Home > My Savage (Savage Shadows #4)(4)

My Savage (Savage Shadows #4)(4)
Author: Ellie Jean

“I’m Ocean.” My eyes stay on the dimly lit road, but my hand feels a twinge in her leg. “I was on the way to my cabin to sort through a few things. We can chat there and check you over.”

Black straight hair falls around her face, framing her petite features. Bluebell’s breathing is relaxed enough for her to close her eyes. The crystal blue hue of her large orbs struck me first when I picked her up off the road, captivating me completely, again.

I know this woman. I’d brought some flowers for Emerald a few weeks back from her in the hospital.

That must be the connection I felt on the road?

Her expressive eyes that seem too big for her face, pierced me and the blush that crept over her cheeks when I spoke to her and touched the skin of her hand melted my hardened heart for a second. Late each night, I found myself replaying that moment over in my thoughts. She had penetrated my mind, broke through my steeled layers and no girl had done that for a very long time.

Then bam! Devine intervention almost has me squashing her with my ride.

Wrapping my hands around her waist, taking care of her, I knew I had to find out the reason why this girl has such an effect on me. It is a perfect opportunity and in my line of business, it’s rare that happens. I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Listening to the hum of the motor and breaths escaping her lips, I look across at her frequently. Her knees drawn together are pointed away from me, her arms wrap around her body, and at times I’m graced with her eyes opening up and taking a peek at me.

“Your blush is beautiful.” I can’t resist this time.

Snapping her head from me, I grin and chuckle. “You shouldn’t hide your face, baby. It’s gorgeous.”


“I won’t lie to you.”

Twisting her neck back so her eyes stare straight at me, her lips tip up a little at the ends into a small smile.

My fucking heart skips a beat.

I turn and watch the road again ‘cause this is unknown territory.

“I was at the hospital visiting my brother, who isn’t technically my blood brother but my brother in every sense apart from that, ‘cause his girl gave birth to a baby boy—Jayce. Everyone was there except my sister Melody. Slate, Caden, Emerald, and Lace, squished into one room to celebrate him coming out of the neonatal unit today. Three weeks it had taken for him to be strong enough to be allowed out.” Blood pumps around my body at full speed. I can’t stop myself from babbling.

I don’t dare look to Bluebell.

“I’ve had to visit that damn hospital too much lately, but at least it was for good reason this time.” I chuckle to myself. “Christ, my brother can take the hardest hits, Tanner fights, but he’s not going to know what’s hit him when he gets home with a baby. Although he will make the best dad. Fierce, protective, and a sucker for doing anything Crystal says.”

Taking a breath, I reach for my candy and throw some fruit-flavored balls of sugar into my mouth. “Would you like some?”

“No thank you.”

Nodding my head to myself, I go back to rambling. “I brought flowers off you a few weeks back. Emerald had been rundown by a lunatic rival of ours, she broke her leg or ankle. Laid up for weeks. Didn’t stop her and those girls getting into trouble, having to dodge bullets, and seeing too much of our cutthroat world.”

A gasp reverberates around the car.


I’m a total dickhead.

Flicking my head to the side, her eyes are wider than before, but they are still trained on me, but she’s leaning away.

Christ. It’s like deja vu. I’ve seen this horror before on a gorgeous young girl’s face. But her name wasn’t Bluebell.

“Damn. Sorry, Bluebell.” My skin is heated but a chill runs up my spine thinking she’s repulsed by me. “I promise I won’t hurt you.” My voice comes out gruffer than a minute ago. “I won’t lie to you, yes, I’m into dangerous shit. My brothers and I control much of LA. I won’t apologize for that. We’ve worked hard and now we’re in a good place. There are enemies who always want to take us down, but we deal with threats and if they touch our families they pay. So, I guess, in a way, you almost being squashed under my wheel tonight could be the best thing that’s happened if you’re in trouble, ‘cause I vow that no one’s going to touch one strand of your hair while I’m around.”


I second that ‘oh.’ What kind of promise am I making here? The pull is too great to cast her aside and send her off to the wolves.

I keep my focus on the night road and clamp my teeth together.

I’ve spilled enough secrets for a lifetime in the space of five minutes.

But the waver in her voice spears me. Her petite body wrapped tightly in a ball on my front seat, wide eyes bursting with unknown fear and her increased breathing is too much to handle while I am driving. I’ve lost control and it’s rare that happens.

An urge pulses through me to enclose her in my arms and protect her from everything bad in this world.

I haven’t known this feeling for a lifetime.

Confusion swarms my head.

What the fuck is happening?

Until there is space and I’m not consumed by her. There’s to be no more words and no more looking at Bluebell.



Listening to his gravelly voice soothed me.

I was in a trance, calmness enveloped me.

My eyes shut.

But his name bombarded me.

“I’ll have a mixed bag of candy and a packet of Skittles, please.”

My stomach flip-flops. Just like it does every day he comes into the shop at four-thirty to buy a concoction of candies. Tall and lean with dark hair, he looks older than me. Probably fourteen. Way out of my league. At twelve and not allowed out except to attend school and work at the family corner store, I have no experience at all talking to boys.

“Are you stupid or something?”

My dad’s voice booms across the back of the counter aimed at me. “I told you to finish mopping the filthy floor and then go and empty those boxes that came in this afternoon. They aren’t going to unpack themselves.”

Jumping out of my skin, my eyes dart from the boy to my father who is red-faced and agitated. Moving away, I give a quick nod to the boy and almost run from the view of my dad. I need to finish these chores and get home before he comes looking for me here. He’s in a bad mood and if I get in his way, I’ll be sorry for it.

Thirty minutes later, with an aching back and arms, the sun’s dipping down behind the horizon. My steps are slower than they should be walking a block down to the house.


Clutching my chest, my head spins until I spy the boy from the shop hiding behind a tree trunk.

“You okay?”

“I will be once I get home.” Heaving a sigh, I focus on getting home, not the heavenly boy who is now talking to me.

“Is that prick who yelled at you your dad?”

“Yeah.” Moving my feet, I keep walking. “I have to go.”

Jogging to catch up to me, his body brushes against mine. I let him.

“He needs a kick up the ass for treating you like that.” He passes me a gummy and I take it.

“I should have been working, it’s my fault anyway.”

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