Home > Condemned to Love(48)

Condemned to Love(48)
Author: Siobhan Davis

“Stay with Sierra,” I tell Alessandro when I exit the house. “And make sure Frank goes with you if they leave the house. I’ll be back later.”

Alessandro throws Leo the keys to the SUV, and I climb into the front while he slides behind the wheel. Ciro gets in the back. “Where to?”

“Drive around to the back road and park at the rear of my house.” He looks at me like I’m nuts. “Just do it.”

“You’re the boss.”

We drive in silence around the corner and park behind the back wall that borders the house.

“What do you want to do with them?” Leo asks, casting a glance in the back seat.

The flowers are still propped up on the floor, against the side of the door. I have no idea what possessed me to buy her flowers. I’ve got to learn to manage my impulse control before I ruin everything. Presenting Sierra with flowers would have only given her the wrong impression. “Throw them in the trash,” I instruct, climbing out.

I’m punching in the code on the back door when my cell vibrates in my pocket. Pulling it out, I grimace.

“What’s up?” Leo asks, coming up behind me.

“Could this day get any worse?” I show him my screen.

Briefly, I consider not answering, but that will only infuriate him more, so I push the answer button as I stroll through the door and into the garden. “Saverio. What can I do for you?”









I fidget with the full skirt of my silver and gold ballgown as I attempt to tune my sister’s irritating voice out. Father insisted we travel to the gala event as a family, so I’m currently sequestered in a limo with my parents, Serena and Alfred, and Felix and Saskia. Our bodyguards are traveling in two armored vehicles. One in front of us and one behind us.

As usual, Saskia is monopolizing the conversation. She just loves the sound of her own voice. They only picked me up fifteen minutes ago, and I already want to bail. It would’ve been good to have Dion with me tonight, but I broke things off with him the Monday after that disastrous weekend.

I’m pissed Ben forced my hand, but the truth is, the writing was on the wall with my relationship even before Ben reentered my life. Initially, when Ben reappeared, terrorizing me that first night, he sent me racing straight into the safety of Dion’s arms. I tried to convince myself settling for safe and secure was the right choice, but it didn’t last long.

You will have to kill me before I’d admit this to anyone, even my besties, but Ben’s cold gaze, cruel words, rough touch, and brutal dominance has excited me like never before. Don’t get me wrong—he still scares the shit out of me and I haven’t forgotten he’s a cold-blooded killer, but I’ve turned into one of those idiots in romance books: the ones who get off on possessive alpha men who know how to work a woman’s body better than she knows it herself.

I’m determined to fight this madness, and it’s one of the reasons I have gone to great lengths to avoid him these past three weekends. He has already proven I can trust him with Rowan, so I have made myself scarce when he’s shown up and kept our interactions to the bare minimum.

Saskia throws back her head, laughing as Felix fills her glass with more Cristal Champagne. She smiles at her husband, and I can’t help wondering if her good mood has anything to do with Ben. I don’t know if he carried out his threat, but even the thought of it hurts so much.

I’ve got to stop nurturing stupid fantasies when it comes to that man. He has never been mine, and he never will be, and that’s a good thing, right?

“Here.” Serena tops off my glass from beside me. “You look like you could use this.”

“I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot more than a couple of glasses of champagne to survive this night.”

Father holds this ball every October in support of one of my mom’s charities—the recipient is rotated annually. Mom is on the board of several charities, and she spends her days volunteering and offering practical support, so she isn’t just a sponsor like a lot of wealthy women.

Mom was the inspiration behind my decision to work with The Dream Catcher Foundation. It’s a local anti-trafficking support center, and I man the phones one night a month with Esme. Pen tags along sometimes when Eric is at home to watch the kids. I also donate on a monthly basis as they are almost entirely reliant on donations to survive.

Esme and I worked tirelessly with a small team from the foundation a couple of years ago to lobby local politicians to update the TVPA legislation.

What happened in Vegas troubled me for a long time, and after Rowan was born, I decided to do something practical about it. Human trafficking—and sex trafficking—is a massive global problem, and it’s something I feel strongly and passionately about. Maybe, returning to the fold won’t be such a bad thing if I can convince Father to make The Dream Catcher Foundation the annual recipient one time. These galas are attended by the richest and most powerful men in Chicago, and they always raise millions for the chosen charity. The Dream Catcher Foundation could do a lot with a sizable donation.

Tonight is important to Mom, and she’s the main reason I’m here. It’s been years since I attended one of these balls, thanks to my single-mother status, but Father seems to be in a forgiving mood lately.

That doesn’t make me suspicious at all.

“You aren’t mistaken,” Serena murmurs in my ear. “Tonight holds extra importance because Father has invited some powerful men, from out of state, to attend.”

“I’m surprised he insisted I be here. Isn’t he worried I’ll open my mouth and disgrace him?” I reply, sipping my champagne as I watch Saskia laughing with our parents and Felix while casting a surreptitious glance our way.

Serena and Saskia had a big falling-out a few years ago, and they aren’t close anymore. I bet Saskia hates the bond I have with Serena now. In her bitchy head, she probably thinks I orchestrated the entire situation just to reel Serena to my side, but she couldn’t be more mistaken. As much as I dislike Saskia, I would never, could never, deliberately harm her. She is still my flesh and blood—even if there is little about her I can relate to or respect.

“It’s a good thing you are here. It means you are officially back in the family, and that gives me peace of mind. I know you are passionate about things, but I suggest you keep your opinions to yourself and toe the line tonight. If you do anything to cause a scene, Father will blow a gasket.”

“Don’t worry,” I murmur, taking a healthy mouthful of bubbles. “I have no desire to ruffle any feathers. I have enough stress in my life as it is right now.”

She looks funny at me. “Is there something I should know?”

I want to confide in Serena so badly, but I’m afraid she might tell Alfred and he would tell my father and then everyone would find out and it’ll turn into an epic shit show. I want to avoid that, at all costs, so I have no choice but to keep the truth to myself. “It’s nothing. Work has been super busy, and we have a new receptionist. She’s ditzy as fuck, and she keeps making mistakes.” That’s not a lie. I’m the only acupuncturist at the center, and I’m booked out solid for the next three months. I’m having to turn down clients, which I hate. The manager is pushing for me to go full-time, but I won’t sacrifice my time with Rowan. If I wanted to work full-time, I wouldn’t have applied for a part-time position.

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