Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(136)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(136)
Author: E.C. Land

“I asked you a question, Kitten, you have until I count to three to start talking. One . . . Two . . .”

“I was upset.”

“You were upset.” I repeat.

“Th–they said something. I–I didn’t want to embarrass anyone more than I already had,” she murmurs.

“Embarrass who?” My gut twists and my anger rises, again.

Lifting her gaze for the first time to meet my gaze head-on she answers me with one I didn’t expect to come out of her mouth.




Chapter Five




I can barely breathe as I stare up into Shadow’s gorgeous eyes. Not just gorgeous, he’s absolutely magnificent. The brown in them is so dark they’re almost black right now and the way they seemed to blaze with a fire in them from the moment he stepped into my apartment. Yeah, so all in all Shadow is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.

I can sense he’s not just any type of man either. No, he’s dominant and his essence seems to command the room. Especially right now.

“Me?” he growls, eyes narrowing as he waits for me to answer him.

Instead of answering him, I cast my eyes back to the floor and nod my head.

“Luna, look at me,” he commands, closing the distance between the two of us and placing his hands on my hips.

Lifting my head back up to face him, I divert my gaze to look over his shoulder.

“I won’t tell you again, Luna,” he growls closing the little bit of space between us until my body is flush against his and I have no choice but to meet his gaze as he tilts his head down. “Tell me, why would you embarrass me?”

“Because I’m disgusting,” I murmur, softly. It takes everything in me to keep the tears from spilling from my eyes.

“Who told you this?” Shadow demands, his body tensing.

I shake my head in response, I don’t want to further humiliate myself. I’ve done enough of this tonight.

“Luna?” Since he stepped into the apartment that’s the sixth time he’s said my name. Not including the times he called me Kitten. Which I have to admit, I liked, like a lot.

“Swear, woman, if you do not start talking right this fuckin’ minute, I’m taking you to your room lifting that dress, exposing your ass, and spanking you into next week.” Oh God that did not just cause me to clench my legs together. “You’d like that wouldn’t you, Kitten. Maybe instead, I should tie your ass to the bed until you answered me,” he growls, the tone in his voice grows husky as his head dips closer to my own.

“Umm,” I murmur, licking my lips nervously.

“Fuck me, lick your lip again and I’ll bite it,” he growls.

“Umm.” My mind blanks of what I was going to say.

“You need to answer my fuckin’ question, Kitten, right fuckin’ now,” he commands, his hands tightening the grip he has on my hips.

Knowing I best explain, I nod my head and look down at Shadow’s chest. “They came in the bathroom laughing, I was about to open the door to wash my hands. At first, I didn’t realize who they were talking about until they mentioned me dancing with Victoria and Raven. And then how you were staring at me. I didn’t know you were. I–I was just having fun for once. I didn’t mean to embarrass anyone. Not you or my friends. It’s why I left. I didn’t want to cause any more problems than I’d already done. I . . .”

“Luna, stop right there. Don’t say another word,” Shadow demands, harshly, interrupting me before I could continue telling him everything.

Snapping my mouth shut, I peek up at him to find his eyes glittering with anger.


I’ve made him even madder than he already is.

Instead of laying into me like I thought Shadow was about to, he surprises me by grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me to my bedroom where he sits on the side of my bed and all but throws me over his lap.

“What . . .” I don’t get another word out before the bottom of my dress is at my waist and I jerk at the searing pain of Shadow’s palm landing against my ass. He does this again on my other cheek.

Shadow delivers several more heat spanks, never touching the same spot twice. Only when I was on the verge of Nirvana did he stop causing me to whimper in need.

Lifting me off his lap, Shadow strips the dress from my body and tosses me onto the bed.

“Shadow?” I whisper as I hold my hands over my breasts to cover myself.

“Quiet,” he demands, sharply, as he removes his belt.

Leaning over me, he grips both my wrists and wraps the belt around them. “Shad . . .”

“Told you to be quiet,” he snaps, pulling my arms over my head and looping the belt to my headboard.

Once he has me secured, Shadow jumps off the bed. Removing his cut, he places it on top of my dresser. His shirt follows, leaving him clad in only his jeans.

“Now it’s your turn to fuckin’ listen to me,” Shadow grumbles. “From now on when the two of us are alone you call me David. When I have you naked you only call me ‘Sir’. Am I understood?”

Since he hadn’t given me permission to speak, I merely nod my head.

“Good, now I’m going to give you three colors you need to remember. Kiwi for if there’s something you really like. Banana for something you’re uncomfortable with but not to the point I won’t try it again. Raspberry if it’s a no-go. Got me?”

Again, I nod my head.

“Good girl, Now repeat the colors,” he commands

“Kiwi for if there’s something I really like. Banana for something I’m uncomfortable with but not to the point I won’t try it again. Raspberry if it’s a no-go,” I murmur repeating him word for word.

“That’s a good girl. You, Kitten, are going to listen to me and listen good,” he mutters sitting down next to me on the bed, his fingers gliding across my stomach. “You fucked up tonight. From the time you moved here to start over, you fooled me into thinking you were just a boring, predictable woman who didn’t want nothing to do with anyone. Then tonight after whatever Raven told you, you Luna, showed me exactly what you were capable of. All that fire inside you wanting to be released. And now after the way you reacted to me in the living room. Submitting to me the way you did. I know what you need and I intend to give it to you. It’s been a long time since I’ve actually wanted a sub for my own. Honestly, don’t think I’ve ever truly had the desire to take one on as much as I do right now.”

Oh my God. He knows.

He doesn’t just know he just claimed me as his sub.

“Have you ever had a Dom, Luna?” he asks.

I shake my head, answering him honestly.

“Do you know the rules of the game?”

This time I nod in response.

“Good, now I’m going to go over my own rules,” he declares, his fingers trailing ever so slowly along my skin moving from the edge of my breast to just above my slit where I want to feel him most.

“From now on, unless I’m there to give you permission, you do not go to a club dressed the way you were tonight.”

See I knew I was an embarrassment.

“I don’t need every fuckers’, in the club, eyes on what’s mine. Second rule, you don’t dance the way you were tonight without me right there with you. You only do that in private. Too many dickheads were envisioning sinking their cocks into this,” Shadow states as he cups me between the apex of my thighs.

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