Home > The Perfect Cover(49)

The Perfect Cover(49)
Author: K. Sterling

“Ssshhh…” Grant’s eyes were heavy and Royce was lost in them. Grant’s jaw fell and his tongue slid past his lips as his neck stretched.

“Ahem… I hate to interrupt, my darlings,” Walter called from somewhere around the pond. Royce’s eyes nearly shot from his head as he fought to contain the bewildered cry trapped in his chest. Grant looked equally devastated but his eyes were squeezed shut and his fists were bunched in the halves of Royce’s opened fly.

“Yes?” Royce replied once he could trust his voice.

“I thought you’d like to know that Sam left. I didn’t want Fernando to miss out on such a spectacular evening so I took him out for a quick lap around the party when I saw Sam sneaking away and followed him as far as I could. He stole a car parked on the other side of the salon and I believe he might be on his way back to the Lees or Grant’s,” Walter informed them and Royce’s head snapped in the direction of their houses and his eyes tightened as he considered. Audrey would be back at Marcy’s. If he could catch “Sam” in the act of breaking into Grant’s house…

“I want you to stay here,” Royce told Grant as he pressed a quick kiss to his lips then stood and fixed the front of his pants as well as he could.

“What are you going to do?” Grant demanded as he jumped to his feet and reached for Royce. Royce made a dismissive, reassuring sound and rubbed Grant’s shoulders.

“I just want to see if he tries to break into your house and scare him off, if he does,” Royce lied and he was not convinced Grant believed him.

“You’re going to scare him off?” He repeated and Royce nodded quickly.

“Shouldn’t be a big deal,” he said brightly then flashed Grant a huge smile. “Hang out with Walter and keep an eye on the Lees for me,” he added with a playful punch to Grant’s shoulder then raised his brows. “Can you do that until I get back and then we’ll pick up where we left off?” He offered and Grant raised a brow back at him.

“I can do that,” he said and Royce chuckled as he kissed his cheek.

“Stop worrying. I’ll be back soon,” he whispered then gave Grant’s hand a squeeze before he backed away from him. “Don’t worry,” he ordered as he pointed then slipped between the giant leaves and found the path to the gate.



Chapter 38

“That’s it,” Grant decided as he stormed back to the pond and Walter’s brows jumped.

“What are you about to do? I don’t like that look,” Walter said as he followed Grant into the house and down the hall.

“I’m going to find Sally and Drew,” Grant ground out as he strode down the hall and past the dollhouses.

“I don’t think Royce would want you to do that,” Walter warned as he twisted his scarf nervously and Grant snorted as he opened the door and stepped out onto the porch and scanned the lawn and the dancers in the street.

“Royce doesn’t want me to talk to the Lees and I don’t want him and Sam to kill each other. Relationships are all about managing expectations,” Grant muttered. He couldn’t see Drew or Sally. “That’s what Dr. Beth said,” he added then threw his hands up in relief when he spotted them then rushed down the stairs.

“Well, now... Dr. Beth isn’t wrong but I think we should wait until Royce returns.”

“Come on, Walter,” Grant said as he turned on the bottom step then glanced at the band on the corner of the porch. “Tell me it doesn’t feel like we’re all missing something very obvious here,” he said as he searched Walter’s face. Grant thought he knew him almost as well as Marcy and Audrey. Walter moved to Aspenville just after Audrey was born and Marcy and Grant adopted him and made him part of their family. Grant thought Walter was an eccentric but witty, generous soul and he thought he’d heard all the brow-raising tales and all of Walter’s secrets. “I’m tired of hiding the truth and keeping secrets from my friends. Not if we can prevent someone from dying,” he stated then turned and went to track down Sally and Drew.

“Wait for me!” Walter sighed as he hurried after Grant. “I should be there in case they say something important,” he said under his breath then smiled and waved his scarf as he passed couples. “Don’t you look lovely!” He cried then gasped as he pointed at someone else. “Don’t you dare leave without telling me where you found that gown,” Walter ordered then caught up with Grant as he reached for Sally’s shoulder. She was dressed as a fairy and was startled when she turned.

“Grant!” She laughed nervously and her eyes flicked over his shoulders as she looked for Royce. She smiled at Walter as she reached behind her blindly and her hand swatted as it searched for Drew. “Everything’s so lovely, Walter, and you both look amazing! Don’t they, Drew?” She asked loudly and Drew swung around. He paled when he recognized Grant then scanned for Royce.

“He’s not here. Can we talk?” Grant asked and Drew and Sally exchanged quick looks.

“Why don’t we take this to the garden,” Walter suggested. Drew and Sally nodded quickly as they pushed Grant.

“I think that would be a good idea,” Drew said and Grant turned and followed Walter back across the lawn and around the house. The four of them were brittle with anxious concern as they slipped through the back gate and made their way to the pond.

Just about everyone had their special ritual with Walter, when they joined him for his afternoon break. Grant relaxed in the armchair while Walter regaled him with gossip and his past conquests then usually read in the quiet corner, on the bench. Audrey liked to eat all the raspberry jam sandwiches and enough lemon bars to make a grown man sick then she was given free rein over Walter’s makeup and wig collection as he slept. Marcy spooned with Walter. Grant wondered what Sally’s ritual was as she fell back on the bed and curled her legs under her, as if she’d had a hell of a day. Drew didn’t have a ritual. Grant could tell by the way he leaned and craned his neck as he stared in awe. He’d never been inside Walter’s house or the garden. Not that Grant was surprised. Drew was a very quiet, conservative man and while he clearly liked Walter, he would not be the sort to join him for one of his naps.

“This is beautiful,” Drew said as he slowly turned and Walter clasped his hands together.

“Thank you, my dear. You know, you’re always welcome to visit!” He said then gasped as he pulled the opened bottle from the bucket. “Let me get us some more champagne and fresh glasses! Don’t say a thing without me!” He commanded cheerfully then trotted from the room.

“Right...” Grant said and his cheeks puffed out as he studied his fingernails. He was suddenly very aware of his large antlers and the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt.

“You look gorgeous!” Sally whispered and Grant shook his head and shielded his face as he blushed.

“I feel like the biggest dork but Audrey and Royce are really happy,” he mumbled absently and Drew cleared his throat as he edged closer.

“Are you and Audrey all right?” Drew whispered then looked over his shoulder as Walter returned with a basket.

“You may proceed,” Walter sang as he set the basket on the table and opened it. He pulled out two bottles of Champagne then produced four glasses. Grant shook his head then squinted at Drew.

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