Home > Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(135)

Devil's Ride : A Dark MC Boxset(135)
Author: E.C. Land

“What’s up, Doll?” Stoney asks the moment Rachel was in reaching distance of him.

“Luna wasn’t in the bathroom,” she says.

“What?” I demand, becoming angry.

“You don’t think someone took her, do you?” Tinsley asks, moving to where Coyote was standing.

“I don’t know, Luce Mia. We’ll find out though,” he says cupping her cheek.

“I’m going to go find out what those bitches were talking about,” Victoria declares, her gaze focused on the direction of the bar. Turning my head to see who the fuck she’s staring daggers at.

“You talking about those three at the bar?” I ask Victoria, as I take in the three women who I’d ignored earlier when I’d gone up to the bar to grab a beer.

“Yep. Those are the ones who came out of the hallway earlier cackling like a bunch of hyenas as they looked at all of us,” she hisses.

“Let’s worry about that later and find out where Luna is.” Stoney’s voice warrants no room for argument.

“I’ll go speak with security,” Nerd states.

“I’ll come with you,” I grumble.

“We’ll go talk to the manager,” Tracker mutters, pulling Victoria against him.

“I’ll take Raven outside to see if maybe she’s out there.” Nodding at Blaze, I catch Stoney’s gaze for a moment. This shit could go sideways easily if she’d been taken again. Considering we’d given our word to her father that she was safe with us.

Now she’s missing and when I find out what happened to her, all hell will break loose. I don’t give a fuck who caused her to go missing.



“You got to be fuckin’ kidding me. How stupid could she be? Walking out the back exit the way she did,” I snarl as I watch the security feed with Nerd.

“Look at the expression on her face,” he growls, rewinding the footage again and pointing to the screen. “The feed’s somewhat grainy but you can definitely see she’s upset and the way she looks in the direction back to the main room to the back exit you can easily see she was contemplating coming back.”

“So, she fuckin’ left the club without telling a fuckin’ soul she left. Where the fuck did she go?” My lip curls into a sneer, I’m so fuckin’ pissed with her right now.

Luna’s one selfish bitch for leaving the club and not telling anyone she was leaving the way she did.

“According to the alert I just received, she’s home,” Nerd says pressing his fingers against his phone. “Oh fuck.” Color drains from his face as he stares down at the screen.

“What?” I demand.

“Brother, she’s not good,” he murmurs turning the phone for me to see.

Taking the device from him, I glance down and fuck if what I see doesn’t gut me. “I’m going over there. Don’t tell the girls what you just saw. I’ll deal with her. Just tell them she’s home,” I state, throwing his phone to him.

“Yeah, you finally gonna claim the girl,” Nerd chuckles.

I don’t respond to his jokes, instead, I flip the asshole off as I storm out of the office to the security room of the club. I stalk through the main room where people were still dancing having a good time, as I pass my Prez, I give him a chin lift while I head for the exit.

I’m not about to waste time explaining shit. Not with what I’d just seen on Nerd’s phone. No, I need to get out of here and to Luna’s.



Pulling into the apartment complex Luna lives in, I park my bike in the spot directly next to her car. Shutting my girl off, I climb off the back of her and storm toward the door. The entire way here, I tried to beat back the anger I’m still holding onto; however, the vision of Luna crying alone spurs it on. She never should have left the club.

Shit, the woman could have easily spoken with one of the ol’ ladies about what happened rather than left us all fuckin’ worried for nothing. Instead Luna pulls this stunt which has garnered her a punishment. One I’ll be handing her once I make sure she’s okay and find out what the fuck happened. Maybe if her reasons are good enough, I might lessen the amount of times she gets my hand against her ass.

Not really. Nothing warrants her leaving without letting anyone know. That shit doesn’t fly with me.

Storming up the stairs, I step in front of her door and pound my fist against the door, “Luna, open the fuck up,” I snarl.

“Go away,” she yells from the other side of the door.

“Swear to fuck, Luna, you open this door, or I’ll break it the fuck down. Now, open the fuck up,” I yell, pounding on the door once again.

“Go away, Shadow.” I hear her muffled voice through the barrier between us.

“Dude, keep it the hell down. If the lady doesn’t want to open the door then leave her be, man.” This comes from Luna’s neighbor, who decided to stick his head out the door and put his two cents in.

“Asshole, I suggest you step back into your fuckin’ apartment and leave me and my woman to deal with our shit without the audience of your ass watching,” I snarl at him and turn my attention back to the door. “Luna, open the door, I won’t tell you a-fuckin’-gain.” This time I hear the click of the locks as she unlocks the door.

A long frustrating moment later, Luna opens the door and I barrel through grabbing hold of her as I go. Using my foot, I kick the door closed as I twirl Luna in my arms.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Luna’s eyes widen and she rears back as I yell at her. “Kitten, you don’t flinch away from me. I’m not going to fuckin’ hurt you,” I growl, using a firm tone.

“W–Why are you here, Shadow?” she asks quietly, her gaze cast down to the floor.

Oh, fuck me she would be a fuckin’ superb sub for me.

Don’t even think about it.

Now’s not the time.

“You know why I’m here, and you fuckin’ know what you did. What I want is for you to fuckin’ tell me what the fuck you were thinking,” I snap.

“You say fuck a lot,” she mutters, her gaze still casted away for me.

“Excuse me?” I demand.

“Umm . . . you said fuck eleven times from the moment you hit my door with your fist.” Is this chick for real right now?

“Kitten, now is not the time for you to be fuckin’ cute with me,” I growl as I release my grip on her arms and turn toward the door to lock up. Seems tonight I’ll be showing Luna just what happens when you fuck up.

Eyeballing the locks, I’m surprised to see she has more than the normal person would.

“Fuck,” I mutter to myself.

“Thirteen,” she whispers.

Jesus fuckin’ H. Christ.

“Why are you counting how many times I use the word fuck?”

Instead of answering my question, Luna rolls her bottom lip between her teeth and clasps her hands together.

If I weren’t so fuckin’ pissed with her right now for leaving the club the way she did, I’d pull her into my arms and bite her bottom lip myself.

Shit, no one has ever caused me to lose control besides once and it was never sexually. Luna is definitely testing my patience.

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