Home > Brazen Bachelor (Cocky Hero Club)(20)

Brazen Bachelor (Cocky Hero Club)(20)
Author: Dani Rene

“And someone broke your heart,” I finish for her, knowing where she’s going with this sob story. Don’t get me wrong. I do feel terrible that she got hurt, but I’m not her ex. I may have had a few too many fun times with girls, but it was mutual. Nobody ever asked me for a ring, and they knew that was the last thing I would be offering.

“I’m just saying, be careful. You live in the public eye. Girls like Violet Kennedy don’t do public.” Her gaze narrows as she regards my reaction, but I know she’s right. I can’t deny that Violet is someone who would most definitely shy away from the cameras that seem to follow my every move.

“What do you suggest? I get my arse on a plane back to London and never think of Violet again?”

“Can you do that?” Blythe challenges. We’ve known each other for years. Since I turned twenty-one, she has been my go-to for everything, and she pulled my career from a spiraling dead-end and turned it around.

If it weren’t for Blythe, I’d still be doing toothpaste commercials or trying to get into the West End. But I’m no actor. I can pose the hell of out an outfit, but standing on a stage for people to gawk at me reciting some lines wasn’t something I wanted to do. It was the second option. It was my fallback.

“Perhaps not,” I admit. “If I have to be honest, I couldn’t hurt her.” My chest is tight with the admission. I haven’t said that about someone in a long time. The thought of seeing Violet cry only seems to twist guilt in my gut.

“Listen, Colt,” Blythe says, leaning her elbows on her desk. I know her speech is coming, and as much as I don’t want to hear it, I know I have to. “I like you, I like Violet from the few times I’ve come into contact with her, but you have to remember, at some point, you’re going to have to choose career or girl. Because she’s not going to want to walk out of her apartment every morning to a flood of flashlights.”

“What makes you think—”

“Because of this,” she interrupts me by sliding a stack of pages toward me. “Read it through and tell me what you think.”

I pick up what looks like a contract. An offer. The first line in bold black lettering sticks out at me like a beacon—Brazen Briefs brings you The Brazen Bachelor TV series.

Furrowing my brows, I ask, “What is this?”

“The CEO of Brazen Briefs pitched an idea to the television channels, and it’s been picked up as a series. They are in the market for the lead, and your name was thrown into the pot.”

“And they’re making an offer before they know if I can act?”

“Come on, Colt. You’re beautiful. You’re what every woman wants to see late at night on her television screen. They want you to be the face and body of the line as well as the show.”

“What does this entail?” I ask, not bothering to read the rest of the contract because I’m ready to refuse. As much as I enjoy modeling, this is a whole lot of wrong, in my opinion. If I were single, if I were someone wanting to use this to get the girls, I would sign up no questions asked. But right now, I’m not sure where I’m headed with Violet, and I don’t want to jeopardize it.

“Listen to me. If you don’t sign, just for one season, they’re pulling the contract for the underwear,” Blythe informs me with worry streaked across her expression. I don’t know why she’s so completely invested in this already. She has the money in her bank account, so there must be more to this than meets the eye.

“So, in actuality, this is a blackmail contract. Sign or else?” I’m sure she can see the shock on my face because I don’t hide it. This is ridiculous.

“They’re trying to wring as much cash from this as possible. With the hype around the new line, they wanted to make sure they cover every avenue. After doing a survey, women are chomping at the bit to get a look at the bachelor modeling the line. Think of it as a reality TV show that will star you.”

“And they’ll probably want to pair me up with someone.” My words are gritted through clenched teeth. My jaw ticks as frustration takes hold. “I can’t do this to Violet.”

“Why don’t you talk to her? Since you’re new to the relationship, perhaps you can still see her, keep it under wraps until you find you have real feelings for her.”

“I do have real feelings for her.”

“What I mean is, wait until you both decide it’s serious, and you can announce your relationship on the show. It will have people swooning,” Blythe appeals. She’s already had this speech ready for my reaction. She knew I wouldn’t want to drag Violet into the spotlight, and she had her arsenal at the ready.

“This is ridiculous,” I bite out while holding up the heavy contract that now feels like an anchor around my ankle before I’ve even signed it.

“Talk to her. I’m sure she’ll understand it’s your career.” As much as I want to deny it, I know Violet would understand because it’s just the type of person she is. The sweet nature of the girl who’s captured my attention will agree that I should sign. I know she will, but what would that mean for us?

“This is ridiculous,” I repeat. “Tell them I need twenty-four hours to think about it.” I stand, holding the contract in one hand and placing a palm on the smooth top of her desk. “And if I don’t agree to their terms, I will walk out. They can find another bachelor.”

“You mean if Violet doesn’t agree.” Her challenge flickers in her gaze. She’s testing my resolve to be with Violet. I didn’t think I’d come to America and find a girl I liked. Certainly not one I would walk away from a high-paying job for, but after years of working and saving, I don’t need this job. I think it’s more of the fact that they need me.

“Twenty-four hours.” I turn and walk out of Blythe’s office with the contract in hand. I need time to cool down. I can’t talk to Violet until I see her tonight, but deep in my gut, I know that one of the terms in this fucking contract will mean they would want to match me up with someone.

Someone who isn’t Violet.









The day seemed to speed by. Walking down the leafy street that leads to my apartment, I can’t stop trying to figure out just what Colton has planned tonight. Excitement has been bubbling in my chest since we spoke.

The lunch he sent me was delicious. Small, thoughtful things he’s done over the past couple of days have had me rethinking everything. It will still be a long while before I can say I’m comfortable with a relationship, but so far, he’s proving to be a nice guy.

My heels clip on the sidewalk and the song playing in my ears makes me smile. I love living in New York. The city is vibrant, but I have a feeling the color that seems to pop from every leaf, and each person’s face is because of a particular man.

And when I reach home at six-thirty, I unlock the door and step into the chilly living room. Inside, I make my way into the bedroom without stopping in the kitchen. I would kill for a hot cup of tea, but I don’t have time.

I rush through the apartment, trying to get ready before Colton is meant to pick me up. He said seven, and as the clock inches toward the hour, the more my stomach twists in excited knots. A flurry of hummingbirds takes flight, and I feel like it’s my first date with him.

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