Home > Chocolate Chip Cookie Conundrum(27)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Conundrum(27)
Author: Addison Moore

I avert my eyes at that one. “I’d laugh if it were funny.” But it feels all too true.

“How about you, Noah?” Meghan isn’t done spreading the sunshine around. “You’ve basically lost the love of your life to this oaf, and what if the baby isn’t yours? Do you really want to process this on a stage in front of a live audience, not to mention all of Vermont?”

Carlotta howls with laughter from the other side of the room and momentarily steals our attention as we look to find her riding Mayor Nash’s back and spanking him as if spurring him on.

“Eh.” My sister shrugs. “I guess having two dads isn’t as bad comparatively, once you realize Carlotta is in the picture. Anyway, I’d better get going. I’ve got to get my beauty rest if I plan on being at that trial bright and early. I’m going to dash to that cute boutique down the street and see if I can’t pick up a little something to wear for the occasion. I hear that courthouse is flooded with handsome eligible men.” She looks up at me. “I’d ask you to introduce me to a couple of your friends, but I’m not interested in convicts just yet.” She gives my face a playful slap. “Don’t worry, big brother. I still believe in Santa, and I still believe in you.” She lands a kiss to my cheek. “Buckle up, boys. This is going to be a bumpy week.”

She takes off and I glower out the window a moment.

“When she’s right, she’s right,” I say.

Noah steps in front of me and corrupts my line of vision with that stony look on his face.

“I wouldn’t worry about the trial. You might be mentally playing devil’s advocate for the prosecution, but I’m not. Fiona is the self-proclaimed queen of self-doubt. And look on the bright side. You’ll finally be back in the courtroom tomorrow.”

“Don’t make me deck you.”

His dimples invert, no smile. “Fine. I’ll drop it. But I do think we should take a moment to process what will happen on that show next Friday. I think I’m going to bottle it up. If you’re her biological father, I’ll hold it together and congratulate you, leave early, and deal with it on my own. I think it’s wise we go in with a game plan. Your sister is right. Like it or not, it’s going to be a bumpy week and a hell of a bumpy ride.”

Lemon steps between us. “Hey? Everything okay?” She wraps her arms around me and nudges me because her antennae are up. For some reason, Lemon always seems to know when things are not okay. “Wait a minute. You’re talking about that woman again, aren’t you?” She sighs as she looks to Noah. “Did Everett tell you that I saw her again?”

“When?” There’s an edge of anger in his voice, and I can’t fault him for that one.

“The day of the taping, in the studio.” Lemon nods. “Noah, it was like looking in a mirror. But then, I wasn’t all that close. It could have been my mind playing tricks on me. I realize that plenty of people have my hair coloring and similar features, but still.” She shivers as she tightens her grip on me. “It really was like looking in a mirror.”

“Lot Lot!” Carlotta shouts from behind the counter. “Cluck Norris is getting hungry for cake. Let’s blow out that candle so I can shovel the good stuff into my face!”

“There is no candle,” she says to Noah and me. “I’d better pull out a cake or two.” She looks my way. “How about we propose a moratorium on bringing up that woman again until after this week is over? We have enough going on without worrying about her.” She hikes up on her tiptoes and lands a kiss to my cheek. “I don’t know how or when, but everything will work out.” She offers Noah a mournful smile before taking off for the back.

“Lottie saw that woman again?” Noah looks fit to kill. “You knew and you didn’t tell me?” He tips his head to the side as he studies me. “You know something. You know something about her.” He nods. “Did you sic the Morettis on her, too? You did, didn’t you? There’s nothing your money can’t buy. So who is she? Where is she?”

My lips twitch as I stare him down. “Didn’t I give you enough assignments for one week? I don’t have the answer to the universe, Noah. Track down Manny Moretti. Find out where he’s staying. Don’t change lanes. Besides, Lemon is right. Let’s not think about that woman right now. We’ve got a hell of a week ahead of us.”

Noah stares off vacantly and nods as if he were trying to process it all.

“We’ve got a lot on our plate.” He slaps me on the arm. “Come on, let’s go eat cake.”

We gather around Lyla Nell to celebrate her and I do my best to soak in the scene. I feast my eyes on Evie as she holds her new sister and then on Lemon as she embraces them both. My heart is so very full. The future has the potential to be so very bright.

Perfect family.

Perfect daughters.

Perfect wife.

A new home on the horizon to build new memories with this new family, and yet the shadow of that trial dampens the light.

I’ve done this to myself.

I went against my better judgment.

I should have put the brakes on everything that night.

Noah wraps his arms around Lemon and pulls her close, whispering into her ear as if they were very much a couple. They just might be yet.

In one week’s time I stand to lose everything.

And I have no one to blame but myself.






“I can’t believe she’s a month old already.” I press a kiss to Lyla Nell’s chubby little cheek as she blinks up at me and gives a happy gurgle. “Give me a smile, Lyla Nell. Just one. Right here at your party so everyone can see. Smile for Mommy.”

The bakery swirls with laughter, and just about everyone we know is enjoying a slice of the strawberry lemon cake I made in Lyla Nell’s honor. Lainey and Keelie are standing on either side of me like bookends while we gaze down at my sweet little angel as we celebrate her one-month milestone of life.

Lainey scoffs. “Lottie, even if she did smile, it would most likely be gas. She’ll smile when she’s ready. And if she’s anything like her cousin Josie—” She quickly plucks her sweet baby girl out of her husband’s arms. “Come here, cutie. Let’s let Daddy eat some cake.” She pecks her cute little blonde angel’s forehead with a kiss. “It took Josie forever to smile. But don’t worry, Lottie. Once Lyla Nell smiles, she won’t stop. And I hate to break it to you, but the first time she smiles she most likely won’t be looking at you. Josie smiled at her daddy for a week before she turned her lips in the right direction for me.”

Keelie chuckles. “That means you’ll have to wait two weeks, Lottie.”

“I’m not laughing.” I sag at the thought. “But if that means I get to see this pretty girl grin, I’d be happy with it.”

Carlotta bops over with a determined look on her face, and next to her is Cluck Norris surrounded with a nest of glittery gold stars over his head that almost looks like a crown.

“You know who is getting plucky, Lot Lot.” She hitches her head his way. “And since Sexy’s heading up the river this week, we should probably take his mind off things by tracking down whoever killed Randy Candy.”

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