Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(23)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(23)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

“Aye, me too Prez. I want to forget this night ever happened.” I inhale my cigarette and exhale the smoke through my nose. “What about these bodies?” I point to the men scattered across the yard.

“Cleaning crew will be here in about ten minutes. Once they dispose of the Bloody Scorpions, they have instructions on how to light this place up. Torch is one crafty motherfucker.”

Torch, Trigger, Red and Tiny exit the clubhouse and shut the door. Torch disappears around the back for a couple of minutes and returns.

“Ready, Prez.”

“Let’s roll. Head back to the clubhouse.” Silently we walk back to our bikes. Everyone lost in their own thoughts. Even though we brought down a huge trafficking ring, something still feels off. Something isn’t right. And until we get to the bottom of what Chains had on him, this will never end.



Chapter 11



It’s been an hour since I’ve come back to the clubhouse and cried myself to exhaustion. The tears finally quit falling but there’s a sharp pain in my chest. I rub my hand over my heart trying to ease the torture of each beat. I can’t believe I did this. This is all on me. I should’ve left Daisy here. I should’ve never let her come with me. If I did, then she wouldn’t be where she is now. It’s all my fault. Every drop of Daisy’s blood is on my hands. I slam my fists on the bar where I’m sitting and release a quiet scream. Everything is my fault.

“God damn it.” More tears trail down my cheeks. I don’t think they’ll ever stop.

The only ones here at the clubhouse are a few prospects, some club whores, Dagger, Danyella and the little girl who was with her and Daisy. Krimson and her crew stuck around waiting for Capone and Blayze to return. A man named Rush, a Latino woman named Hotflash, Redline, Quickshift and Noah. Then Krimson’s boyfriend Nolan and his team. Ashton Iverson, Duane Harris, Keanu Marks and Anthony Ramirez. His team is made up of retired military men who’ve served their time and got out. They’re scattered about the common room, drinking or staring off into space. Danyella took the little girl to her room we kept for her when we got here and I haven’t seen them since. Dagger and a prospect have been with Daisy trying to keep her alive. A silence descends upon us. It’s like they know the pain on my heart and the torture in my soul. No one’s talked to me since we first arrived and I don’t blame them. I’ve lashed out and snapped at anyone who’s tried.

I slam my hands on the bar top and stand up. I can’t sit here any longer. I have to do something. I have to release this pent-up rage brewing under my skin. Krimson watches me with concern in her honey-colored eyes and I’m sick of the pitying looks. I know it’s my fault Daisy is where she is. I know.

“What?” I snap. I don’t give a shit if she’s some badass chick with a hot as fuck guy with her. I don’t care if she’s taken down the biggest motherfucker in the racing circuit. This is my home, my club. I’ll do and say whatever the fuck I want.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Krimson asks. She’s being nice and I’m being a raging bitch.

I exhale a deep breath, composing myself. “No, I don’t. I already know it’s my fault.”

“Did you shoot her?” Krimson looks at me patiently.

I stare at her and blink a couple of times. “What?”

“Are you responsible for firing the gun that shot her?”

“No.” I cross my arms over my chest. “But I’m responsible for putting her in danger.” I’m getting pissed.

“That’s not what I asked. Did. You. Shoot. Her?” The punctuation of each word is grating on my nerves.

“No, I didn’t shoot her,” I growl, shaking my head.

“Then you’re not responsible.” Krimson rests her hands on my shoulders. “Look, I know you don’t know me very well and I don’t know you. But trust me when I say this isn’t your fault. You’re not the one who pulled the trigger. You’re not the one who shot her.”

“But I brought her with me. If I left her here…” I trail off composing myself so I don’t cry again.

Krimson interrupts me before I can finish. “If you left her here, you wouldn’t have known where to go. Danyella and that little girl would still be locked away in that basement or sold already. You didn’t make her go. She wanted to go and help. This isn’t your fault. Once you get past the blame game, you’ll see that.” Krimson’s soft voice rings in my head. She thinks this isn’t my fault. But she doesn’t understand. It is my fault. “No, Monica. It’s not your fault.” She looks at Nolan and he gives her a slight nod. “Walk with me?”

“Fine,” I motion toward the back of the clubhouse. We walk together out the back door. It’s safe back here. None of the club members are around and no one can get past our security to get in. We walk the length of the driveway lit up with floodlights. Once we reach the end, we turn and walk back. The nighttime sounds of crickets and owls can be heard over our footsteps. The warm wind whips around us, cocooning me with its heat.

Krimson wrings her hands together. “When I was a teenager, my family was taken from me in a tragic accident. For years I blamed myself. We were at a race in Palisades Del Ray. My father was on the dirt track winning the race. Rush and I were at the back of the crowd in a heated argument over who hurt him earlier that week when an explosion rang out.” Krimson stares off into space like she’s remembering that night. “When I realized what happened, I tried to get to the scene. Rush was holding me back. I broke free and what I saw next changed my life. My father’s car was burning with him inside. The debris from the explosion landed in the crowd killing my mother and little brother. For years I blamed myself for living when they died.” She inhales through her nose and closes her eyes. “I still smell the racing fuel and blood that hung heavily in the air.”

“That’s terrible, but how is it your fault? You didn’t cause the accident.” Realization dawns on me. “You’re a sneaky bitch.”

Krimson opens her eyes and smiles. “And once I stopped blaming myself, I discovered that it wasn’t an accident. My dad’s business partner wanted him dead so he could take over his territory. Only thing is, he didn’t expect me to come back and when I did, I ended his life.” The look in her eyes would make anyone tremble with fear. Now I see why they call her Krimson. “Then, I discovered my brother who I thought was dead, well, he wasn’t. They took him and kept him from me all those years. He’s still alive.”

“Where is he now? Does he blame you? Do you talk to him?” I rapid fire questions not giving her a chance to answer.

“At first he blamed me for leaving him with them. But now? Now we’re in a good place. His anger is directed at the dead man who tore our family apart. We talk every day. He’s currently going through his own shit, trying to deal with being back in our circuit. But that’s his story to tell. He was such a vibrant little boy when they took him away from me. He had the world by the balls.” Krimson stops talking and silence descends upon us. It’s awkward but manageable. I want to ask more, but the buzz of the security gate breaks the silence. Krimson and I hurry to the edge of the clubhouse to see who’s coming in.

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