Home > My Savage (Savage Shadows #4)(6)

My Savage (Savage Shadows #4)(6)
Author: Ellie Jean

“Sore.” Looking into her cup, I take the opportunity to move slowly from my chair.

“I need to have a look at it, so we can see what damage you have.” Walking toward her, wariness mars her pale skin. “I’m just going to run my hand over your shoulder to see if it’s muscular damage and nothing more. Otherwise, it will be a trip to the doctor tomorrow.”

Without giving her a chance to react, my fingers wipe over the cloth of the sweatshirt. I don’t miss the jump when I touch her, but she relaxes after a minute. Pressing my fingers in softly to try and ascertain what’s happened, it’s hard with such a huge pile of material in the way. My hand delves under it through the large neck opening and it’s met with warm, silky skin.

Tingles spread up my spine and neck, I close my eyes savoring the sensation. Gliding my fingers over her skin, her chest rises faster and her breaths come out quicker. Or is that mine?

Pressing into the muscles, I lean a little forward, smelling her. Citrus from the soap used in the shower wafts and mixed with her sweet smell, it is heavenly. Shaking my head to clear it, her body stops moving, Bluebell holds her breath. I quickly resume moving my hand over her collarbone and then the back of her shoulder.

“Owww.” Her breathing resumes.

“It’s sore in there?” My thumb runs down the front of her upper arm and my fingers knead underneath it.

“Yeah, at the fr-front of the arm.”

“I’d say it’s bruised from you hitting the concrete at full pace, landing on it. The bone’s not protruding out or anything.”

“Yeah?” Finishing up her coffee, she rests the mug on her knee.

“Yep. Dr. Ocean says your arm should be fine in a few days and you should keep off that ankle for a while so the swelling goes down.” Her foot looks twice as big as what it should. I don’t want to take my hand from her skin, but I have to before she becomes freaked out.

Bluebell looks at her leg and I watch her carefully, studying her like a rare diamond, committing to memory every line, facet, and gesture she makes on her face.

Bluebell fascinates me.

She’s so familiar and easy to be around.

Yawning, she lifts her head and covers her mouth with her hand. “Whoops.”

“You must be exhausted.” I stand and take the cup from her, relocating it to the small sink. I want to ask her so many questions, but it will have to wait. “I’ll take the couch and you can take the bed in the room.”

“No.” Shaking her head, her hair softly sweeps over her cheeks. “You’ve done s-so much al-al-already. I’ll sleep here.”

“This argument you won’t win, baby. Bed for you.” Getting up, I stride to the bedroom and take out a blanket before walking back to the couch. “We have a lot to talk about, but it can wait for tomorrow. You need your energy.”

With hooded eyes, Bluebell looks at me and smiles gently. I don’t think this girl would hurt a fly if it came to it. She’s tender, quiet, and delicate. “I appreciate everything you have done for me.”

I nearly drop down on the ground fainting. Bluebell got a full sentence out without a stammer in sight. The slight grin on her face in realization, lighting up her darkened features sends shocks through my chest.


“It’s my pleasure.” And it really has been a pleasant afternoon and night with this unpretentious stranger. Although she hasn’t spoken much, there’s an instant connection there. I felt it weeks ago at the hospital and it’s still there now.

Becoming stronger with each passing minute.

She doesn’t turn, but leaves me, entering the bedroom groaning quietly as she puts weight on her sore ankle. “Goodnight.”

“Sleep well, Bluebell.”

I need a shower before I sleep. It’s been a long day. But I better call Melody to ensure she’s safe. She answers right away.

“Sis, I’ve arrived at the cabin. You all good?”

“Hey big brother, would you stop worrying about me. I’ve got this. You know I’m a grown woman now.”

“You’re still younger than me. Call me if you need me, anytime.”

“Goodnight, Ocean. Thanks for always caring.” Hanging up before I can overwhelm her more, I shut my open mouth and go to the bathroom thinking about how today got better as it went on.

Cascading hot water runs over my muscles and I recall what Emerald said as I left, she is like an old mother hen: albeit a very stubborn and sassy one, trying to keep us all together. I know I will always belong with these guys, I have to get my head around how, now that they have families. Bluebell was a unique addition to the day.

An exceptional distraction from everything.

Drying myself, a loud snuffling catches my attention. Towel slung over my hips, I vacate the bathroom and head toward the light coming from the bedroom.

“Christ. For someone so gentile and petite, she sure can snore.” I inwardly laugh as I look in the opening. The bedside lamp is on and the covers are almost covering her head completely. Her hands cupped under her chin holding the blanket.

Her body jolts as her breath releases.

I jump with the sound.

“Damn.” Feeling lighter than I have in months watching this sleeping beauty snoring, churns heat from deep within. A lot like when I spoke to her at her shop. I’m still unsure what it means, but it’s going to be worth exploring considering it’s happened twice now with the same girl and I can only remember one other person who affected me like this.

Asleep in a matter of minutes, her body exhausted from the craziness of her day and I still have no idea what it’s all about. Obviously she is fearing for her life, coming with a stranger over staying in the hospital grounds. No one in their right mind would do that.

Yet, here she is and here I am.



Blinking my eyes, light shines in them as I open them marginally.

Is it morning already?

Looking around, it’s pitch black everywhere except near the lamp I left on. As a child and still now, I had to leave a night light on, or I couldn’t sleep. Anxiety will do that to you especially when it’s caused by the ones you are supposed to feel safe around but don’t.

I’d shocked myself awake, snoring so badly, my breath had caught, and I jostled myself awake. It only seems to happen when I’m dead tired especially when I usually sleep light enough that the creaks from the person walking above my apartment wakes me.

Shaking my head at myself, I cannot believe I’ve fallen into one of the deepest sleeps, in a cabin, in the middle of nowhere, with a complete stranger who looks a hell of a lot like a younger version of Adam Levine. Stubble, tattoos and ripped like Maroon 5’s lead singer, but with longer black hair.

Truly, I have no self-preservation.

Licking my lips, my mouth is dry and I’m overheating under this blanket. I think to be truthful my temperature shot up ten degrees just thinking about Ocean. Carefully taking the blanket off me, I try to tiptoe out of the bedroom, but my foot is too sore, so I tread slowly at a snail pace out to the kitchen.

Heat radiates in the lounge room from the fireplace in the corner. Ocean sure knows how to make a good fire, it’s still raging even hours after he lit it. The soft glow lights enough of a path to the kitchen where I take a glass and pour some water into it. Casting my eyes over the room, it’s basic but homey. My rescuer sprawled out on the small lounge looks uncomfortable, but he is sound asleep. His fingers twitch and his breathing is even and deep. Looking serene is probably something I wouldn’t picture him ever looking but studying him from afar, without him scrutinizing me, I can study him in detail.

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