Home > Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(62)

Bane's Heart (A World Beyond #9)(62)
Author: Michelle Howard

This reminded her too closely of the times Lothar locked her in the punishment rooms to have her disciplined. “I’m scared, Bane.”

It killed her to make the confession but her breath was speeding up and growing choppy. He pressed something into her hand and she realized it was the knife he’d brought with them.

“The only way to free us is to cut through the silk. If you do that it destroys the bed and the bond is broken. It would take two more years to build another.”

Violent painful memories attempted to intrude, but she gritted her teeth and reminded herself she was with Bane. “I’m fine. I can handle it.”

“Do you remember me saying the female controls sex sharing by trusting that the male won’t harm her?

Teeth chattering, she could only nod.

“This is the same. You have to trust that my silk is safe. As soon as you accept, it will release us.” He dragged her hand to his chest, where his heart thudded against her palm. “I’m right here, Mischka. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Trust. This is about trust.” She stared into the dark and fought to slow the rapid rat-a-tat of her heart. He’d built this bed over a two year period with thoughts of the one he would spend his life with. It was overwhelming and a gift she’d never expected. She forced her free hand to release the death clench on the knife.

“I trust you, Mischka. There’s only you for me.”

“Are you sure about this, Bane? What if there’s someone else?” Someone better was what she really wanted to say.

“Mischka, I love you.”

Surprise sent a shudder rocking through her body as he made the declaration. Everything in her froze. The skin on her face tightened as she worked her head up beneath his chin but couldn’t see him. With a trembling hand, she touched his mouth. “Say it again.”

His tongue flicked out to tease but he didn’t hesitate. “I love you, Mischka. You are mine.”

The silk around them contracted again, startling a yelp from her. It didn’t take away from hearing the words she’d longed for. Bane loved her. She would stay in this dark remembrance of her worst nightmare to be with him no matter how long. “I’m not going to let you cut this. I can do it because I trust you as well, Bane.”

He squeezed her, the grip tight to the point of pain but Mischka didn’t complain.

“I love you, Mischka. I love you so much.”

A sliver of light crossed his face. Then the gap widened and slowly the edges of the bed unfurled, the vibrations gradually tapering off. Worried it hadn’t worked, she asked, “Can we try again? I won’t be scared now that I know what to expect.”


Nibbling her bottom lip, she begged, breaking a promise to herself because nothing else mattered. “Please! I can do it.”

“It’s already done, gariad. By Ceraton law you are mine and I am yours.” He sat up and faced her, taking her hand in his. “In a few months, I’d like you to choose me during Presentation so that we can be together by Enotian law as well.”

She could only stare. Bane rubbed her knuckles and his thumb caressed the wildly thumping pulse at her wrist. “If you’re still not getting it, I’m trying to say I’m never letting you go.”

She believed him finally. And it was then Mischka burst into tears.



Chapter 33


The crowd in the arena was at capacity. They couldn’t possibly fit any more people in the stands. They were cheering and screaming. For someone like her, it was a lot to take in, and Mischka wanted to run screaming back into the tunnel she’d come from and hide.



Mischka turned and saw Faye and the other Chosens waving frantically toward the side. She glanced around and realized the other women participating in the Presentation were racing toward the males lined throughout the arena space.

She rushed forward, bypassing shirtless males one after the other until she saw him. Larger then the other Enotians, his body glistened with the oil his maman had used to prepare him. He wore a black loitte with silver buttons that hung from his hips and emphasized the delicious row of muscles she’d licked last night as he worked to soothe her last minute jitters.

His maman had brought the beautifully worked leather over for his presentation, noting it had been worn by his papan. Turned on beyond belief, Mischka had attacked him in their specially created bed that night.

He smirked as she headed directly for him unconcerned about the desperate women laughing and running through the sand filled pit. Mischka stopped in front of him and ignored his muffled chuckle after witnessing her trip several women who attempted to cut her off and claim Bane. No one was taking him from her.

Pushing back the hood of the blue cloak all female attendees were given, she extended the gold amulet on the leather straps. They both pretended not to see her hands shaking. Bane dipped his head and it fell about his neck. Though it was a simple statement, she stumbled over the ritual words she’d practice. “Mischka Yensik chooses you.”

His slow smile warmed her middle. “And Bane Hardusho accepts.”

The rest of the choosing past in a blur. Her mind overflowing with wonder and amazement as he raised their hands together to the commissioning body, consisting of two older women and a man.


“Mischka Yensik has chosen and Bane Hardusho accepts.”

His friends and fellow Jutaks were screaming and cheering the loudest. A hesitant smile split Mischka’s lips. There were a few dark glares in the audience but she’d expected them. She was a Marenian after all but nothing in the law and rules prohibited her from participating and Bane had researched it extensively to make sure they wouldn’t have a problem.

As he escorted her from the sandy grounds, Mischka beamed and pride had her bursting with love for him. Standing with the Jutaks who’d come to show their love and support was the medic assistant Laila.

She leaned over the waist high barrier and hugged Mischka. “Congratulations.”

Laila had also been Chosen this day and was leaving the Jutak warriors to be with her Chosen in another city on Enotia.

After speaking with Dr. Maku to get his approval and agreement, Torkel had asked if Mischka was interested in the role of medic assistant because it was certain Laila would be successful during Presentation. While the offer caught her off-guard, Mischka was humbled. It was more than she could have hoped for and revealed a level of trust Mischka knew was given based solely on Bane’s love for her.

She would prove her worth. They wouldn’t regret it. She faced Bane and he leaned in her direction, breaking off his conversation with his teammates to kiss the top of her head.

“I love you.”

Fingers entwined with hers, Bane lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. “I love you, gariad.”

All was right in her world.


Finally having Mischka as his Chosen completed Bane in a way he couldn’t describe. Thanks to Torkel’s advocacy on her behalf, she would now be working as a medic assistant at their base. He knew the work she did on CV-8 had meant a lot to her and now she could continue.

Convincing the governing council to allow her to stay on Enotia had been much harder. Torkel had been fierce in his defense of Mischka, using everything at his disposal to help. His papan, Marlin, and Commander Vorik had stepped forward to lend their weight and Mischka had been given asylum. Her crimes were excused as self-defense while under Lothar’s control.

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