted to leave them so that he could look at them for a while or if he wanted to pick up the toys so his playroom was pretty again. I suggested taking a photo to remember our fun, and Izzy called me a genius again. He got an extra long kiss for that.

I helped him tidy his room and by the time I put the last animal in its place, I felt as if I were floating on air. Nothing in my life had ever made me as happy as being near Izzy. I loved watching him light up and come alive; when he was playing and exploring, he was free. Knowing that I played a part in helping him find his peace was overwhelming; it filled me with joy and purpose like I'd never known. His happiness was my own.

I wanted to do something special for him; to make his evening memorable in every way, so I suggested, "Would you like to order a pizza for dinner and watch a movie while we eat?"

"Really? Oh yes, Daddy. I haven't watched a movie in so long. I couldn't afford a TV at my old place."

Even though it wasn't a necessity, I hated that he didn't have something that would bring him joy. "Well, we have lots of movie options here. Let's go pick one and then I'll place our dinner order."

Izzy didn't zoom off as I expected. Instead, he hugged Flopsy close and looked up at me with nervous eyes. "Before we do that...can you change me, Daddy?" He blushed when he added, "I'm wet."

I didn't have the words to express how much this moment meant to me; how grateful I was for his submission and trust. So I didn't say anything. I lifted him from the floor and cradled his body close to mine as I carried him to the changing mat.

I lay him down gently before cupping his cheeks in my hands. I gazed into his eyes; into him, pouring out all of my love and wonder for this precious boy. I swallowed though my throat was dry, and managed to whisper, "Thank you."

Izzy answered with a sweet smile. The nerves melted from his face and his body language relaxed. He was comfortable in his Daddy's care.

I collected a fresh diaper, wipes, and lotion from the dresser so that I could get him taken care of as quickly as possible. I pulled his shorts down to his knees and untaped the sides of his diaper. "Ready?"

Izzy gave a confident nod, so I peeled back the front flap and swiped a wet cloth against his skin, making him shiver. "I'm sorry, baby; almost done." He lifted his bottom to allow me to pull his diaper free, and I rolled it up and tossed it away.

Wanting to keep his skin soft and protected, I rubbed lotion from his belly button to his thighs. His dick twitched, but didn't rise to the occasion this time around. In one swift movement, I slid the fresh cotton beneath him and fastened it closed. Once I settled his shorts on his waist again and cleaned my hands with sanitizing gel, I gave Izzy a big smile that matched his own.

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