Home > Lance BWWM, Plus Size, Cowboy, Pregnancy Of Convenience, Western, BBW, Billionaire Romance (Members From Money Season Tw(38)

Lance BWWM, Plus Size, Cowboy, Pregnancy Of Convenience, Western, BBW, Billionaire Romance (Members From Money Season Tw(38)
Author: Katie Dowe

“You can see her tomorrow or tonight.” He tilted her chin up. “Have I told you how much you've changed my life?”

“You might have mentioned something like that,” she murmured.

“You have.” His dark blue eyes glittered. “Before I met you, I was filled with feelings of revenge and anger. I resented the fact that my cousin gets to inherit that spread and everything that went with it and thought I was entitled to even half of it. I wanted him dead!” He stopped as her eyes widened. “That’s the path I was on, Rosie. I wanted to escape all the mess and just go somewhere and then you came along and suddenly it didn't matter one bit.” He shook his head, the lump in his throat getting bigger. “You came into my life and gave it purpose and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. Do you understand that?”

“I do,” she whispered achingly as she spread her hands over his chest. “You've done the same for me. My self-worth was nothing to write home about. I thought I wasn't good enough and that was why I kept getting involved with these men who would cheat on me. I thought it had to do with me and I accepted it—accepted them and the way they treated me. Then I met you and you showed me differently. I love you Mason, and cannot wait to be your wife.”

He pulled her roughly into his arms and held her tight. “How about that plan?”

“What plan?” she whispered against his chest.

“Making love in front of the hearth?”

“I'm all for it.”


“You're not fully dilated Amy. Your due date was two days ago but that isn't a big problem. We'll wait until the weekend.”

“And what happens if I don’t deliver by then?” Amy asked her.

“We'll have to induce labor.” Dr. Jacobs patted her hand reassuringly. “I'm sure the baby will cooperate before then. Everything's fine, except that I'll recommend you stay off your feet and stay in bed for the next couple of days. Your ankles are swollen—not a big concern but just to be safe.”

“Thanks for making the trip Margaret,” Lance told her.

“You're welcome. I will see you in a couple of days.”

“You don’t have to stay; I know you have work,” she murmured as he came and sat on the edge of the bed. It had been a week and a half since their wedding, and she hadn't been feeling so hot so he'd called the doctor.

“I'm worried about you.” He brushed back the hairs from her face. “I'm not going to be able to work because of it.”

“Rosemarie is here.” She gripped his wrist. “Stop hovering, you know I hate that. You'll have your phone on you and with the numerous servants you have here, I'll be fine. Go please, and let me chat with Rosemarie for a little bit.”

“Okay.” He kissed her on the lips. “You aren't to get out of bed unless it's to go and use the bathroom.”

“Yes mother,” she muttered. “Go.”

He hesitated a moment before getting off the bed and going to get his jacket. “I'll be calling in to check on you.”

“I know you will. Rosemarie is in the nursery, could you tell her to come in here?”

“I will. I love you.”

“I love you too.”


“Sal had a heart attack,” Lance said grimly as he strode into the room two days later, his clothes filthy from wrestling with getting the cattle out of the trenches. It had been raining for the past afternoon and flooding had been reported in several areas.

“I heard,” Amy said softly as she struggled to her feet. She'd been feeling weird since this morning, with the pain coming on and off. She was waiting until it was more than she could bear before she sounded the alarm and then she'd heard of Sal’s condition and how he'd been rushed to the hospital. “How is he?”

“Don’t get up,” he told her brusquely as he went into the bathroom. “He's awake. I'm heading there now.”

Ignoring his order for her not to get up, she did so slowly, biting her lip as the sharp pain took her breath away. She made her way slowly towards the bathroom and leaned against the door, watching as he placed his head on the tiles and let the water sluiced over his body. “Please don’t shut me out.”

He lifted his head and looked at her. “I'm not.” He closed his eyes. “It’s just that he scared me. One minute he was on the horse rounding up the cattle and the next minute he was sliding off and tumbling to the ground. I thought I'd lost him.”

“And you haven't. He's tough.”

“Yea he—“ His eyes narrowed as he stared at her. “What’s wrong?”

“I've been having pains—” She gasped and doubled over, her hands on her stomach. “Oh God Lance, I think the baby's coming!”

He turned off the faucet and flew out of the shower, grabbing a towel at the same time. “Breathe,” he told her softly. “I'm here baby, and please remind me to yell at you when all this is over.”

“I will.” She gripped his hand, walking slowly as he guided her into the room. “I don’t think I can make it to the hospital.” She stopped and took several deep breaths. “My water just broke.”


“Get me some towels!” Lance instructed as two maids ran into the bedroom. He'd managed to put some clothes on after he'd helped her to get on the bed and had called Dr. Jacobs. “Breathe baby, the doctor is two minutes away.” He used a wet cloth to wipe her forehead. “I'm hoping she brings something for the pain.” She breathed through her teeth, clutching his hand as another wave of pain hit her.

“She is.” The contractions were coming faster than he anticipated and he berated himself for not seeing the signs that she was in distress. “You're going to be having the baby right here.”

“I figured as much.” She gripped his hand as he made to move.

“I was just going for another pillow.”

“Please stay,” she whispered.

“Okay.” He wiped her forehead and wondered frantically where the doctor was. Suddenly the doors were pushed open and the doctor as well as a nurse came running in.

“I see your son decided to take you by surprise,” she said with a smile as she snapped on her gloves. “This is Nurse Karen, she's also a midwife and very experienced.”

“We're going to make you very comfortable Mrs. Billings,” The white-haired woman told her with a pleasant smile.

“Please call me Amy,” she said with a faint smile. “You're going to be seeing the most intimate part of me, so a first name is more than acceptable.”

“Okay Amy, you're going to need to work with us. Dr. Jacobs is going to give you something to ease the pain and we're going to get your son out as soon as possible.”

“Amen to that!” she said feelingly.


“I came as soon as I could. How is she?” Mason asked as he hurried into the living room where Rosemarie was seated with the rest of the staff as they waited to hear news.

“No word yet. Darling, how's Sal?” Rosemarie asked as she poured him a glass of lemonade that was residing on the table along with numerous sandwiches and pastries made by the chef. Ever since the news had reached them that Amy was having the baby, they'd been trekking in and out for the past two hours, anxious to hear the news. So, the living room was the central point to gather and wait and to refresh oneself while they waited. The mistress of the house was well loved by one and all and the idea that very soon there was going to be an addition to the family was was exciting.

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