Home > Torment : Part One (The Bleeding Hearts #1)(25)

Torment : Part One (The Bleeding Hearts #1)(25)
Author: Dylan Page

When I get inside, I set the alarm to the house and collapse on the couch. Curiously, I check the phone and see I already have a reply. My face breaks into a huge smile, the first real one in nearly two weeks, and I open it and read.


Captain Stud Muffin: I’ll talk to you soon, love.



The Past…

Mina: Eleven Years Old




It was a few days after the blow-up at the club, but things seemed to have settled down. That night, when we had made it home, Mum had a big pasta dinner and salad waiting, and then we all watched Die Hard before going to bed. James and Shay were talking like nothing had happened. My mum was quiet, but the next morning, she was pulling out Christmas boxes from storage and decorating the house with holly garland, wreaths, and played some classic Christmas music on the stereo as she worked like a fiend to make the place feel festive.

I walked side by side with her in town as we finished up our Christmas shopping. I had saved up so I could buy gifts for my family, and hoped that they would like what I got them. It was the first year I’d been able to save up and shop on my own for everyone without Mum having to loan me some cash, and I was very proud of myself. There was a chill in the air, the ground was covered with a dusting of snow, and all the lampposts on Main Street were decorated with holly garland and lights, giving the town a festive look about it. Mum stepped into the small mini mall with me in tow, and strolled up and down the aisles, looking at Christmas decorations and little knick-knacks. Mum loved shopping for Christmas things and every year, she added more festive décor to the house.

But after hours of browsing, my mind had started to drift from boredom, and I soon lost sight of her. I walked up and down the aisles, searching for her familiar royal blue coat and dark hair, but being so short, I could barely see far enough to make a difference. I was just starting to panic when a deep, familiar voice rumbled behind me. “Hey there, Cutie. You lost?”

I spun around and looked up at the large, rugged figure until I was staring into those stunning glacier blue eyes. Keenan Mathers. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him, despite that the last time I had seen him, it had been rather tense. But over the years, as I had reflected on what had happened, I decided I wasn’t necessarily frightened of him… just the weird standoff between him and my brother. Keenan had been gentle and incredibly kind to me. I had no reason to be afraid.

“Hey, Sunshine.” He flashed me that beautiful crooked smile that I remembered so well. He looked the same, only more filled out with muscle and a few inches taller. I see a hint of what looked like a spider-web tattoo on his neck, which was peeking up under the collar of his shirt. His blond hair was longer now and it fell over his face, but his beautiful eyes, which had always captivated me, glittered playfully from under the strands.

“Keenan!” I beamed up at him.

He placed a palm over his heart. “I must have made quite an impression to be lucky enough for you to remember me.” He winked and I felt my insides jump excitedly.

I giggled and without thinking, threw my arms around his waist, giving him a hug. I’d always been an affectionate kid, and growing up with the men in James’ club who were constantly hugging and petting me, I had become used to greeting people in such a fashion. For a moment, Keenan stilled as though surprised by my outwardly affection, but then he wrapped an arm around my back, holding me against him, and lightly ran his hand over my long hair. When I pulled back, I was grinning up at him. “Are you Christmas shopping, too?” I asked.

“I am. How about you, Cutie?”

“I’m all done. My mum was browsing around, but I got bored and lost track of her…” As I remembered my mother, I craned my neck around Keenan and went up on the tip toes of my boots to try to see her.

“I can help you find her, if you like,” he offered.

I shrugged. “I’ll just wait by the front doors. She is kinda obsessed with Christmas things, so she could be a while longer, and honestly, I’m tired.”

“Well then, how about you help me shop?”

“Okay!” I beamed, taking his proffered hand. He tugged me away, and we wandered up and down the aisles, heading towards the back of the store.

“So, how is life, Sunshine?” he asked as we looked over the various items on the shelves… picture frames, vases, dust-catchers (that’s what James called the figurines and random décor pieces Mum brought home), fake flowers, and random Christmas decorations.

“Good. I’ve been taking ballet for a few years now, and I was granted the starring role in the town’s Nutcracker play.” I smiled wide. “It was the first time I got to perform in a show.” It had been a nerve-wracking experience being the star of such an important ballet. People in our town filled the seats of our new theatre house every year to watch The Nutcracker at Christmas time. I remember how sick to my stomach I was as I waited backstage for the curtain to rise so the opening number could start. But once I started dancing, my nerves melted away as I followed my steps, getting lost in the music and the story. Mum, James, and Shay had come to my opening night and the finale, and all cheered loudly from the stands. At the last show, Shay even surprised me backstage with a bouquet of daisies. He looked so proud of me. I beamed at the memory.

“I didn’t get a chance to see that,” Keenan sounded disappointed. “Wish I’d known you were the star. I would have been there opening night.” I scoffed at him and rolled my eyes. He glanced down wickedly. “Don’t believe me?” he asked.

“No offense, but you don’t seem like the theatre type.” Neither were James and Shay, but they were family. It was sort of expected that they would be there for at least one show. I barely knew Keenan. But what I did know was that he was a part of a rival club and when he smiled down at me, my stomach jumped around like there were butterflies fluttering inside. It was the same feeling I got around Shay sometimes.

He chuckled. “I’m not. But I would have liked to see you dance.”

I couldn’t hide the blush on my cheeks, so I lowered my head. “Who are you shopping for? Parents? Friends? Girlfriend?”

“All of the above.”

I felt a little twinge in my stomach. Of course he would have a girlfriend. Keenan was gorgeous. Why would he not have one? And she was probably just as beautiful, too. I scolded myself for my little spite of jealousy. I was only eleven years old. Keenan was seventeen, the same age as Shay. He would never see me as anything but a kid. I buried my resentment and smiled up at him, giving his hand a squeeze. “Girlfriends are easy. We’re like crows… we enjoy sparkly things.” Daddy. That was something he had joked about whenever he surprised Mum with a gift.

He tilted his head back and laughed loudly at that before shaking his head. “I guess that’s true, in a way.”

“It’s a weird thing to say, I know,” I confessed. “I just remember my dad saying it once or twice. I guess it stuck with me.”

“James?” he asked, confused.

“No. My real dad…” my voice trailed off and my eyes turned away from him, shielding my pain at the memory of my father. When I caught sight of a jewelry display, I released his hand and raced over to it and started perusing. “Does your girlfriend have pierced ears? Maybe some nice earrings! Or a watch. Heart necklaces are okay, but they’re overrated.” I pursed my lips as my mother’s words fell out of my mouth.

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