Home > Grant's Flame (Shark's Edge #5)(32)

Grant's Flame (Shark's Edge #5)(32)

“Sometimes when you care about someone, the hardest thing you ever have to do is sit off to the side and watch them hurt—or even worse, to hurt themselves.”

He pushed out a meaningful breath. “Yeah. I understand that.”

“I know.” As I said it, he took my hand in his. I paused to smile. Such a small action, but the silent display of his support meant so much. Once again, I was infused with new courage to go on.

“But as we both know, a person has to be ready to see a problem for herself.” I smiled coyly in his direction while using that particular pronoun. “And until she’s at that place, she may be blind to what everyone can see. But then, one day, something clicks into place, and she moves into the light. The place where she realizes she needs help. But more than that…that she really wants it.”

I stared back at him over my shoulder for a couple beats, hoping like hell he was hearing what I was trying to say. I got my answer in the most perfect way, as he lifted our joined hands to his lips and kissed our knuckles where they came together.

“Whatever you need from me, baby, I’m here for you. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met by far. If anyone can rise to a challenge and conquer it, it’s you. I also know you’re not a quitter. So even if there is tough work ahead? You’ll do that too. I believe in you, Blaze.”

My voice faltered when I tried to speak, and I could actually feel my chin tremble. “Th-Thank you,” I finally managed to whimper. I turned fully and climbed onto him like a little bear cub. I just needed to be enveloped in the haven of this man’s arms. I was scared to death of what was wrong with me, and feeling Grant all around me would give me the comfort and strength I craved.

While I cried into the crook of his neck, Grant quietly rocked me in his lap. When I finally exhausted the very last tear and sniffle I could possibly produce, he leaned back to get a better look at me. After surveying the damage, he grinned that charming but devilish grin I had come to enjoy so much.

“Uh-oh.” I narrowed my watery gaze, waiting to see what had the man smirking.

“What, uh-oh?” he asked, affronted that I seemed suspicious. He did, however, produce a handkerchief from a pocket somewhere and handed me the convenient white linen cloth.

“Nice try, Twombley. Don’t forget, I know you as well as you know me, and that grin”—I stabbed my index finger toward his smug smile—“usually means trouble.” I sat forward on his lap but only moved about six inches before he stopped me and hauled me back against his chest.

Grant pressed a wet, lingering kiss just below my ear, and I shivered when the cool night air met the dampness on my skin. “Where do you think you’re going?” he growled against my flesh.

“I just figured you’d want to get up.”

“Oh, baby,” he groaned. “Can’t you feel it?” He ground his cock up into my ass as if answering his own question. “The only thing I’m interested in getting up?” He thrust his hips up into my bottom again before finishing his comment. “Already is. The question now is…what shall we do about it?”



Chapter Nine






Three days later, we were strolling through the palm-lined streets of Honolulu for the last time. Our port of call would soon be in our wake, and we’d be cruising home toward Los Angeles. Many boxes had been checked off the mental list of things I wanted to accomplish on this getaway, but a few essential items remained.

Each time I thought I finally had an opportunity to address one of the issues left unspoken, we were either interrupted by the crew, fell into bed in a tangle of lips, tongues, and naked body parts, or simply fell into bed from exhaustion. After Rio’s night of self-discovery on the bow of the boat, I started to suspect the brat was doing it on purpose just so she wouldn’t have to deal with more hard topics.

The woman blew my mind that night—even though I always knew she possessed the bravery to face her fears. Shit…most of the time, it felt like I believed in her more than she believed in herself. However, the stars aligned just right for her self-empowerment that night or some sort of cosmic dribble like that. The end result was what was worth celebrating. The cherry on top of the personal growth sundae? Rio came to all the conclusions on her own. Nothing was forced by me or anyone else.

Hearing her finally admit she needed professional help lightened my mood more than I thought possible. By the next morning, I was even ready to call Bas and Abbi and apologize for being such an irritable ass lately—until Rio saw the number I was dialing and snatched my phone from my hand and refused to give it back. Little did she know, sticking my device down her tiny sleep shorts didn’t provide much of a deterrent. More like a challenge I was ready and willing to accept.

And conquer with a victory flag flying at a very stiff full mast. Silly girl.

“What are you Mr. Smiles about?” Rio asked, bumping her shoulder into my side as we walked. I used the moment as an excuse to sling my arm around her shoulder and keep her body close as we ducked under the awning of a little jewelry shop.

“Just thinking about some of my favorite memories from this trip.” I made sure to capture her gaze before finishing. “I’m happy we got to spend this time together and away from LA.”

She tentatively rested her palm on my chest and smiled. “I am too. Thank you for risking so much to do this.”

It was such a tender moment for her. For us. None of her usual smart mouth comebacks or bitter comments to cover her discomfort with dealing with emotions. The public display of affection, however small it was, was an unexpected surprise too.

“I’d do it all again. In a heartbeat,” I said, my voice quieter now that we were inside the shop and away from the bustle of the touristy street. “So, what are you looking for in here?”

She turned a pair of earrings between her fingers a few times before setting them down and answering. “I wanted to bring something back for Hannah. Why don’t you find something for Reina?”

With a scrunched face, I decisively shook my head. “I’m not sure giving my executive assistant jewelry strikes the right tone.”

“I’m not suggesting a diamond ring, Grant. What’s wrong with a nice pair of earrings? Look how pretty these are.” She thrust a random pair in my direction, and I took them like an obedient shopping companion.

I barely glanced at the dangling disasters before setting them back on the counter. “I think I’ll stick to the nice-sized holiday bonus I give her every year. It works for us, so why upset the apple cart?”

Rio shrugged and carried two items toward the register, where a smiling local woman waited to help her. “Suit yourself. Let me just pay for these, and I’ll be ready.”

“Take your time. How does lunch sound?” I called out to her while I riffled through a rack of bathing suits. A little black two-piece caught my eye, and I wondered how much of a fuss the woman would kick up if I bought it for her.

Little crocheted triangles made up the skimpy top, and there wasn’t much more to the bottoms. Another saleswoman appeared by my side while Rio continued her animated conversation with the woman behind the register.

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