Home > Brazen Bachelor (Cocky Hero Club)(19)

Brazen Bachelor (Cocky Hero Club)(19)
Author: Dani Rene

Her admission from that day hits me in the chest. "Kids are nothing but anchors pulling you down. A career, a man, and a life come first." Those exact words had poured ice in my veins, and I realized my sister would never want a life like I did. A happy family, a husband who actually loves you, and a home filled with joy.

“Oh,” is all I can muster as shock has probably painted my expression.

“So, I’ll be sending out the invites today. I just needed to know if you’d come. If not, I won’t bother with your invite.” I should say no. I should tell her that this is something that she’s never wanted. Instead, my sister wanted to be the best lawyer in the state. She focused on being cold and callous. She hated any family gatherings, she was appalled by shows of affection, and now, she’s building a family.

“Sure. Yes.” My stuttered words make her sigh on the other end of the line, which once again makes me feel like an idiot. Life around Victoria had been difficult. Always trying to live up to her expectations was a chore, but even though she was always a raging bitch, she is my sister.

“Great. And don’t worry about any dress fittings and such. I have Kara standing in as a maid of honor, and I don’t have any bridesmaids. I’m sure that you’d rather enjoy your time as a guest anyway.” Her icy tone makes me slump in my chair, and all the excitement of the morning dissipates along with my happiness at the flowers Colton had delivered. I know it was him because no other person in my life would do something sweet like this.

“Sure.” Once again, I’m a one-worded, mumbling idiot.

“Have a good day.” Her farewell comes in her fake happy tone before hanging up, and I sit there, gob-smacked at her for too long. My phone buzzes moments later, and I lift it, expecting an email from her telling me to come alone to the wedding, so I don’t outshine her, but it’s a message from Colton.

I open it with a heavy heart, but I don’t see what I expect him to say.


Colton: I’m taking you out tonight. Be ready at seven, and you can’t refuse. It’s already been booked and paid for.


Even though it’s a message I’d been waiting for since I opened my eyes this morning, I can’t find the joy in it. Not right now, anyway. He’s bad for me because I can see him breaking down my walls and finding the girl hiding underneath.

Moving the bouquet to the side of my desk, I open my laptop and log in. As the screen loads, I think of responding to Colton. But instead of typing out a message, I open my browser and head to the one person I trust, even though I’ve never met her.


Once I scroll through her latest posts, I open my email and tap out an email to her, hoping as I write out my concerned query, she’ll have some form of advice for me.


Dear Ida,

Last night I went on a date with him. I wore the black dress, as you suggested, and it was perfect. The night was memorable and ended with a kiss on the cheek. Nothing more. And even though I wanted to invite him in for a drink, I didn’t. But as much as the happiness stuck with me through to this morning, I’ve been brought back down to earth by a call from my sister. My more gorgeous, more professional, and more everything sister.

I feel not good enough in every aspect of my life right now. I’m not sure what to do.

Signing off,

Frustrated in Brooklyn


I hit send and pray for a response. A quick one. Something that will confirm I’m not losing my mind. I shouldn’t let things get to me as much as they do, but I can’t stop my mind from playing tricks on me.

Settling in to work I have for the day, I focus, finding it easier as the day wears on. By lunchtime, I’m so lost in proofing my article, I don’t see the delivery guy walking up to my desk.

“Hi.” His deep voice causes me to practically jump out of my skin. My gaze flits to his in surprise, and he chuckles. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“No, it’s fine. What is this?” I gesture to the package he’s setting down on my desk before he hands me a clipboard to sign.

“Not sure, it’s for a … Violet?” he tells me.

“Thanks.” Once I’ve scrawled my signature, I hand him back the clipboard, and he’s out the door with a quick, "See ya," before I’m flicking open the package to find a plastic takeout container with salad and a soda. There’s no note, but I have a feeling I know exactly who it’s from.









Her call comes moments after I got the confirmation her lunch was delivered. Picking up my cell phone, I smile when I answer, “Good afternoon, gorgeous.”

“You’re very sweet,” is her reply, which makes the grin on my face crack even more. I want to show her I’m worthy of a relationship, that I can be romantic, and sweet, as well as know what she needs before she realizes it. I’ve never had to work for a woman’s attention, but I’m reveling in making her day easier.

“I told you I’m more than just a pretty face,” I tease, but she doesn’t laugh like I expect her to. “Are you okay?” The concern is clear in my voice and shocking to me. Granted, I was brought up to always respect women, but with Violet, it’s more than that. The emotion I feel is so much more.

“I will be. Perhaps we can talk tonight?” Hope rings in her voice, and I can tell she’s really looking forward to our second date.

“Yes. I’d like that. I have planned something, but if you’d rather stay in and talk, we can do that too?” Dropping my plans wouldn’t cause any issue, since it’s a friend doing a favor for me. Even though he charged me for the trip, I don’t mind, because I wanted to show Violet a magical night.

“No. I want to go. Let’s do whatever you have planned, and we can talk after?” Once again, there’s a slight hint of hope that lingers in her voice.

“Good. I hope whatever was bothering you earlier will be a thing of the past when you see what I have planned,” I tell her. With the help of Blythe, I can safely say that this may just be the most romantic thing I’ve ever done for anyone.

“I have to go, but I’ll see you later?” She poses it as a question, and it makes me smile. I want nothing more than to cheer her up today.

“You certainly will, love,” I affirm before we say our goodbyes, and I hang up. Blythe is watching me. Her gaze locked on mine. I know she wants to say something. But I honestly don’t want to hear it. However, I know my agent, and she’s not one to beat around the bush. If she has something on her mind, I can be sure I’ll hear about it.

“Are you going to make this poor girl fall in love with you?” she asks, her tone clipped, cold, just like Blythe. If I didn’t know her so well, I would think she’s angry with me, but that’s just her way. She’s got walls so high that I doubt anyone would be able to scale them.

“I don’t make anyone do anything, Blythe,” I inform her coolly. Resting my ankle on the opposite knee, I lean back and wait for the tirade. The temperature in the room drops when she sighs.

“You’re going to have her falling in love with you if you keep up this romantic shit. I know girls like her. I used to be a girl like her.”

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