Home > Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(19)

Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(19)
Author: DL Gallie

My mouth drops open at her response. She stands up and storms toward me, walking just fine on her ankle. She stops in front of me, breathing heavily. She sweetly smiles at me. “Don’t get too comfy with your doctor.”

“Why not?”

“There’s no way you’ll keep a stud muffin like him.” She pokes me in the chest. “Dud and stud don’t go together. This isn’t one of those romance drivels you read. Avie, this is real life and no one gets a happily ever after.” Her eyes glisten as she says this last part. “I’m going to my room to rest.” She turns and walks away from me. Before she heads down the hall, she adds, “Clean up this place once you’ve pull your head out of your loved-up, skinny ass and remember what I said, it’s not gonna last.”



To say I’m shocked at what she just said to me is an understatement. I’m left standing in the living room, stunned and hurt by what just went down between the two of us. Baylor and I are different people, each to our own, but we’ve always been kind to one another. Just now, she was brutal and harsh; we’ve never been nasty like this before. She and I may be twins but apart from sharing a womb and kinda sorta looking like each other, right now, we share no other traits. She’s become selfish and pushes the boundaries. Lately she expects everything to be done for her; which usually happens because she manipulates people, me included, to get her way or what she wants. She and I have become polar opposites on every level and even though she just tore me a new one, I still love her. Something is up with her at the moment but she won’t let me in. She’s being harsh and pushing me away to protect herself but I refuse to give up on her. She’s my twinsie and I want the best for my sister. There is one thing though, I’m going to prove her wrong when it comes to Flynn. He and I will work out…I hope.

I’ve just climbed into bed and I’m shattered, today was tiring; emotionally and physically. My morning started out amazing, more than amazing and after ten minutes with Bay, it all went to shit. The only good thing to come from the angst filled afternoon; our apartment is now spotless. At least she can’t gripe about that anymore.

From the moment I stepped through the door, nothing I did was right and she berated me at every chance. I would have preferred if she’d given me the cold shoulder, like she used to when we were little and she was in a mood. Actually, I wish she was like she was when we were little, I want my BayBay back.

My phone vibrates with a message. Picking it up, I smile when I see it’s from Flynn.

FLYNN: Nite, gorgeous. Just got to the hospital for my shift but wanted to touch base before I got started. Miss you and can’t wait to see you soon



A smile breaks free as I read his words. With one message he made all the shit disappear.

AVERY: That was just what I need. Hope you have a great shift Xo

FLYNN: Why so glum?



My fingers hover over the keyboard, I don’t know if I want to bother him with my Bay issue, so I err on the side of caution with my reply.

AVERY: Not glum. Just tired and missing you. Some fiend last night kept me up for hours and hours with multiple orgasms and a marathon sex session.

FLYNN: Sounds like a wonderful nite to me.

FLYNN: We should do it again.

FLYNN: Soon.

AVERY: That can be arranged. **wink**

FLYNN: When and where? I’ll be there. **wink wink**

AVERY: Ummm….Let me cook you dinner Tuesday night.

FLYNN: What’s for dessert? **wink wink wink**

AVERY: Me **wink wink wink wink**

FLYNN: We need to stop this. I’m sporting a major woodie right now and I have a 12-hour ER shift ahead of me. It’s not off to a good start.

AVERY: It will be hard **pun intended** but you’ll be fine. Nite Flynn

FLYNN: You are going to be the death of me, Avery Evans. Nite Ave lass



With a smile on my face, I happily drift off to sleep and dream sexy things about Flynn and me. Waking early, I decide to head to Western General to surprise Flynn with breakfast. On my way to the hospital, I stop at Starbucks and grab two coffees and some pastries. Parking my car, I climb out and balance the pastries, coffees, and my handbag and head toward the ER. Someone yells out what I think was Baylor, looking around I can’t see anyone so I keep walking, and then I hear that same voice yell, “Fine, be a bitch then.” Looking around I still can’t see anyone so I turn back around and keep walking.

Stepping inside, I look around, the waiting room is empty. As I’m looking around, the hairs on my neck stand on end and I feel Flynn before I see him. Looking up, he stops midstep when he sees me. His face is void of emotion and I begin to think I made a mistake in coming here, but then the biggest smile graces his gorgeous tired face. “Ave lass, what are you doing here?”

Hearing him call me Ave lass does things to me I’ve never felt before. I don’t know whether it’s his accent or just him, but whatever it is, my body comes alive being in his presence. As we walk toward each other, I find myself grinning and giddy with excitement. “Morning, Doctor,” I purr, yes, I actually purr. “I thought you’d like coffee and pastries after a long HARD shift.” Placing emphasis on the word hard, I smirk at him.

“I’m addicted to you, as much as you are addicted to the liquid in that cup you are holding.”

“So not much then?” I playfully tease.

He shakes his head as he wraps one arm around my waist, pulling me into him. He places a kiss on my temple and my panties immediately dampen when his lips connect with my skin. A moan breaks free and when Flynn stares at me, he knows exactly what I’m feeling. “You, my little minx, are a devil.” He lowers his voice and whispers, “I cannot wait to get you naked and fuck the sass out of you.”

Winking, I quietly murmur, “You can try as much as you like—” The moment is interrupted when the doors to the ER slam open and a man frantically rushes in, a young boy in his arms.

“Help, I need help!” he screams.

Flynn immediately races over to the man and goes into doctor mode. I’m frozen on the spot. The once quiet ER is now swarming with the family of the child. A nurse arrives with a gurney and then Flynn and the nurse take the child from the man and place his tiny little body onto the bed and whisk him away, with his parents close on their heels.

I’m a quivering mess watching the scene before me play out. How Flynn does this on a daily basis is beyond me. Taking a seat in the ER, I decide to wait for him, since I don’t have anything better to do on this Sunday morning.









After handing the little boy and his care over to Preston, I let out a sigh. It's always tough dealing with kids, but today is a good day, as the kid will make a full recovery after a few days in hospital. Stepping back into the ER, a grin appears on my face when I look over and see Avery is still here. She’s sitting in the corner and chatting with an elderly gentleman. From my spot I watch them, she looks happy and carefree. Just seeing her so joyous warms me from the inside. The gentleman says something and it causes her to laugh, a deep belly laugh. Her giggle filters through the waiting room like music.

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