Home > The Perfect Cover(51)

The Perfect Cover(51)
Author: K. Sterling

“So, you’re here to find out why I’m harassing the Lees?” Royce confirmed and Li winced.

“It was suggested that it wouldn’t be unfortunate if I had to take care of you while I was here,” he said. Royce snorted as he flipped the light switch and he blocked his eyes as they blurred and watered. Once they adjusted, he leaned toward the cracked mirror and groaned as he touched his cheek gingerly.

“I received the same orders,” he stated then hissed. He was going to have a hell of a bruise later.

“Hold on,” Li said then slipped around him and into the hall. Royce tried to twist his lips thoughtfully and swore. His lip was split and he wasn’t sure if he cared if Li got away. “Here,” Li muttered as he returned with a makeup tray from Audrey’s bathroom. Li tilted it toward the light and his fingers flicked as he hunted through tubes and compacts.

“Thank you,” Royce said then held still as Li did his best to fix his makeup. “Will you tell your superiors that I’m clearing the Lees, if I let you leave Hopkins Creek?” He asked and Li shrugged.

“I really don’t care, as long as I never have to see these bland assholes ever again. Grant’s hot but I don’t know how you can stand it here,” he grumbled as he dabbed concealer around Royce’s chin and lip.

“Give it about ten years, if you last that long,” Royce chuckled and Li snorted.

“I think I’d rather die in a casino in Monte Carlo or Hong Kong,” he said and Royce chuckled nostalgically.

“I used to feel the same way. It’ll get old and you’ll realize the twinges in your joints and your conscience aren’t worth the rush and being the master’s favorite pupil,” he predicted. He saw Li flinch but he shrugged it off as he swept a brush through a shimmery powder then batted at Royce’s cheek.

“I can’t be the man I want to be at home, so I might as well serve my country and enjoy something that feels a little like freedom,” he explained.

“I’m sorry,” Royce said and Li raised his shoulder again.

“My family is happy and I don’t have to worry about them as long as I do what I’m told,” he stated quietly and Royce sighed.

“Do me a favor and don’t let anyone know you’re alive until you get back to China. Someone wanted us to square off over nothing and I’d like to find out who,” he explained and Li nodded thoughtfully.

“I can do that. Kick them in the balls for me, if you can,” he requested and Royce grinned.

“I’ll do a lot worse,” he vowed but he didn’t have a lot of time to sort through everything he learned from Li. Royce did the best he could with what was left of his costume but he looked more like Puck’s zombie as he rushed back to Walter’s. He drifted around the outskirts of the party and followed his instincts back to the garden when he couldn’t find Grant, Walter or the Lees among the revelers.

“So we don’t know why Royce or Sam were sent to Hopkins Creek,” Grant groaned and Royce appreciated his frustration as he made his way through the jungle of potted tropical plants.

“We don’t but I’m working on finding an answer,” Royce stated as he joined them and they gasped as they turned to him.

“You’re alive!” Grant laughed in relief and Royce grunted in pain as he crashed into him. Grant heard and felt Royce tense and his brows pulled together and he frowned as he leaned back and quickly scanned for injuries. “Jesus, you look like hell. Do you need to go to the hospital?” He asked and Royce made a dismissive sound as he waved it off.

“I’ve felt worse,” he promised but Grant didn’t looked relieved or convinced.

“What about Sam? Is he…?” He asked and his eyes watered and his lip trembled. Royce shook his head but he tapped his lips.

“We just want someone to think he is for a day or two,” Royce whispered and his eyes traveled around the room, catching on Walter’s, Drew’s and Sally’s to make sure they understood. They each nodded and Royce pushed out a hard breath then offered them an easy smile. “But I’ve decided to conclude my investigation into the Lees and will be reporting that there is nothing of concern happening here,” he announced and Sally looked dizzy as she grabbed Drew’s hand and they laughed in relief.

“Of course there isn’t but what was the point of this?” Walter asked distantly as he absently tapped at his champagne glass. Royce shook his head as his eyes touched Grant’s. Royce could see that he was happy the Lees were cleared but he was afraid of what would happen next.

“I don’t know. I’m going to find out but it can wait until later. We’re missing a hell of a party,” Royce reminded them.

“He’s right and I’m going to celebrate by getting hammered. Come on, Drew,” Sally said as she rose from the daybed and Drew chuckled as he offered her his arm.

“Sounds like a plan,” he said then shook everyone’s hand and thanked them before he reached for Grant and pulled him into a hug. “Thanks for looking out for us and keeping this quiet. This is our home now and we were scared we’d have to leave once it got out.”

“We’ve always looked out for each other. It wasn’t a big deal,” Grant murmured as he shrugged but it was a very big deal. The Lees knew Grant well enough to understand how far he’d gone outside his comfort zone to help them.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of anyone in my life,” Royce said as he leaned toward Sally conspiratorially but she shrank away. It would take time for her and Drew to trust him. Royce couldn’t blame her, he had a terrible reputation and he looked like hell at the moment. Royce winked at her then waved at Drew as they excused themselves. “I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to stay on my feet but I can’t leave without dancing with our host,” Royce declared but he pulled Grant close so he could whisper in his ear. “I need to ask Walter about a few things but I’ll tell you everything when we get home,” he promised and Grant nodded and he smiled as Royce kissed his cheek.

“I can wait until we get home,” he replied quietly then allowed Royce to escort Walter through the garden and back to the party.

“I was right about you and I’m glad Waites decided to humor me. We haven’t always seen eye to eye,” Walter said as Royce took the lead and they swayed together to Night and Day.

“You said you had a falling out?” Royce asked and Walter humphed.

“Waites and I parted ways a little more than fifteen years ago. I didn’t like the way he arranged things with that pimp,” Walter explained and Royce’s head swung toward him.

“That pimp?” He asked. Walter hummed loudly before his face pinched.

“It was just before I retired here and agreed to keep an eye on the Lees. I thought the whole affair was sordid and beneath him. He had a source named Mansky who got in trouble for running high-end rent boys. Lots of boys who looked too young to be legal and a lot of boys who weren’t legal. Waites got him a sweetheart deal and the sleazy bag of shit never did a day in prison. But you know how he is, he’s always got a card up his sleeve,” he said.

“I thought I did know…” Royce murmured as the world crumbled around him. “He’s been playing me.”

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