Home > Aunt Daisy's Letter(5)

Aunt Daisy's Letter(5)
Author: S.J. Crabb

“Absolutely and if I know how these things work, she probably had a hand in it herself - you know, a parting gift to keep the family flag flying. Handing over the responsibility to immortalise the women in your family to greatness. Yes, Aunt Daisy knows, Lily and will be watching every step you take.”

Pulling away, she holds up the menu and squints. “I think I’ll go for the vegetarian option.”

“Since when?”

She grins. “I’m not a vege yet, but I’m thinking about it. You know, all this talk about Veganuary, it’s got me thinking.”

“But you don’t like vegetables, what will you eat?”

Shrugging, Heidi leans back and grins. “I like potatoes.”

“You can’t live on potatoes.”

“Then I will partake of that meat substitute they are raving about. Yes, it’s worth a shot at least.”

The waiter heads over and smiles. “Are you ready to order?”

Nodding, and with a determined glint in her eye, Heidi says loudly, “I would like the meat-free lasagne please.”

I stifle a giggle as he says “Vegetable lasagne then. And for you…?”

He turns to me and I grin. “Sirloin steak please with fries and peppercorn sauce. Does that come with vegetables?”

He nods. “Au gratin.”

“Perfect, oh and a large glass of red wine please and the same for my friend, we’re celebrating.”

He looks interested. “Sounds good, is it your birthday?”

“Yes, but don’t even ask my age. Oh, and I’ve got a promotion, so it’s doubly good.”

Looking impressed, the waiter nods. “Then congratulations and enjoy your meal.”

As he heads off, Heidi sighs. “I wish men would look at me the way they do you.”

“Like what?” I’m surprised because in my mind he looked at me no differently than anyone else.

“Like he wanted you.”

I almost spit out my water. “Wanted me, you’re deluded.”

“No, I’m not.” She shakes her head and folds her arms, and I know that look – the one that means business. “Men look at you as if they want to own you. There’s a hunger in their eyes that has nothing to do with the food you order. They are attracted to you and don’t know how to deal with it. You know, if only one man looked at me in that way, I would unravel like a ball of wool. It’s just not fair, some women have it all.”

“Says the girl who has a new date every week.”

She grins and shakes her head. “That’s true, but none of them ever throw me that look. It’s why there’s a different one every week because I’m still looking.”

“What about the guy who played tennis?”

“What, the pro at the club in town?”

“Yes, if I remember rightly, he was the one. You know, Tom, Tom, he’s the one.”

Heidi grins. “He was the one until I discovered I was one of two, or was it three? You see my darling Lily; men are not to be trusted. They spin a tale they think you want to hear and reel you in. Then, when they’ve had their wicked way with you, they move onto the next one. No ties, no obligations, no worries. You, on the other hand, you could have it all if you wanted it but you don’t even realise the power you have. You are so weighed down with your issues you can’t see the wood for the trees.”

The waiter returns with our drinks and I almost can’t make eye contact with him. When I do, I feel a little faint as he stares at me with a kind of hunger in his eyes and for a little longer than necessary. Heidi is actually gloating as the smirk on her face reveals her point and I am so flustered I revert to the idiot inside me and say quickly, “Thank you,” and grasp the glass so quickly the contents splash all over the tablecloth and the stem of the glass breaks in my hand. The glass drops to the table and I’m so surprised I rock back on my seat and it gives out beneath me and ricochets across the room, leaving me lying on my back staring up into the horrified eyes of the waiter, while Heidi bursts out laughing.

Just for a moment, there is silence all around and then he appears to shake himself and spring to attention, offering me his hand to pull me to my feet. As I take hold, his hand closes around mine and I swear he rubs my thumb with his and gives it an extra squeeze. As soon as I’m on my feet, I snatch my hand away and glare at Heidi, who is filming the whole thing on her phone. “Stop that Heidi, I don’t want to see one frame of that on Facebook.”

I hear the gentle sound of laughter like a whisper in the breeze all around me and the waiter says with concern, “Are you ok? Would you like me to call an ambulance?”

Feeling my cheeks flame, I say weakly, “No thanks, I’m fine. Just the chair please, oh and maybe a screen, you know, the sort that will hide me away from the rest of civilisation while I work out how I got to be so clumsy.”

His lips twitch as he tries to disguise the laughter, and I shake my head. “I’m sorry about the wine glass, please add it to my bill.”

I watch as his eyes soften and he says, “I won’t hear of it. In fact, I will refresh your drink on the house, call it a birthday present from me to you.”

Once again, I feel uncomfortable as he throws me that look and I say quickly, “You are very kind. Anyway, the chair would be good when you’re ready.”

As he turns away, I say loudly, “Thank goodness that didn’t happen when I was out with um… Kevin, Heidi. I would never live it down.”

She shakes her head as I waffle on about the imaginary Kevin. “Yes, it’s our anniversary you know and I think he’s going to propose. Could you imagine if we lost the ring because of my clumsiness?”

Heidi shakes her head as the waiter retrieves my chair, looking a little disheartened. He makes sure I’m sitting and then heads off looking dejected and Heidi says crossly, “Why did you do that, he was nice?”

“Do what?”

“Do everything you could to put him off with imaginary Kevin. You know, Lily, one day you will actually have to leave your imaginary boyfriend in the past and grab yourself a real one. It won’t be difficult, as I said, you appear to be some kind of man magnet.”

Gloomily, I reach for the water and as I take a sip of the cool liquid, it brings me to my senses. I’m such an idiot. I don’t know what I’m so scared of, really. Maybe it’s because my last boyfriend turned out to be married with children. Maybe it’s because the one before him had a possessive streak and used to turn up at the office and stand across the road until I came out, then insisted on walking me to the station even though he was going in the opposite direction. I’ve never been lucky in love, which is why I’m happy to concentrate on my career, it’s for the best, for me, anyway.

More red wine arrives, and this time the waiter is silent. Once he’s gone, Heidi draws out a brightly wrapped package and thrusts it towards me. “Happy birthday, I’ve got you a present.”

I stare at her in surprise and feel a lump in my throat. “A present – for me. That’s so kind of you.”

Taking the small package in my hand, I feel like a kid again as she says softly, “What else did you get?”


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