Home > Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(23)

Falling for Dr. Kelly A Falling novel(23)
Author: DL Gallie









I’ve just finished applying some lip gloss when there’s a knock at the front door. Looking at the clock on the wall, I see it’s still early and wonder who could be at our door at this time of the morning. Walking out of my room, I stop midstep when I see Bay walking to the door. She’s in a sheer negligee that leaves NOTHING to the imagination, and I notice she’s not limping or wearing her walking boot, seems she only wears it when it suits her. She opens the door and I see a smiling Flynn standing there. “Flynn, babe,” she singsongs, “what are you doing here?”

His eyes rake over her body and my blood boils. I shake my head and roll my eyes and then his eyes find mine and his grin morphs into a megawatt smile that lights up his face; and mine. Ignoring Bay and her shameless flirting, he says, “I’m here to pick up your gorgeous sister.”

“Awww, are you admitting I’m gorgeous?” He looks at Bay and scrunches his eyes in confusion. “You just said my sister is gorgeous. I’m her twin, therefore you think I’m gorgeous too, since we are two in the same.”

She thrusts her tits toward him but his eyes are locked on me. Ignoring her he says, “You may be her twin, but I only have eyes for Avery.” He steps around Bay and stalks over to me. “I only want her.” Wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me into him, and kisses my cheek hello.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, as I stare up at him.

“We have a breakfast date,” he matter-of-factly says, before he gently places his lips against mine for a sexy hello kiss that leaves me breathless. He pulls away and brushes a tendril of hair behind my ear. “Morning, beautiful.”

“Morning,” I manage to squeak out ‘cause I’m kinda stunned right now. “I didn’t realize we were doing breakfast this morning.”

“Surprise!” he says, tapping the tip of my nose. “Ready to go?”

Nodding my head, I see from the corner of my eye Bay is still standing in the doorway. She’s shooting daggers my way, she’s pissed at being passed over by Flynn; again. “Sure. Let me grab my purse and we can go.”

Grabbing my things, I link my fingers with his and we walk toward the door and Bay, who is still standing there. “Have a good day,” I say to Bay as we pass. We step through the door into the hallway. Bay slams the door behind us, the frame rattling from the force, and through the wood I hear her mumbling profanities, presumably toward me. That seems to be the only way she talks to me at the moment. I can’t do anything right when it comes to her right now. Something is definitely up with my twin, and normally we’d talk to one another about our worries and bounce ideas around to fix the problem. But for the last few weeks, even longer, she’s been pulling away and changing before my eyes.

Flynn squeezes my hand and I can’t help but smirk, for once a guy wants me and not her. I know it's petty to feel like this but I’m happy to win for once; score one for me. I play over the scene when he arrived in my head and my grin widens. Flynn ignored her advances and when he saw me, I became his sole focus. It was all about me and it felt pretty good to be the center of attention. I’m so happy right now, it’s not often I get one up on her, and Flynn just helped me achieve that.

Looking over at him, I squeeze his hand back. “Thank you for that.”

“Thanks for what?” he questions, his forehead scrunched in confusion.

“For ignoring her skanky, ho slutty, see-through nightie.” I pause, then add, “For being you.”

“Ave lass, I didn’t even see what she was wearing. Well, I did, don’t get me wrong.” I eyeball him but he is correct, he is a man after all, and they don’t always think with the right head. “I was surprised you’d wear something like that, but then you moved and my gaze gravitated over to you and from that moment, you were all I saw. Ave, when you are around, it’s you and only you I see. No one else enters my mind.”

My mouth drops open at his frank confession. “I feel exactly the same way when I’m around you. More often than not, I feel you before I see you.” He nods in agreement. “Now, let's go eat. I’m starving.”

“Well, I need to get you fuelled up because after breakfast, you are going to need lots of energy for what I have in mind.”

At his words, my clit begins to throb between my thighs and suddenly I’m not hungry for food. Flynn whisks me to Maggie’s, a small mom-and-pop diner just around the corner from my place. We each order pancakes, bacon, and coffee. After an amazing breakfast, we leave and I think we’ll be heading back to Flynn’s for some naked between the sheets fun, but he surprises me; again. Rather than heading back to his place, he heads to the The Morton Arboretum and drags me toward the Maze Garden. It’s an amazing one-acre, living hedge maze, and the maze changes with each season. “Ohh my God, Flynn, this place is amazing, I haven’t been here in forever The last time I was here was with Cress for Lexi’s fourth birthday.”

“I’ve never been. I’ve been past here many times and this morning I thought, today is the day. I’m happy to pop my maze cherry with you.”

“And I’m happy to pop your cherry.” Taking his hand in mine, we head toward the entrance. Flynn and I spend hours chasing each other through the maze. We get lost many times but we have an absolute blast together. We manage to find all seven of the plant rooms, something I’ve never done before. I cannot remember the last time I laughed this much. We finally make our way out of the maze; I was starting to think we’d be trapped in there forever. I’m sweating like a pig and I feel gross. We head into the Ginkgo Restaurant and Cafe and I take the water the he offers me. Twisting off the cap, I take a mouthful. “That was so much fun. Not what I thought would be happening today.”

“What did you think I had planned for today?”

My cheeks darken and I lower my head. Flynn places his finger under my chin. “What did you think, Ave?”

“I…ummm…ahh…I thought you were going to take me back to your place and you know—”

“You know what?” From the predatory look on his face, he knows exactly what I’m referring to.

“I thought we’d be naked and doing stuff, other fun stuff.”

“Why you, little minx you.” He places a kiss on the tip of my nose and gazes at me. He leans down and whispers, “Let’s get out of here and then we can definitely do that.” He nibbles my earlobe, gently sucking.

Swallowing deeply, my body quivers when I think about what’s going to happen as soon as we get back to his place. Then I remember I’m all sweaty and dirty and feel yucky. “Can I shower first? I’m all dirty and sweaty.”

“Lass, you will be even dirtier and sweatier when I’m done with you, but I guess we can always start in the shower and see where we end up from there.”

“I like the way you think, Dr. Kelly. Let’s go,” I say.

We head back to Flynn’s and he makes good on his promise to get me even more sweaty and dirty. Flynn ravishes my body from head to toe, repeatedly.

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