Home > Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(26)

Blayze's Inferno (Royal Bastards MC)(26)
Author: J. Lynn Lombard

“Monica, we’re done. Where do you want all this food?” One prospect asks me.

“Let’s set it up buffet style out in the common room on the bar. That way, the girls can eat as much as they want. I’ll help.” I hop down from the stool and another wave of dizziness washes over me. My ears ring and sweat beads on my brow. I shake it off and carry the dishes of food out. Once we have everything brought out and set up, Danyella tells the girls to come eat. I stand behind the bar watching everyone and eating some food of my own. Maybe it’ll help with the dizziness. Some girls are relaxed and eating, laughing and joking around. Others are sitting quietly eating with their heads down. My guess is the girls who are the quietest have been there the longest. They’ve been brainwashed and they will be the hardest to integrate back into the real world. I wish there was something I could do to help them. To show them that even though evil does exist out there, good does too and it is possible to overcome the abuse they’ve endured.

My stomach rolls, threatening to bring everything back up I just ate. What the hell is wrong with me? I set my plate of mostly untouched food down and hurry into mine and Xander’s room closing the door and locking it behind me. I need a minute to catch my bearing and let whatever’s wrong with me pass.

I head into the bathroom and lean over the toilet. My stomach clenches and sweat beads on my forehead. After a few minutes nothing comes up and I feel a little better. With strength I didn’t know I needed, I rise to my feet and stumble into the bedroom. My vision blurs and my heart is pounding hard against my chest. I think I need to lie down for a little while.

I fall onto the mattress. My arms and legs are numb. Footsteps outside the door has fear racing through my system. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Someone’s waiting on the other side of the door. I try to get my phone, but I can’t move. I’m paralyzed.

The lock turns and the door opens slowly. Soft footsteps enter the room and the scent of lavender fills my nose. Panic sets in, I can’t defend myself. I’m spiraling back to the past when Steam and Chains tortured me. Visions of that night send my heart into overdrive and I’m powerless to stop them.

“She’s ready.” I hear a female voice say before everything goes black.



Chapter 12



With the howl of my tires on the pavement and the wind whipping through my helmet, Capone and I ride back to the clubhouse with our brothers right behind us. It was a successful night. We saved the girls and took down our rival club. It was pretty easy and that part worries me. My gut is telling me something isn’t right. I crank the throttle, catching up to Capone. He looks over at me. His dark eyes are portraying what I’m feeling. He knows it was too easy. Capone signals with his left hand and we all pick up our speed. The tires of each bike eating up the distance between us and the clubhouse.

We reach the clubhouse in record time. Capone stops in front of the gate waiting for someone to let us in. Our bikes idling in the quiet night. The gate buzzes and rolls open. One by one we ride inside and head to the garage. The vans are still parked outside the entrance door. Krimson and her crew’s cars are in the parking lot along with the Dodge Challenger Monica took. The garage door rolls up and we file inside. I park my bike next to Capone’s and turn the key killing the motor. I remove my helmet, climb off my bike and head towards the common room, not waiting for anyone else. I want to see my girl and know she’s OK. My boots echo down the marble corridor at a fast pace as the fluorescent lights kick on lighting up the path. My brothers will catch up eventually. Right now, my mind is set on getting to my girl.

I enter the common room and look around. There’s a buffet style of food set up at the bar. Derange and a couple of prospects are standing next to it. Krimson and her crew are gathered near the pool tables talking in hushed tones. The girls we rescued are sitting anywhere they can, eating. Some are laughing and joking. Others are quiet with their heads down. I’m not seeing Monica. Danyella spots me standing in the doorway. A smile lights up her precious face. A face I never thought I’d see again. She sets her plate down and hurries over to me.

“Xander,” Danyella hugs me tight. “Thank you for not giving up.”

I return her embrace, “I’d never give up on my little sister. How are you holding up?”

“I’m OK. It’ll take some time to adjust, but I think I’ll be fine.” She releases her hold on me and turns toward the others. “Some of them will be good, but I’m worried about a few. They were there the longest.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to help them. You’ve always had a big heart.” I put my hands on her shoulders giving them a little squeeze. “Listen, I want to talk to you, but I need to see Monica. Do you know where she is?”

“Are you two finally a thing now?” Danyella asks raising an eyebrow.

“More than that. Have you seen her?” I smirk.

“It’s about damn time.” Danyella grins. “She was standing by the bar and then headed toward the bedrooms. My guess is she needed a break. She’s been doing a lot and didn’t look too good.”

“Thanks.” I kiss the top of Danyella’s head and walk quickly toward my bedroom, not waiting for a response. I reach our bedroom door and twist the doorknob. The door swings open. Something isn’t right. Monica would have locked the door behind her. She never enters a room without locking the door. It makes her feel safe since the attack.

I step inside and flip on the light switch. “Monica?” I shout into the room. No answer. “Monica?” I say again. Still no answer. I unholster my gun, looking around. The bed has an imprint on it where someone was laying down. Nothing else is out of place. I quietly walk into the bathroom. Nothing. I check the closet. Nothing. I look under the bed. Nothing.

Standing up, a light breeze flirts over my skin. The sheer curtains covering the window billow softly in the wind. Son of a bitch.

I hurry back to the common room with quick strides. Someone fucking took my girl, again.

“Capone!” I shout. All talking ceases as every set of eyes in the room land on me. You could hear a pin drop. “Capone!”

“Blayze, what’s wrong?” Capone approaches me with his hands up.

“She’s gone. She’s fucking gone!” I’m a mess of emotions. The monster I’ve hidden away comes barreling back with a vengeance.

“OK, talk to me brother. Who’s gone?” Capone doesn’t raise his voice. He keeps it low and gentle like he’s taming a wild animal.

“Monica. She’s gone. Someone took her.” My eyes scan the room, looking to see who’s listening and who’s guilty.

My brothers are surrounding us, making it impossible to see everyone. My chest is heaving with pent up rage and I’m about to explode.

“Church now!” Capone demands. He walks quickly into our sanctuary, I’m right behind him hot on his heels. Once the door clicks shut Capone slams the gavel onto the table with force. I’m surprised it didn’t split in half. “What the fuck is going on?”

I’m too agitated to sit so I pace back and forth behind my chair. Running my hands through my hair, I yank on the ends trying to compose myself. “Danyella told me she saw Monica head into our room. She said Monica didn’t look too good. So, I went there. She’s gone, Capone. The window was open and she’s not there. Someone took her.”

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