Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(22)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(22)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

A movement toward their clubhouse catches our attention. Torch is moving silently between each bike parked off to the side next to an old barn. I’m not sure what he’s up to, but I know it’s going to be huge. “Come on, let’s move and end these motherfuckers,” I say pulling out my gun and knife.

Trigger, Red, Derange, Tiny and Capone all get ready for battle. Capone leads us to the back of their clubhouse, sticking to the shadows. Trigger, Tiny and Red head off to the left. Capone, Derange and I head to the opposite side. One guard walks our way. Once he reaches the end of the porch, I leave my spot against the house, come up behind him and sink my blade into his throat, dragging his flaying body to the side of the clubhouse.

“Welcome to hell, motherfucker.” The guard gurgles with blood trailing past his lips and onto his cut. He takes his last breath and slumps to the ground.

“Clear,” I whisper to Capone and whistle to let the other guys know.

I wait for a beat and the whistle is returned. Trigger, Tiny and Red eliminated the other guard. We all meet in front of the clubhouse, staying low. Hiding behind a couple of trucks, we wait for Torch to do his work. He comes running toward us with a grin on his face. Once he reaches us an explosion rings out. All the Blood Scorpions’ bikes are up in flames. If that doesn’t draw these assholes out, nothing will.

As the fire burns, we wait. A few minutes later, the clubhouse door flies open and their men come running out yelling and screaming. Some are half-naked carrying fire extinguishers, others are naked. None of them are armed.

“It’s show time. Let’s show these assholes why you don’t fuck with the Royal Bastards.” Capone shouts.

I fire into the crowd, hitting a few. One tries to sneak back in and I put a bullet in his brain. We open fire on the unsuspecting MC killing everyone in sight. Bodies are falling in rapid succession. One after another, after another. Each member of the Bloody Scorpions are laying in a heap on the ground. Their blood soaking the earth. They’ve been eliminated but a gut feeling is telling me this was too easy. The weirdest part is that there was no screaming from inside from the rest of the partiers. There should’ve been some innocents.

“We did it. They’re done.” Tiny shouts.

“Let’s get out of here before the fire department shows up.” Torch suggests.

“Wait.” Capone raises a hand stopping their celebration. “Something isn’t right. We need to check out the clubhouse. Clear it before we go.”

“Lead the way, Prez.” I agree.

Capone heads to the front of the house and steps over a body. I follow close behind and take in the wreckage we left behind. Bodies are scattered everywhere, smoke from the bikes lingering in the air. Capone reaches the front door and kicks the flimsy wood. It gives way on the first try and flies open, banging against the side of the house. He goes in first, gun drawn. I follow.

Looking around the Bloody Scorpions clubhouse, bile rises in my throat. The first thing that hits me is the smell. It smells just like the basement that the girls were kept in. These nasty fuckers obviously don’t know how to clean. In front of me is the common room with old furniture scattered all around. Metal cages big enough for a girl to be in are suspended from the ceiling, empty.

To my left is the bar and kitchen. Red and Tiny head that way, clearing those rooms in the back. There’s a set of stairs to my right that go up to the rooms. Torch and Derange head that way. Trigger sticks with Capone and me as we carefully walk past the common room and the swinging cages. I cover my mouth with my gloved hand, trying to stop the smell from making me nauseous.

Capone enters a room in the back and points to a door. I grab the handle and twist, pushing it open. It’s another basement and the smell is worse this way.

“What the fuck is wrong with these people?” I flip on a light switch and the stairs light up with dim bulbs. I lead the way down the rickety old staircase. Each step creaks under my weight. Once I reach the bottom, I turn left. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

Capone steps up next to me, looking around. “Thank fuck each of those sick assholes are dead.”

“What do we do now?” Trigger asks.

“Burn the bitch down. There’s nothing we can do for them.” Capone turns and heads back up the stairs. “Check the bodies. Just to make sure.” He disappears up the stairs leaving Trigger and me.

“This is some sick shit.” Trigger says.

We walk deeper into the basement. Against the outside wall are dead girls chained to it. There is a metal chair sitting in the middle of the concrete floor over a drain. Fresh blood coats the concrete. I put my finger against the first girl’s neck to check for a pulse. She’s cold to the touch. I move onto the next and Trigger does the same. Silently, we check each girl. The hope of finding one alive is waning with each dead body I come across. There are at least ten girls down here chained to the wall, dead. When I reach the last girl toward the back of the basement, my stomach decides to revolt. I put my hands on my legs and lean over, throwing up everything in my stomach. This girl couldn’t have been older than fifteen. Her body’s still warm to the touch, but she has no pulse. Her lifeless eyes stare right at me. I lose it.

“Son of a bitch,” I growl and punch the wall. Tears are welling in my eyes and I wipe them away, breathing erratically. Rage is burning through my body at the sight of all these innocent girls, dead. I want to bring all these motherfuckers back from the dead and kill them all over again.

Trigger approaches me, “I know, brother. But the best thing we can do now is let them rest in peace. Help me unhook them.” Together we unchain each girl and lay their lifeless bodies side by side. I close each girls’ eyes and say a prayer that their souls rest in peace. Once we’re done, Trigger and I stand side by side. I wipe the tears from my eyes and say a final prayer.

“Let your spirit carry on into the afterlife. Let your loved ones know you aren’t suffering anymore. An evil brought you down here, but light set you free. Rest in peace, angels. And watch over each other. Amen.”

“Amen.” Trigger echoes.

We walk up the basement stairs with a slump in our shoulders, defeated. I turn off the light and close the door. Capone is pacing back and forth in the living room. He looks up when we enter.


“Aye, Prez. Done.” I respond walking out of the clubhouse. The fresh air hits me in the face and I breathe for the first time since entering that place. I sit down on the steps and wait for them to finish inside. All I want to do is head home to Monica. Let her soothe the anguish resting on my shoulders. Let her heal the carnage and heartache on my soul. I pull out my phone and send her a text.

Blayze: IDK if UR up but I’ll be home soon. I need you.

The little bubbles appear and disappear a couple of times before a response comes through.

Bug: I’ll be here. I need you too.

Capone comes out of the house and sits down next to me, lighting up a cigarette. He offers me one and I accept. “Torch will be done soon. Once he finishes, this place never existed.”

“What are we going to do about the other thing?” I ask.

“We’ll deal with that tomorrow. Right now, all I want to do is go home and forget, even if it’s for just a little while.” Capone’s way of forgetting is to be balls deep in some club pussy.

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